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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2004, 08:44 PM
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Default Winter Gas - Types of Alcohol

I checked the old Winter Gas vs. Summer Gas postings to see what they say about the alcohol additives.

In Conn. they eliminated the use of MBTE in the winter, but now we have up to 10% of alcohol.

For the old engines, say pre-70's, which of the alcohols are known to ruin the rubber in the carb and fuel system, ethanol or methanol? Need gas now.

Point me to a previous thread if available.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2004, 05:09 AM
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Hey Chuck:
I think they use ethanol (drinking alcohol) not because it clears the air but rather it helps corn farmers. Since alcohol doesn't have near the energy of gasoline, cars have to burn more of it to go the same distance. This is what happens when lawyers and businessmen write the rules rather than chemists (like me). I'm not sure that either methyl alcohol (wood alcohol) or ethyl alcohol (drinking) would be any tougher on the rubber in the system than is the gas itself.

Going to Manchester tomorrow? If you go out for a ride today (Saturday) drop in, I'll be cleaning my wheels.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2004, 05:13 AM
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Hi Chuck:
From what I have heard, MTBE is now a thing of the past and will not be back in our gas. The switch is to Ethanol which took place here in CT in Late October. MTBE was causing ground water pollution from gas station gas tank leaks. Not a good thing. It may be a thing of the past elsewhere as well.

At the same time, the 94 octane Sunoco was changed to 93 octane as the MTBE also acted as a octane boost causing good clean combustion. You may notice the little blue signs on each Sunoco pump saying "New Formula - Same Quality". One of those is on my tool chest now... Hee Hee. You did not hear that from me.

I am not sure what effects the present Ethanol has on gaskets and lines. I suspect not much, otherwise, there would be warnings and "talk" of which I have heard none. However, over the long run who knows? I have that new braided line and blue tank line so if feel pretty safe there. The gaskets in the carb, etc are what we need to wonder about.

In the Obsessive/Compulsive zone... ahem... I have been dumping a can of Turner Lead Additive and another can of Turner Octane Booster into the tank with each 12 gallons. You can get this stuff at AutoZone or wherever mouse milk is sold. This is just insurance as my compression ratio is on the high end of low, or the low end of high
Art in CT
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2004, 09:41 AM
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With no cat I'd be concerned about putting lead additive in the gas until we know whether the CT Emissions will bite you in the A$$.

I wonder if the local stations will do a "non required" emissions test so we can find out. Our emissions test station is a block away and I'm going to ask.

We plan on going to the outing in Manchester tomorrow "without" the Cobra. We want to keep the travel down until the alcohol is out of the gas, 5/1?

See you there.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2004, 04:22 PM
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Connecticut emissions does not check for lead! All they measure is CO, NOx and hydrocarbons. Most, if not all, octane boosters do not contain lead. If you had cats the lead would ruin them.

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