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  #181 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2005, 12:10 PM
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Trevor: Any idea what COB that picture is of? (That's the car, not the owner.) The wheels remind me of those once found on 6127.
Ned Scudder
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  #182 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2005, 12:39 PM
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Well spotted Ned - they do indeed look like those on 6127. However, i did ask what the chassis number was and he has no idea - never bothered to keep any record!!
The owner in the photo is Tony Parker and if you have the current list of chassis built by AC Autokraft etc you will find him listed as the owner of CSX4009. He was heavily involved with Cobras in the early 70s and is still a serious fan - his 427 is black with twin white stripes and built to full S/C specs, Goodyear gumballs, webers, perfect paintjob etc etc. Built, with some assistance from Gerry Hawkridge, as the Ultimate in every respect. Almost money no object. But he has better trousers now - and the hair has gone!! He sells 4x4 off-roaders for a living. A good bloke. Even if he did use his 289 for grass-track racing!! Good grief.

I am very tempted to pay him another visit and beat the chassis number out of him (except he'd kill me) as it's really frustrating. If, as you say, it might be 6127, that's a bit of info missing from the Registry! Either way, its an owner that is missing anyhow! I shall continue my research......and give him a call on Monday as he might recall who he brought it from.

Sorry about the quality of the photo - it was scanned from a print that was less than 2 inches long!
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  #183 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2005, 03:11 AM
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Originally posted by Trevor Legate

....Sorry about the quality of the photo - it was scanned from a print that was less than 2 inches long!
It may have been 2" to start with, but with a little manipulation, I managed to get it a LOT bigger!
I should get out more.

"If I plagiarize, it's only because I like someone else's idea better than mine and I want credit for it."- Anna Sato-Williams.

"If I plagiarize, it's only because I like someone else's idea better than mine and I want credit for it."- nikbj68
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  #184 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2005, 12:09 PM
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I'm delighted for you both...........
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  #185 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2005, 03:25 PM
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Dammmmmm !!! You guy's really know how to beat a horse to death !! One thing for certain is that IF I ever got another Cobra it would be an ORIGINAL CSX3000 series !!! Don't think I could go into this back an forth thing everytime someone asked about the car !! ok keep the pic's coming !!! Anyone need some original wrecked parts ???
427 CSX 3000/4000 and Shelbys.
All gone ! Was a Hell of a run

Now ... The dogs car
Mercedes E63S station wagon. 603hp
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  #186 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2005, 02:21 AM
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The 289 is not 6127, but he cannot remember which. I have tried!! The wheels came from his previous car, 6028 - Pearce alloys. He cant remember who he brought it from or who he sold it to...!! The trail is getting colder.

Nothing like beating a horse to death of a morning.....all wrecked parts gratefully received, at least until I get enough to build them into a complete car.
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  #187 (permalink)  
Old 02-29-2008, 07:34 PM
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I am in the midst of trying to conclude a purchase on a Kirkham. I received a call today from a fellow wanting to sell me an English bodied Cobra CSX replica. I asked if it is an AC body. I was told it was another shop that works with AC and would be limited in production numbers. The price quoted was $145,000.00 for a painted roller. There seems to be no discounting
(" because Shelby frowns upon discounting"). I do not know the standard items that come with the roller; I have no idea how this car differs from a Kirkham: no indication as the real production numbers and how saturated the market may become which may affect future resale value. After calling Shelby, attempting to call several dealers and searching the web I have no answers and no price list. Anyone have any knowledge of the differences, value retention, pricing of any options, dealers who are willing to discount, quality as compared to a Kirkham? Sounds like a money for a CSX number. It also sounds like a lot of money for a company with a poor support network.
My gut is there is little competition for Kirkham's quality and support. David and Tom seem to more concerned about their product but I think it is worthwhile to listen to other parties/sources.
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