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  #561 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 03:35 AM
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Great news. All that was ever needed in this whole affair was for the right prople to do the right thing. Kudos to all who contributed (and are contributing) to setting things as they should be.
As far as the frustration issue; yes there were a couple of hints by some "in the know" that some things may have been happening behind the scenes; BUTT, like 99% of the rest of this thread, and to 99% of those following, it was just more meaningless talk. This entire 38 page soap opera could have been condensed into a short story with a happy ending if the "insiders" had simply said something a little bit more concrete instead of jealously clinging onto their share of the exclusive inside scoop. Nobody's business but those involved, you reply? Crap! this is an open forum and the story was brought here - nobody went looking for it.
Sorry for adding more meaningless talk, but I really needed to vent (ran out of Beano).
To the man in the black hat riding in to save the day - most of us are really happy to see you - it's just that you had us worried for a while. Don't be such a stranger; it seems like we hardly know you anymore...
Tropical Buzz

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BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...
  #562 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 05:23 AM
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I'm a writer, feed the artist and buy a book.

Last edited by trularin; 01-05-2005 at 03:27 PM..
  #563 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 06:41 AM
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Well January 15th is approaching and if the man gets his car then all this speculating, or whatever can come to an end. If he doesn't get it then, I for see more criticism coming. As for the so called insiders knowing what is going on and keeping it classified, WHY?? For crying out loud, you are building (supposedly) a car, not a top secret military project. Just a few lines once in a while with a legitimate progress report would have saved you what you now claim to be undue criticism and Shelby Bashing. I am and have always been a great Shelby fan, but he is not a God and I don't believe he is above mistakes like any other person. I just feel that he should have made his presence known much earlier and have gotten this car out. I really pray that then car will be delivered on the Jan. 15th date as promised.

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  #564 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 08:21 AM
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While the report from CSX2300 has all the earmarks of great new for Dwayne the only thing we can do is wait and hope.
The continued silence from the construction side of this problem does nothing more than open the door for rumor, innuendo and speculation, none of which does Shelby or Finish Line any good.
A simple "we're aware of the problem and we're doing x,y,z to remedy it, in the early stages would have gone a long way in reducing the boil that a lot of the posters have reached.
The number of members on CC not withstanding, the Cobra community is, relatively speaking, a very small place and news (good or bad) travels fast. I would think it would behoove manufacturers of both the cars and the allied items to track these discussions and, when a problem surfaces, get some information, any information, in front of the community to reduce the impact of negative comments.
The next 10 days will determine if Shelby and Finish Line are worth dealing with or should be placed in the pariah category.
  #565 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 08:23 AM
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Carroll Shelby doesn't "owe" any of us sh1t. What makes us - a bunch a replica drivers - think that he even thinks about us, let alone worries about what we think?

It is the same few people who have been chiming in on this thread - repeatedly.

The person who you refer to, "Trularin", is more than he seems - quite the opposite of you. Sometimes it is a good thing to find out something about who you are talking about before you say something foolish.

It seems to me that most of the posters on this thread can't wait to see this deal fail - too bad you're going to be disappointed.

I hope Dwayne gets to enjoy his car.
  #566 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 09:08 AM
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Shelby "owes" about 80 people cars they put a deposit on and haven't recieved.

Last edited by Excaliber; 01-05-2005 at 09:10 AM..
  #567 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 09:29 AM
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Cant agree that "Carroll Shelby doesn't owe ANY of us sh1t"
Maybe thats true of Kirkham, ERA, B&B, etc,etc, customers, but don't you think he owes something to the people who spend the considerable extra bucks to buy HIS product ??
Like Dwayne ?
I was serious when I suggested that Shelby deliver the car to Dwayne personally.
Personally, I think Shelby DOES owe something to all the Cobra replica owners/drivers, for it was (and is) them that kept the Cobra mystique alive after Shelby walked away from it, only to come back after he saw there was a market and money to be made in the Cobra business !! He makes REPLICAS also!!
Dwayne paid for a SHELBY Cobra, and no matter how Shelbys Cobra replica business is structured, he is the one person ultimately responsible for its conduct. If not in the courts, then certainly in the court of public (read Cobra enthusiasts) opinion.
Finishline and the dealer that sold the car should be taken to task by Shelby (or his legal reps) to whatever degree necessary to rectify this (and other , if they exist) situation , as it appears that many customers deposit money was been mis handled.
In my previous (or previous to that) post I was careful not to say what I really felt, so as not to stir the pot any more than it already is. But I was biting my tongue, thinking what the he11 took so long for Shelby to step in! And the obscure mention previously that "the proper people were working on the problem behind the scenes" was of dubious significance, given all the excuses flying around through this whole mess !
Pat read your first statement again .
He doesn't think about us, or worry about what we think?
You don't think he was thinking about us when he was planning his "continuation" series , or his series one car, or planning the viper with Dodge, or the new Cobra with Ford? Of course he was!! WE are his MARKET!!
Send all the flaming arrows you wish.
But have a good day.
Ted Radtke
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  #568 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 09:50 AM
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I doubt that Mr. Ford is any more responsible for what one of his dealers did or didn't do than is Carroll is regarding the misdeeds and the poor business practices of one of his dealers. I'm sure he can and will do something about it after the fact, if the dealer is not out of business by then.

