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KobraKarl 01-17-2004 09:27 AM

Richard ,

Thanks for the nudge to veiw the brake thread....It was very interesting , I was champing at the bit ,as I read on about cooling .....and was wanting to jump in and point out the rotor is at the heater AND the cooler ..........but then you piped up and layed all that out ........
..........If I may speak for many of us part time wrenchers/dues payin gearheads.......when a good topic like brakes devolves into algebraic descriptions of thermal dynamics ....some of us loose the ability to follow the discussion in a meaningfull way..........

now does any one have a pic of "big racks and Cobras"


rdorman 01-17-2004 09:33 AM

I like 'big racks' and of course, Cobras!

Excaliber 01-17-2004 09:40 AM

Former ASE certified mechanic. Former glass boat builder. I have no doubt I could build my own replica.

At this stage of my life I have no desire to build my own car. But I sure enjoy going over to a friends house and offering my expertise on helping him build HIS car. I still enjoy reading/studying the mechanical aspects of all things automotive.

These days I just prefer the check book over my 3/8 flank drive Snap On socket set. Different strokes........


rdorman 01-17-2004 09:53 AM


Originally posted by Excaliber

Former ASE certified mechanic. Former glass boat builder. I have no doubt I could build my own replica.

At this stage of my life I have no desire to build my own car. But I sure enjoy going over to a friends house and offering my expertise on helping him build HIS car. I still enjoy reading/studying the mechanical aspects of all things automotive.

These days I just prefer the check book over my 3/8 flank drive Snap On socket set. Different strokes........


We have got to party. Are you going to get your behind to the Fling this year? Long way, I know. But, we would like to visit Hawaii to. Care for some diving?

I still enjoy turning the wrenches. In fact, wish I had more time to do so. Just got a BEAUTIFUL roll around Craftsman box as a gift. Spent the best part of two days just organizing it! Air compressor goes in soon. Some times when get that lottery day dream going I envision the many cars that I will build with all my spare time.


Bud Man 01-17-2004 10:15 AM


When I lived in Southern California, I had the pleasure of meeting Andy Dunn, doing some wrenching with him, and from that point on became a big fan of your approach to these cars.

Your post is well taken and ....amen!



tddnepa 01-17-2004 10:22 AM

i''m not one of the original member...i joined a couple months ago, because i was bored with my '80 corvette, not so thrilled about a C5 (theyre gorgeous best friend lives for them, so please no one beat me up...just an opinion), and i wanted to learn about cobras because i've always loved them, but i don't know much about them.

I'm not a mechanic, i'm a computer programmer by trade. i love cars, and i love audio equipment. I don't intend to ever build a speaker from scratch, and i don't think i'll ever build a car either. I think this site is great in that people will answer my (often dumb) questions, and i can decide what car is right for me. I would read the brake thread, but frankly most of the shop talk stuff is over my head right now..i'm a quick study, so it won't always be that way.

my point is that if this site only had hardcore "guts" talk about the cars, it probably wouldn't interest me because i wouldn't know what the h*ll was being talked about most of the time. i'm glad it's out there, because i can potentially reference it one day when i need to, but i'm also glad there's "softer" talk about the cars as well.

I hope to be able to contribute more as i learn more, but to Turk's point, i'm someone who probably wouldn't have had much use for this site as you describe it in the beginning. Now i can join the community and probably have more of a "give and take" value as time goes on.

i think Brent and whomever else has brought the site to what it is has done a great service to people like myself. If you hardcore people don't think i'm worth having around, then i guess that's your opinion, which you're welcome to. you're also welcome to stick to the technical threads and ignore idiots like harm done.

rdorman 01-17-2004 10:29 AM

Heh there tddnepa. Stuff in common. I to am a computer programer into cars and stereos. Difference is I guess I have built all three from scratch! To each his own for sure. I liked what Roscoe said about one man's stimulant being another sedative.................

clayfoushee 01-17-2004 10:38 AM

I think a lot of us who are looking for specific technical information tend to rely more upon our car-specific forums now. I know I tend to go the Unique forum when I have technical questions about parts, how best to go about fixing something, or how better to set something up. I've been helped immensely there, and the manufacturer regularly jumps in to answer questions. There are a bunch of talented car builders there, who regularly contribute when there is a technical question. There's also very little razzing or allusions to one's "stupidity" in the responses to posts there. I think people here are sometimes afraid to ask questions here because sometimes they've been humiliated.

