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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 08:46 AM
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Default The Real Hero's Sacrifice never ends...

Ironically, my local paper had a story on this same Army Burn Hospital in San Antonio. Here is the story that appeared in the Tulsa World yesterday morning (7/15/2007). Some of the challenges these guys and gals have in front of them would seem overwhelming to me. I pray that their obsticles are small and their will and abilities remain high. Here is the link to theTulsa Sunday World July 15, 2007:

Last week Jay Nordstrom posted on the following thread regarding his efforts to help these vets with his passion of the automobile. Here is his original link:

Repay Wounded American Soldiers

This would be a good thing we could do together as a group. I am personally waiting on their wish list to see how much of a bite I can take out of it.

Clois Harlan
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 08:37 PM
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Default Thanks Clois

for posting this. However I think that this is losing battle. More people here are more worrid about hairdo's in cobras and whether they have a correct turkey pan than the soldiers that fight for us today. I think that they have also forgotten the fact that our soldiers have won the right for them to be able to focus on these cars...much less the hairdo's....they are hard to see under burkas in an ox cart.

It is amazing to me after a week of intense dedication to this project that the apathy is so rampant. This site spends more discussion about stolen cobras than reality.

If a chat thread can reach 230+ pages and a trivia tread can reach 30+ pages surely American soldiers can deserve more... but evenidently not on this site or any of the club sites here.

When I return in three days, I will post again after the fund raising trip. Again thanks.

I am heart broken about the people here.

Thank God Clois we are not one of them.

You know who you are that I have helped (both clubs and individuals) and it is time that you step up!


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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 10:49 PM
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I truly hope it isn't that bad here - or any where else for that matter.
I just mailed in a couple of $50 Sears gift cards for starters - I figure they
know better what they need in good tools than I for what they are working

Jay - I am hoping you guys get bombarded with stuff in the very near future.
Thanks for making a difference for these guys and gals.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 11:03 PM
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......... I dunno what to say!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 03:54 AM
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Default fsstnotch

You above all people don't need to say anything. Where you are right now says it all. THANK YOU for what you are doing and may you stay safe and come home when your job is done. Steaks and beer are on me...anywhere in this country. You tell me.


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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 04:26 AM
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One thing I've learned over the years is that everyone's depth of sorrow is based only on the worst thing they've ever experienced and many more situations are worse off than your own. I've also learned not to shame anyone into participating in my own personal causes. It gets you nowhere. You haven't a clue what personal challenges people face.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 04:44 AM
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Taking care of the troops is everyone's responsibility... it is really unfortunate that more people are not responding to this. I posted this on FTE, and some other boards, 2 of which I moderate and not even 1 single response!

It's just so funny because I can remember the chills that went down my spine when I was in training and an instructor came to our classroom and said "a plane has just hit one of the twin towers...." minutes later he came back to say that "a second plane has just hit the second!" We halt class and watch on a TV in a hallway, image the looks on the faces of over 300 new Air Force members faces as the towers begin to fall! Some of their families inside!!! And after all this, one thing I remember the best... a slogan... "WE WILL NEVER FORGET!" The country came together and got strong... but now, just several years later, we are as weak as ever! Does anybody here think that something liek the twin towers cannot happen to them? That's what everyone thought before 9/11! if you think terrorism is over in the states and there is little threat, let me tell you a story about what happened here at Camp Bucca the week I got here.

Two TCN's (guys that work on the base from surrounding countries with no real skill, just taking out trash and cleaning up) were caught while they were picking up the trash. They each had a large bag that they're empty trash cans into, and a smaller bag which, as they were emptying trash cans, they were digging through and pulling out soldiers mailing addresses from packages that were sent to them from family members, friends, wives... they were giving the addresses to the bad guys! Now not only could they send a package to a soldier with a relatives return address, but they can also send packages to the soldiers family! I don't know about you guys, but I would say that the threat is real and something bad WILL happen again! they're just waiting for those who let their guard down!

As simple as it may be, a war cannot be won without support from the hometeam! We can not win a war against terror! The most we can do is support the TROOPS!!!

I'll leave you all with this, I have a wife and a 15 month old daughter back in the states that would love nothing more than for me to come home! But I'll continue to listen to gun fire and mortar explosions to support my country! There is not one damn reason that every single person on this board could not donate a measly $20 to support the troops! They've been supporting you at costs far higher than $20!!!

I'm getting really heated in typing this!!!! It's pretty pitiful really!


Jay, my wife is sending our contribution!
Bagram AF Afghanistan
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 05:15 AM
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This is a topic that makes many people feel very uncomfortable for many reasons. It can be political or because of loved ones in harms way or already lost. It could be just the impact of the pictures of the soldiers with such devastating injuries. But what ever the cause of so few post on this subject, lets hope that all will support our troops by donating to this very just cause. How often are we afforded the opportunity to support true heroes by encouraging and facilitating something we each love like cool cars.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 07:52 AM
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I agree this topic touches people differently from one to the next.

