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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 08:59 AM
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After reading this post and every reply, I begging to write, and for the life of me I'm trying to be positive with my comments. I'm not a psychologist and I'm not trained in anyway to read the mind of an individual.
But I can't help to think based on what I read, that deep down inside he really did not want a Cobra. For him a Cobra only temporary satisfied a need for approval from a buddy or family members to say “I ONCE OWNED A COBRA”..... MAY BE BRAGGING RIGHTS ETC. The things that he went through was so un-necessary and a total waste of money. TOO MUCH MONEY WAS THE MAIN PROBLEM. What can you say about a MAN??????????? that needs approval and advice from a three year old?
A Cobra is a car for you, not for the family.
Stick with the Corvette, mother will love you better…..

Last edited by SKINNEDR; 09-06-2007 at 09:35 AM..
  #62 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 09:35 AM
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"Quote" I love the way Miatas shake and quiver when I pass them on the highway....

We are tired of you bullies passing us on the highway with those noisey smelly exhaust pipes spewing gas and fumes on us, we are just going to stay home from now on and watch the Car's video..
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 09:36 AM
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Interesting, 5 pages of responses and I don't think that there is one comment about what I think is one of the most important aspects of owning one of these cars; the fraternity that comes with it! A group of individuals with similar passion that don't care whether you're a "gearhead" or a "car guy/gal" who want to share that interest and have a good time doing it. A group which includes probably hundreds of individuals both professional and non who are willing to share their experiences and their advice (not always appreciated of course!) to help out someone else. I began this "quest" for the car and ended up with a whole lot more that now almost overshadows the car itself!

My advice, when you get one of these cars find a good local club and share the experience. I think it multiplies exponentially when you do that.

BTW-after 6 months and over 3000 miles my only regret is that I can't drive it more. I wouldn't trade it for anythingelse although I would consider getting a more "civilized" sports car in addition for driving when the weather is at its most extreme conditions.
  #64 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 09:43 AM
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So much for this being the world's largest non biased Cobra site. It sounds like the man has raped all the women in your family. Just a month ago some of the same sharks were very kind to him when he mentioned he was not the type to own a Cobra.

Talk about schoolyard behaviour. EVERYBODY just jump in, and kick the man while he is on the ground. SO WHAT if he doesn't like driving the beast. It's his money, his wife, his kid, and his life, and he has the right to HIS OPINION! Everybody here has got an opinion on something, and just because because his doesn't agree with most here. That doesn't make him less of a man. Your mothers would probably wash your mouths with soap.

How long ago were most of you patting him on the back? Giving him high fives for his decisions to have the car built? Now you sound like a lynch mob. May you be forgiven if ever you made an expensive mistake in your life. I give the man a high five for stepping forward, and admitting the car was not for him. Good luck rsimoes, and enjoy your life. It is after all your life, and you don't have to live for anyone else.
20mph is not fast, unless you are doing it in a 3/2, 1000sq. ft. house on 10 ft. waves!
  #65 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 09:44 AM
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I think a lot of people buy into the ideal more than the car and whats it is all about.. to me it's a toy simple as that, not intended for a dailey driver. A similar but much more popular scenario would be the Harley group, not only do they have to buy the bike but then all the black leather chaps, hats, jackets you name it to complete the costume then once a month go hang out at the local pub and talk bad... then after a year its all up for sale.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by madmaxx
Excellent write-up Rismoes, it is nice to see the sharks out, even after all your disclaimers in your initail write-up there were still individuals feeling better about their situation by insulting yours. It is obvious you did the write-up to enlighten and help others since you do not own one anymore. I agree with everything you said, I know if I were not a mechanic my experience would have been different.

Best of luck in the vet world, I know mile for mile the vet will hold it value better and even better you will have piece of mind.

I purchased a used miata on a whim from a buddy just after I sold my Cobra for $3500. After driving the Miata every day with the ac on and having a blast after 6K miles I questioned my sanity for buying a Cobra.

Bottom line is different strokes for different folks.
Dear shark bait,
How well would this post would fly if it were reversed. A post on a vette forum whining about not buying a cobra. It would lead to many flaming keyboards. Take your Miata and shove it up your a$$.
  #67 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 09:56 AM
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You never know some day he might have another Cobra sitting in his garage and hopefully it won't have to many problems and he will be able to enjoy it. I have found that over the years priorities change from time to time. I once knew a guy in his 30's who had been married 5 times--told me he wouldn't mind having his 1st. wife back
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:03 AM
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you are totally right, but you have to admit that is the beauty of living in America. Everyone has an opinion, that include us the ones that beats him up.

But it's an opinion that all af us has. I'm sure that he does not really care what we have to say. He already made a decision and that's a done deal.
It's all about boys being boys..
If you are man enough to publish something so personal to the world you have to live with the consequences.
His opinion is his, and our is ours.
What a Country.....
  #69 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:11 AM
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Lets use the harley as another example.... Compare cobra with harley and you have the same thing. A loud, obnoxious piece of machinery that gets attention, leaks oil, and so on. Now lets pretend he was complaining about buying a harley instead of say... a goldwing! The goldwing could be compared to the vette since it is much more refined, quiet, etc etc. The same arguement would be taking place!

YOu knew damn well what you were getting into! I'm only sorry that it took you so much time and money to realize you are not the "crude" kind of guy but more of the teddy bear lover who likes his things soft and comfortable. This thread is perfect! I hope any potential buyer/builder reads it in it's entirety. If at the end, they still feel that they want to join the brotherhood... then they will have made the right choice for THEM and not for anybody else!