Contrary to the criticism in here, (having learned about Dwayne's predicament) he IS now involved and seeing to it that the car IS finished and delivered.

Should he have been aware of it earlier? I don't know. Was he? Perhaps. He may gave been assured by the parties involved the car would be done. Hell, they even convinced Dwayne and his attorneys that they would finish the car. Why wouldn't Carroll believe the same.

It wasn't like the car was being done under his nose. It was sold and was being completed by one of his dealers somewhere else.

Now that Shellby the Man, Shelby the Manfacturer has gotten behind the project and as been posted earlier, Carroll plans on calling Dwayne, seems we should give them an opportinity to do so.

As for the others who did not get their cars on time, I see only two names in here that fit that description here on this thread, where we have been repeatedly told is about Dwayne's car.

Those people have other opportunity's everywhere to voice their opinions, demand, sue, get a refund or whatever they want to do.

Most of the contributors to this thread don't fit in that category.

Some have demanded an accounting from those who are behind the scenes doing what they can do to get the car finished. Somehow those people are bad people too, because they would rather work behind the scenes.

They sure in the hell don't owe anyone any explanation.

This is about Dwayne's car, isn't it? We will ALL be happy when and if this car gets delivered, won't we? Without any exceptions I hope.

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Last edited by Turk; 01-05-2005 at 02:49 PM..
  #569 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 10:08 AM
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Besides the banter back and forth, does anyone have any updates on the actual progress to Dwaynes car????? Is there anyone local in Vegas that can swing by and give those here an update on the car?????

Just figured I would ask...........

Bill S.
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  #570 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 10:17 AM
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That is a great question. Last person who went there to see the car, was allowed to see the progress of the car. I didn't think anyone who is curious and is within easy travel to Finishline has been denied access to the car.

Rather than all the speculation, it would be nice to see a progress report on what the car looks like now. I would trust the eyes and the photos from a Club Cobra member over any reports coming from Las vegas. Whether they are from Shelby or Finishline.
Those may have a tendency to be self serving.

Is THERE anyone who could stop by and ask if they can see the car. There are only 10 days left.

A lot can be done in 10 days if we don't wait 8 days to do it..
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  #571 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 10:20 AM
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CS obviously thinks about us, otherwise he wouldn't have started building replicas of his own.

Originally posted by PatBuckley

Carroll Shelby doesn't "owe" any of us sh1t. What makes us - a bunch a replica drivers - think that he even thinks about us, let alone worries about what we think?

It is the same few people who have been chiming in on this thread - repeatedly.

The person who you refer to, "Trularin", is more than he seems - quite the opposite of you. Sometimes it is a good thing to find out something about who you are talking about before you say something foolish.

It seems to me that most of the posters on this thread can't wait to see this deal fail - too bad you're going to be disappointed.

I hope Dwayne gets to enjoy his car.
  #572 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 10:35 AM
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No flaming arrows from here, Ted!

You are right in the sense that he does owe those who have deposits a car.

The rest of us? Nothing.

He is a wealthy man from other sources and I really don't think that propogating the Cobra "mystique" by building a bunch of replica's did anything but give him heartburn. I think the Cobra would have had just as much of a legendary following if there wasn't one replica made.

I do not think that we are his market. How many aluminum CSX cars are there on CC? I think the glass cars are a $$ loser for him and I can see them fulfilling their commitment (I hope) and then not doing them any more.

There are only a handful of people on CC who could (or maybe would) buy a Shelby

Delivering the car to Dwayne would be the right thing to do in these circumstances.


