California Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles
15-Years Old Moves to Senate Appropriations Committee
Legislation (A.B. 616) to require annual Smog check
inspections for vehicles 15-years old and older has
been approved by the California Assembly and the
Senate Transportation Committee. The bill now moves
to the Senate Appropriations Committee for
consideration on August 20th. A.B. 616 would also
require that funds generated through the additional
inspection fees be deposited into an account which can
be used to scrap older cars. You may recall that in
2004 a new law was enacted in California to require
the lifetime testing of all 1976 and newer model-year
vehicles. Pre-1976 motor vehicles would remain exempt
under A.B. 616. We Urge You to Contact Members of
the Senate Appropriations Committee (List Below)
Immediately to Oppose A.B.
616 A.B. 616 ignores the minimal impact vintage cars
have on air quality.
A.B. 616 could entice vintage car owners into allowing
these vehicles to be scrapped.
A.B. 616 ignores the fact that vehicles 15-years old
and older still constitute a small portion of the
overall vehicle population and are a poor source from
which to look for emissions reduction.
A.B. 616 ignores the fact that classic vehicles are
overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently
A.B. 616 would increase costs by creating an annual
inspection fee for owners of these vehicles.
A.B. 616 represents another attempt by California
legislators and regulators to scapegoat older cars.
THIS IS THE EXACT SAME THING THE JAPANESE DO TO GET CARS OFF THE ROAD AFTER 10 YEARS! EXCEPT IN CA YOU MUST KEEP REGISTRATION ON THE VEHICLE IN SOME WAY OR ANOTHER OR YOU OWE BACK FEES MAKING IT ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO JUST LET CARS "SIT" FOR A WHILE... In Japan, there is no punitive action taken if you don't regiater each and every year, you simply let the vehicles sit till you want to register them.
Senate Appropriations
Committee Senator Tom Torlakson (Chair) Phone: (916)
651-4007 Email: Senator.Torlakson@...
Senator Dave Cox (Vice Chair) Phone: (916) 651-4001
Email: Senator.Cox@... Senator Samuel
Aanestad Phone: (916) 651-4004 Email:
Senator.Aanestad@... Senator Roy Ashburn
Phone: (916) 651-4018 Email:
Senator.Ashburn@... Senator Jim Battin
Phone: (916) 651-4037 Email:
Senator.Battin@... Senator Gilbert Cedillo
Phone: (916) 651-4022 Email:
Senator.Cedillo@... Senator Ellen Corbett
Phone: (916) 651-4010 Email:
Senator.Corbett@... Senator Robert Dutton
Phone: (916) 651-4031 Email:
Senator.Dutton@... Senator Dean Florez
Phone: (916) 651-4016 Email:
Senator.Florez@... Senator Sheila Kuehl
Phone: (916) 651-4023 Email:
Senator.Kuehl@... Senator Jenny Oropeza
Phone: (916) 651-4028 Email:
Senator.Oropeza@... Senator Mark
Ridley-Thomas Phone: (916) 651-4026 Email:
Senator.Ridley-Thomas@... Senator George
Runner Phone: (916) 651-4017 Email:
Senator.Runner@... Senator Joe Simitian
Phone: (916) 651-4011 Email:
Senator.Simitian@... Senator Darrell
Steinberg Phone: (916) 651-4006 Email:
Senator.Steinberg@... Senator Mark Wyland
Phone: (916) 651-4038 Email:
Senator.Wyland@... Senator Leland Yee
Phone: (916) 651-4008 Email: Senator.Yee@...
Glad i punched out of that state years ago.