If I ask the same question here, a lot of people jump in with stuff that may be good, but not necessarily relevant to my car or set-up. None of the above means I don't find this site valuable. I've learned a lot here and received good assistance also.

casaleenie 01-17-2004 11:23 AM

Appalled in Fallbrook,
and possibly another reason for few postings in regards to Rick's analyses is that he was correct and that it didn't need any add ons or comments... Personally, I didn't find anything thing to argue with about his findings... and personally, I didn't understand it anyway.
:D :D

Richard Hudgins 01-17-2004 12:10 PM


I thought for sure that Rick D. had a link to his spreadsheet.

(I did not pay enough attention, he had sent me an early edition of this work and I made the mental leap that it was there. I would be pleased to host the spreadsheet on our servers if Rick doe not have the means.)

Sorry. That was the information that I was referring to. Not the technical bits in the thread. (They would bore most humans to death.)

Turk wrote:

” "everyone SHOULD be reading this thread" WHY?
Just because you find it interesting, everyone should be reading it?”

No Turk, that was not my point. You see, there are over 1000 threads on this forum about brakes. That should indicate a high interest in Rick’s thread. In those threads you will not find much good information and they do not really answer the original questions.

(Please note: brakes really do not interest me very much. Only when I have to use them or they are part of a design that I am working on do I even consider them.)

Rick's thread (meaning spreadsheet) answers just about all of the questions and would point folks in the right direction as to what is needed to make their car work.

It is not about my interest, but rather that it is very good information and a tool that any builder should use prior to buying brake parts in the normal haphazard manner. This type of tool would save folks lots of dollars and a lot of confusion. It would also make their cars a lot safer and more enjoyable to drive.

Turk, you also said, ” Your somewhat scolding of those who either failed to, or were not interested in reading that thread left me wondering if you are trying to say a little bit more than what you actually said...

What do you suggest? Maybe some of the clicks on threads that seem to be of higher interest to members be automatically diverted to that thread for mandatory reading, or better yet, deny access to other areas of the forum unless one has read the technical threads first?”

No. I think that your statement misses my point a bit. I was not scolding or criticizing anyone on this forum. Nor was I attempting to say anything more than what I wrote. It is typically best not to try to read into what I write any hidden meanings or innuendoes. I am really not smart enough to do that effectively.

But you do bring up a valid point about mandatory reading, it might well be a very good idea to have a technical FAQ section, that everyone could refer to before they ask the same old questions and get a lot of answers that are incorrect or that do not address the issue. There is a great amount of excellent information that has been posted in the past and is buried here.

Maybe it could be something as simple as pre-defined searches on things like:

1. Holley Carburetors
2. 15 inch tires
3. Springs
4. Ceramic coating sidepipes
5. Rivet patterns on hood scoop
6. How to set toe in.
7. etc. etc. etc.

Turk, you also said:

” Your own participation as an Old Timer seems rather limited with 441 post for as long as you claim to have been here.”

I certainly agree. My participation is limited to me having something to offer to the subject at hand. And as you can see by my post count, I seldom have anything of value to contribute to the forum. (I am sure that many here would say that I never have anything of value to contribute, therefore 441 posts is 441 too many.)

The bottom line is just this: There are a great many threads here with very valuable information that seldom are read. The knowledge base and the resulting data that are on CC are invaluable. It should be used.

That is it often ignored does indeed appall me.

grumpy 01-17-2004 01:29 PM

What Spreadsheet?
R H,
There are those that were very interested, but you gotta look at the item to comment or review it.
Just sent my 3rd reply for one, and this time pvt MAIL thru the forum requesting it thru personal eMail site, maybe that's the route to get a look.

rdorman 01-17-2004 01:38 PM

Re: What Spreadsheet?

