Mike, This is a quote from a thread by JACKFFR1846, hope it helps!
www.massrmv.com is a good start.
You set an appointment to do a salvage/reconstruction title at one of the mass highway garages. Bring the completed car on a trailer on your day. Have 2 copies and originals of every single receipt, along with titles for any vehicles that you've bought to take parts from and certificat of origin from the kit mfg. Fill out the form and give them a check for $50. A state policeman will check and record your engine and tranny #, stamp all your receipts and copies. The pile of receipts and the form become your title and the MA VIN goes on your car.
Now take the pile to the RMV along with a completed RMV-1 form with your insurance stamp. It makes it easier for them if you make a spread sheet of every single receipt with a separate column for mass tax paid. Put stuff on top that you didn't pay tax on. You get to pay it now . Pay your registration fee and walk out with plates. If you tried a TU type scam, you'll possibly not go home right away....have bail ready.
Next put the plates on the car and get the car inspected. Check with others on which place to go to. Some stations want to only hassle you while others won't.
It's really not that difficult.
My Cobra IS real....just not old!
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s a quote from JACKFFR1846, hope this helps