Everyone should not be so quick to crawl others butts over not doing something. Yes I agree we should ALL participate in supporting our troops in every way we can. I for one sent a sears card the very day that Jay posted the other thread but have not posted that I did so. You see I don't need the recognition for doing what we all ought to be doing in the first place.

I also ate breakfast this morning and don't need a pat on the back for that either. I don't believe we should run to a public form and post that we did something to support our troops. I have a few very close buddies and some family that are military and are in Iraq, some are very well known on this board. I may not be able to help them all but I can damn sure help one or two and make a difference in their lives. And THAT"S what I am doing.

Thank you for what you do. My entire family thanks you, your buddies and your family for what you do.

Last edited by 4RE KLR; 07-17-2007 at 09:33 AM..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 08:04 AM
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Jay... I think that maybe you've reacted a little quickly and sharply!

A lot of people may be doing things, like sending checks, gift cards etc., without posting. This is very close to your heart; but maybe you're too close to the forest to see the trees???
I think if you criticize, folks might be less likely to jump on.

Kindly gracious.

I think you'll be pleased with the support from CC, and other sites.

I'm just guessing a lot of folks don't post here, but the support is here.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 08:27 AM
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Many people are also doing other things in support of the troops. If I contributed to every good cause that asked I wouldn't be able to put food on the table. We have friends that are serving in Iraq and support them and the families in many ways. Trying to shame people into your cause will get you more middle fingers than checks.
Remember, It's never too early to start beefing up your obituary.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 10:52 AM
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Folks that have done something shouldn't be concerned about Jay's comments.

On the other hand...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 11:42 AM
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This thread was never intended to intimidate or put anyone on a guilt trip. The intent was merely to bring this situation to the attention of those that would like to do somethings. I certainly understand how easy it is to get caught up with all the problems of the world. I would never want to shame anyone into doing something they wouldn't want to do on their own. This is just an opportunity for some of us to show some of these kids how much we appreciate what they have done.

As Jay told me the other day it is not the amount of the contribution but the recognition, because some of these soldiers have paid a tremendous price for doing their job. Now we can help in their rehabilitation, but only if we want to.

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Last edited by Clois Harlan; 07-17-2007 at 12:13 PM..
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 03:29 AM
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Ok, I'm calmed down again! I appologize if I seemed to be attacking anyone in my previous post. For those of you who contributed, that's great! For those of you who have not but plan to, super! For those who won't, well, that's fine too!

I think I may have mislead everyone into thinking the contribution was the main point. I think the reason that Jay, myself, and others would be so upset about the thread is that, with the number of times the thread was read compared to the number of posts, it would APPEAR that there aren't many who care to recognize the soldiers.

Speaking from personal experience, these soldiers absolutely do not want your pity. They only want your support! I can not tell you how many times in a month that I hear a soldier say something about "the people in the states don't support the war or us." or "why should we be the only ones fighting for our freedom." There is so much disagreement about this war that the military blatantly feels unrecognized for what they do!

I was stationed in Oklahoma City for 4 years, you guys in the southwest have HUGE hearts! In my entire military career, I had never been thanked for what I was doing until I got to Oklahoma. I would shake peoples hands regularly! Even had several times when I'd be out to dinner with my family or lunch with a crowd of military guys/gals, ask for the check and the waitress would say it was taken care of. I'm talking over $100 checks sometimes! If you've ever done this and just left the resturaunt, we thank you!

Anyways, what I'm trying to get at, when you are recognized for what you are doing... It makes you feel like it is worth it!

Thank you to all who have expressed your appreciation!
Bagram AF Afghanistan

Last edited by fsstnotch; 07-18-2007 at 03:32 AM..
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 04:33 AM
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I wish I could say that I had done that but I never have. I think the same thing could have happened in Minnesota, Alabama, New York, or California. That is what we do as Americans and that is what sets us apart from many of the other parts of the world, in a word, "Compassion".


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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Clois Harlan
I wish I could say that I had done that but I never have. I think the same thing could have happened in Minnesota, Alabama, New York, or California. That is what we do as Americans and that is what sets us apart from many of the other parts of the world, in a word, "Compassion".



It's perfectly fine if you have not. I was simply speaking from experience, not saying that any other states are not like that. I'm originally from PA, and aside from my family, I have never been thanked up there personally! Again, this is just my experience.