Originally posted by grumpy

R H,
There are those that were very interested, but you gotta look at the item to comment or review it.
Just sent my 3rd reply for one, and this time pvt MAIL thru the forum requesting it thru personal eMail site, maybe that's the route to get a look.

Are you trying to get a copy? I have responded to all who have asked so far. You can emal through the forum or give me your email address and I will be happy to send a copy off. My email is

Ron61 01-17-2004 01:41 PM


Welcome to the club and I think yu will enjoy it. I am retired from the old Bell Labs and working all my life in R/D, electronics, and computers. I have watched them make the bodies and the rest of the cars but I would not attempt to as that is a field out of my abilities. Heck I am having a hard time figuring out how to use my photography program. I can do normal work on the cars, but so far as building great engines and such, I would be afraid to attempt it without the supervision of a person that has done it. As you know, theory and actually doing are two different things. I did a lot of work on my car but I did have the engine built for me so I certainly don't qualify as one of the gear head techs. But any question that I have asked someone has had a great answer for.

I looked at the brake post and may as well have been reading a quantum physics formula. I sort of understand it but not enough to trust myself to really feel that I could discuss it intelligently.

Have fun in the club and you will even be forgiven for having a Corvvvvveeetttee!!!:D

Ron **)

Turk 01-17-2004 07:26 PM

If you built a Hafler, it wasn't much of an amp. Not a Heathkit, I hope.
I did do a search on Heath and Hafler, and could find no earlier references on any of the threads.
Another Audio nut here.

No problem. Your swimsuit thread got over 700 hits. That explains where these guys tastes are. They want less hose, more stockings! :3DSMILE:

Next week I will be holding a seminar how to hand wind magnetic moving coil cartridges for less than .025 gm tracking. Must attend!!

Excaliber 01-18-2004 12:47 AM

Oh yeah, I can't wait for that seminar Turk! Does it have anything to do with the sound system on a Road Serpent? :D


GeorgiaSnake 01-18-2004 07:07 AM

Jeez I come into this wacky site to be entertained, educated, mocked, insulted and to insult Al, TC, Chill and Cracker. Should I comment on every one even the ones that I have no interest in or don't understand.

I read the brake thread and was so intimidated that I resorted to my childhood. I have followed many a thread, both technical and non-technical. What I'm waiting for is the answer to how I can make my Cobra stop like a 930.

I also swap ideas and questions with Rick over on the Unique forum. We have a pretty good group and share many Unique specific technical tid bits.


decooney 01-18-2004 10:05 AM

on an unralated note... what sort of turntables and amplification are working with for those MMCs? I do a little obsessing in this area during the wintertime myself. ...use to build electrostatic type speaker systems for a living, and still design/build custom home audio/theatre subwoofer systems a bit for fun. Got any monoblocks amplifying that MMC signal by chance? I'd be curious to know if you are into solid state or tube gear, and what sort of CD transports you might haved tried lately as well. :) Send me an email if you get a chance... :)

Turk 01-18-2004 01:20 PM

As a matter of fact, I go both ways.
I still use hybrid Counterpoint, Preamp, Amp, and Amps.
Like the sound of tubes over transistors and yet appreciate the distinct shrill sound of transistors.

Even my phono stage goes through a Counterpoint Pre-preamp.

As for Electrostatistics, you don't have one of them with a continued blue arc across the midrange and the tweeters do you?

Sota with a vacuum platter is still my choice. Still listen to Vinyl.

Duane I finally stopped short of monoblocks etc. about the time cost of the inteconnects became more than the cost of a 427 SO stroked.

These Cobra guys don't have a clue when it comes to being "out there" not until they have encountered the audiophiles. We could certainly give them a run for their money.

decooney 01-18-2004 04:52 PM

Turk, mean something like a nice pair of speaker cables from Siltech, such as "The Emperor Signature G6s", at an entry level price of just $27,850.00. :LOL:

KobraKarl 01-18-2004 05:07 PM

I'm not sure which is worse ...

spending thousands boosting horspower on an old style race car that I no longer have the balls to drive flat out any way..........

Or....spending thousands on fidelity I am now too deaf to really hear...

good looks are wasted on the is wasted on the old.....:D


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