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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2007, 10:44 AM
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Hey Sid,
I looked at the photos and she looks great. I also was reading a few of the posts about it being a chebbie and an auto tranny too. Well as a manufacturer using the Corvette as a donor and high percentage also use a Chevy engine I have heard it all. I also saw the point that it will not sell for as high of a price like if it was a ford power plant and they are right if sold to a Ford fan or a purist. There are a bunch of us crazy guys that like them Chebbies and some that just don't care about originality and just like the car for its form and function. These 2 are the group that will pay top dollar depending on workmanship and quality of parts used.
The truth is I could not give a Chevy powered car to a few of the hard core faction but they are not the total market either. The new injected 5.0 mustang engine would also be a tough go with this group. I am not antagonizing that faction with this thread, in the end we do not have to worry about the other side of this issue beating us to that cherished hard to find Ford or Chevy part so it is all good. If you are attempting to sell that ford or Chevy powered Toy to the other side of this issue you will simply not get the higher end of the resale value. This certainly does not mean the value is less for a Chevy and/or automatic equipped car but it does firmly define the section of the market willing to pay the higher end of its resale value.
The hard core faction will be the first to agree there is whole bunch of folk who just do not ( feel the same about what is right or just plain do not get it) but the hard core faction is on each side of this issue with everybody else somewhere in the middle. There are just as many chebbie hard core as on the ford side and maybe more. The fact this is a Cobra group and that tilts the scale A BUNCH and it should but we are all car guys and that allows us all to have fun and enjoy our Toys.
Jeff Classic
Manufacturer of the Cobray-C3
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2007, 10:11 AM
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Last edited by 1badmofo; 06-10-2007 at 10:14 AM..
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