My experience is also this, I got a flat tire in oklahoma, 4 people pulled off to the side of the highway to help me out. It was just me and the wife at the time and I could have easily handled the job on my own. Got a flat on my last trip from OKC to PA. It was night time, raining, baby screaming in OH at a gas station. I was sick and had hernia surgery about a week earlier. People walked by me for an hour or so while I changed the tire. not even one offer to help, I had to have my wife tighten the lugs and lift the tire onto the hub because I was so sore at that point! We had to half unload the truck just to get the spare tire out from underneath it. It was horrible! It has just been my experience that people in the south are more hospitable and "compasionate" that's all.
Bagram AF Afghanistan
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 06:19 AM
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I have noticed the same thing when I was in PA about 8 months ago. Not many people seems to care who you are though. I believe it is just the mentality of the region as opposed to being selective about Military. God, at least I hope so. Even if you did not have your uniform on someone here in Texas would have helped you.

I also know that in pocket areas up north some of the smaller towns are very friendly as well. I suppose that people get caught up in the day to day and do not realize they are not helping each other.

After all doesn't the "Good Book" tell us to help each other?

As for the post count vs the viewed count. I think you will notice that every single thread on this and most all forums the viewed count far outweighs the post count. I know I for one do not view "All Cobra Talk" everyday. I am sure I am not the only one. This is a big forum and it would be impossible for everyone to see every thread every day. We still do not know how many other CC members have not seen this thread. I am sure there are thousands.

I do thank you again for what you do. I also think that most all of us do. Some people just do not necessarily know how to show it. That DOES NOT mean they (we) don't care.

God Bless you and keep your head down.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 06:49 AM
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Yes, I was not referring to any military affiliation with the flat tire issue. Just an observation. I agree, I think it's just the regional mentality. i guess I missed the curve as i was always the one helping people out of ditches and stuff in the winter or if their car was stalled on the side of the road. I guess from being in oklahoa so long, I just kind of expected someone to ask if i needed help since my wife was standing there in the rain helping as much as she could. It's ok though! We got it done! I was proud of her! A 305/70-16 tire isn't exactly light! haha
Bagram AF Afghanistan
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Old 07-18-2007, 07:41 AM
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I recently returned from Iraq (21 April – third trip) and flew into DFW on the R&R bird. As we taxied toward the parking ramp, the pilot came on the ICS and warned us to not be alarmed by the crash rescue trucks shadowing us on either side of the aircraft…They were there to welcome us home. Just before we turned off of one taxiway onto another, the trucks sped ahead and parked. As we passed by the trucks, they shot their water cannons over the plane as a sign of respect!

As touching as that was, the people of Texas were not finished with us yet…As we made our way down the Jetway, we could see people in the terminal waving at us. Of course we had to clear customs before entering the main terminal. The military liaison meeting our flight asked for all of the passengers of a certain rank and above to move to a separate line to clear customs. I was in that group behind two colonels. Once through customs, the colonels waited at the door to the main terminal as I walked through. What greeted me on the other side was unlike anything I had ever experienced!

There must have been 500 people lining both sides of the small hall we had to go through to get to the door where the buses were waiting for us. These folks were five to six people deep on both sides, most of them waving flags and all of them cheering and clapping! I can’t remember how many hands I shook, or how many folks thanked me for serving. I do remember one young boy asking for my autograph! Of course I felt silly, but I did give it to him. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed!

I later found out that there are a group of folks at DFW and the surrounding communities that meet EVERY returning R&R flight. That, my friends is what we are fighting for! It is for the people of this great country! I was honored to be a small part of it.

As I think back over 34 years of military and government service, I call recall only one other time I had a reception anywhere near the one at DFW. That was near the end of Desert Storm. I had to rush to make a commercial flight, after getting off of a C5 in Florida. I was still in uniform and looked like crap after flying for three days. The plane was about to be pushed back from the gate, but they held it for me. I know most people were probably upset, sitting there at the gate, waiting for some unknown delay…I was greeted at the door by the purser and as I made my way to my seat, the entire plane erupted into applause! I was embarrassed by the attention and at the same time, very proud to be wearing the uniform so many before me had worn into combat, but did not receive the welcome they deserved. I thought of all of them at that moment.

I think it is great that the people on this forum take the time out of their busy lives to remember our sons and daughters in harms way. I know everyone does what they can in their own way to honor those protecting our freedom and way of life. Some of you have provided your cars for our heroes to ride in during parades and such. Others visit our wounded in hospital, still others send care packages overseas. I know many support the families that are left behind by helping out around the house, cutting grass, or doing odd jobs that are normally taken care of by the deployed service member. Believe me, it is ALL appreciated by the folks in harms way.

I know this is a VERY long post. I have been watching and reading this thread since it started and had to tell this story. Thanks for listening. And thanks to all who have served and those still serving!

Gun Doc
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 07:56 AM
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Gun Doc,
I may have fired a shot at the messenger in my post above but you and the others that serve our country have my utmost respect and sincere thanks.

Remember, It's never too early to start beefing up your obituary.
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