Cobranut - do you really think that is why he started with the replica's?
  #573 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 10:55 AM
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I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Although..... It does seem to me that there are quite a few CSX's
listed in the posters profiles, and I am amazed at the number of Kirkhams listed! Not to mention the owners of originals that check in from time to time.
I just hope Dwayne gets his car and is up to driving it when it does arrive. Shelby is no stranger to health problems, and he does have his childrens charity. I would think he would be especially empathetic to Dwaynes situation, and would seriously consider delivering the car himself.
Hey Hogdealer: any news??
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  #574 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 11:01 AM
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I'm a writer, feed the artist and buy a book.

Last edited by trularin; 01-05-2005 at 03:27 PM..
  #575 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 02:45 PM
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*** UPDATE ***

First let me say THANKS to all that have helped and who continue to help.

Carroll, himself, did call Dwayne today and told him that he told SIA to get the car done. Carroll told Dwayne that he has been aware of the problem for a while now and volunteered to do anything in his power to help Dwayne out.

Larry (aka csx2300) was able to talk to Dwayne today and was very helpful in getting CS on the line to Dwayne. A big thanks to Larry.

As for Dwaynes condition, the Mayo Doctors have stopped his chemo. The chemo treatment they had been giving him was damaging his liver. Now they have to get the old chemo out of his system. Once the old is out they will start a new treatment. He told me he has never been this sick. The Chemo is terrible.

As for the car. We should have an update (via Curt) tomorrow.

Thanks Again To All of You!!

  #576 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 03:01 PM
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You can bet that had there not been the demonstrated demand for replica Cobras, SAI, or anyone else for that matter, would not be building them today. That's just business.


Originally posted by PatBuckley

Cobranut - do you really think that is why he started with the replica's? [/b]
  #577 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 03:50 PM
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Unhappy good news, not so good news

Glad to see Carroll giving this some personal attention. Hope it

Sorry to hear about the chemo situation, I hope they can find the "silver bullet" in time!

If Mayo can't do it, no one can.

Dwayne is in our prayers.

Ted Radtke
"When Injustice becomes Law,
Rebellion becomes Duty." T. Jefferson
  #578 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 06:15 PM
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Hmmmmm..It seems to me that a lot of folks want to stomp Shelby with both feet when they PERCEIVE he has been a bad player in this drama, but where do they go when CS does something GOOD? I, for one, would like to send CS a THANK YOU for taking the time to PERSONALLY call Dwayne and to get SA behind the ball on this completion. Kudos should also go out to CSX2300 as well, for doing more than bit%hing on this thread. I feel sorry for Dwayne, and I think ROY HUNT is a sorry spectacle of a human being, but I think CS has been beaten unfairly over all this. As has been stated before, the POINT of the exercise is to GET THE CAR TO DWAYNE, and time is moving. I HOPE Roy has the decency to come through FINALLY, but if he slimes again I think it is HIS fault, and nobody elses.
Cliff Note Version:
CS GOOD. CSX2300 BETTER. RH......tick tock tick tock tick tock
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  #579 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 06:31 PM
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  #580 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2005, 07:58 PM
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427 sharpe;
I think if you review the posts, you'll find that all the grumbling regarding CS's non-participation took place prior to the recent revelation that he allegedly has told the parties involved to resolve the matter. Hogdealer reported this TODAY, along with the story of the phone call from CS. Prior to this there had been no response from the Shelby camp on this situation which should have been resolved long before it made it to this forum!
I think his involvement now is likely due to the stink raised on this thread which caused certain people in a position to do something, to do what they could. For some of us who were not in a like position, we did what we could, which was to let everyone know what we thought of this unacceptable treatment of Dwayne Gregory.
But as for CS being "beaten unfairly", I don't think so. When your name is over the door, you ARE the one that catches the flak. Just a fact of doing business. I caught all the flak at my business for 25 years, and I was not the one who had done the work that the customer was complaining about.
But don't feel bad for o'l Carroll. He's been around long enough that Im sure he can take it, fair or not. I know Finishline is not his company, but if they are affiliated with your co. by license or contract, or other agreement, you best keep a close watch on them because if they screw up it WILL affect you !!
We can debate this till the end of time, the only thing that I think we can agree on is that this never should have gone this far, and there plenty of people involved that dropped the ball, outright lied, or just figured "it's not my job/problem " .
I hope Dwayne can beat the Cancer !
I hope Shelby can clean house!
I will now shut up!
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