My daughter loves the crudeness! I can't wait to take her out for a ride! When I ask her if she'd like to ride in Daddy's car (88 notch) or mommy's car (01 GT) she always points to mine because it's loud and go cart like! that happens when you run long tubes and pro chamber without mufflers!
Bagram AF Afghanistan
  #70 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:14 AM
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Like we all didn't see this one coming...I feel sorry for the Kirkham boys and Keith Craft for having to put up with this guy.
  #71 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:36 AM
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Its interesting to me to read the replies and look at the join dates of the repliers---the more recent joiners haven't read his posts as this ordeal came about---do a search and get a feel for his attitude about the Cobra world and you will see how so many responded that you could see this coming---

I , for one, believe that a Corvette is beyond what he should be in and even a Miata is questionable----

I think moe a Lexas ( Toyotas are just tooooo Nascar ie ) would fit his life style---back seat for the kids, trunk big enough for golf clubs,etc( probably leave the tennis racket and gulf clubs at the CLUB )

I hope that Kirkham and Kieth Craft can get a breath of fresh air---
  #72 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:39 AM
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Does this thread set or have record setting potential for the number of replies in shortest time period?
  #73 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry Clayton
Does this thread ...have record setting potential for the number of replies..?
No...because I'm going to close it if there is one more
Take your Miata and shove it up your a$$...

Read my earlier post....if this doesn't stay in shape, it's history.

Last edited by computerworks; 09-06-2007 at 10:53 AM..
  #74 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:50 AM
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Hey wait a minute........I leave my golf clubs at my country club on my private cart
Brian Newell - Superformance Sales
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:52 AM
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Bottom line is, A Cobra is not for everyone.

I wanted a Cobra for 10 years before I bought one. I did research for 10 years! I enjoyed the learning process including the Cobra history and researching the pluses and minuses of each replica manufacture. I enjoyed the hunt for the right car for me. I was honest with myself regarding my mechanical ability, my time willing to put towards another toy, my financial situation and my expectations of the finished product. A Cobra is not a Corvette or any other performance car, this is one of the things that makes it so special. Along with the great history of American Racing.

My expectations of a Cobra were: to loud, to hard riding, requires the occasional maintenance (more than a factory car), does not have air conditioning (or in most cases heat or a top), is great handling, Very fast, a little scary, has an absolutely gorgeous design, the great smell of high octane fuel while your driving it (and on your spare shirt in the trunk), no radio, no power steering, and is very unique. My car has met every one of my expectations and I love it. My 10 yr. old daughter loves it so much she asks if we can take it everywhere. She loves the car, spending time with Dad in it and the attention it gets.

I think if your research BEFORE you decided to buy that first car and your expectations would have been the same or close to mine, your experience would have been different. You may have decided a Cobra is not for you and saved yourself allot of grief. You should not buy a Cobra based on the romantic visions in your head, but on honest research and honest expectations. you can spend 20K or 120K if the car is not right for you, you will be disappointed.

Enjoy your Corvette, they are very nice, have all the creature comforts and are very popular.
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 10:54 AM
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no offense and i'll probably sound like a jerk, but I bet rsimoes (the OP) hasn't worked one full day outside in the heat his entire life. did he really think to use it as a daily grocery getter commute to work kind of car? this cat was able to buy three cobras..or did i lose count? if he wasn't happy with a Kirkham there definetely is no hope of converting this fella. have fun getting blown away in your Z06. at leas you'l have a/c
"Me fodder was King Neptune, me mudder was a mermaid. I was born on the crest of a wave and rocked in the cradle of the deep. Me hair is like hemp, me arms are like spars. When I spits, I spits tar. I'm hard, I am, I is, I are. "

Last edited by joey_hv; 09-06-2007 at 11:01 AM..
  #77 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:05 AM
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This thread has been awesomely entertaining!

rsimoes, I have experienced too much of what you did, but fortunately my obsessive/compulsive personality would not let me give up. 13 years later I still have the same car and do enjoy it. Admittedly, sometimes I've wanted to heave a tool or two at it.

At this time I'm only able to lift the cover, admire it and think of next spring, because it has a broken head and a split in #2 cylinder wall. I consider this current predicament to be chapter 49 of a big ole book I'll be able to write someday about this car!!

What a ride it's been. Oh yeah, my wife has been and still is a fan of the car since we started talking about owning one in 1992!!

  #78 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:05 AM
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Seems to me by looking at his past posts and his infactuation with the a Cobra that maybe he should have purchased a mid level (Superformance, BDR, ERA, etc...) kept it as his play toy and complemented it with a Vette for daily duties, etc..

I sold BDR #198 for a Viper GTS for the A/C, roof, convenience (kept the wifey happy). I missed the Cobra and just had to have another. Guess which one is more fun....
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:10 AM
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The real lesson to be learned here is: RESEARCH AND PLAN
Rob's essay is littered with each and every time he "jumped" into this or that.
There's guys every week asking "How long did your car really take to be delivered, does everyone have an engine leak, does everyone's steering wheel shake, etc. " I love those questions because these are folks truly trying to find out if this car is for them.

Rob also explains one of the reasons he wanted the Cobra was to cruise around town with his young children. Wrong car for that for sure.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the Vette. It's fast, good looking and comes with a warranty.
But if you're high school dream was to have the baddest car around, you could park a Vette next to a Cobra and set the Vette on fire and nobody would still notice it.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2007, 11:11 AM
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Default Good idea

Originally Posted by computerworks
No...because I'm going to close it if there is one more

Read my earlier post....if this doesn't stay in shape, it's history.
Great idea Brent. If he can trash KC, Kirkham and others, and you don't want us to give our opinions on a discussion forum, then the best place for this thread is in the trash. We appreciate all you do for this forum and it's your forum. You need to do what you think is best.
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