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11-01-2007, 09:10 PM
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“When I walked away from racing and the car business in the early 1970s, never, in my wildest dreams, would I have thought those cars could develop the kind of following they have today. At first I was surprised that anyone cared about them at all. But as time went on, through the 1970s and into the 1980s, I began to realize how special they were. And I wasn’t alone. One of the reasons these cars are so exceptional is because of what they accomplished. Everyone who worked for Shelby American had a hand in that. But once we closed the company’s doors, we stepped out of the picture. If it wasn’t for a small handful of owners and enthusiasts who dedicated themselves to these cars, the Cobras and Shelby Mustangs would be just so many old, used cars today. That dedication is illustrated by this registry. When we were building the cars, our goal was to get them out the door and into the hands of dealers and owners. We never paid much attention to how many were four-speeds and how many were automatics, or how many were painted red, or to any of the small details that today’s owners find so interesting.
The Shelby American Automobile Club’s exceptional dedication is responsible for keeping the bloodline of these cars from being diluted by fakes and look-alikes. That translates into the continuing high level of interest in them as well as their high values. The publication of a book like this assures Cobras and Shelby Mustangs their rightful place in automotive history. An incredible amount of work has gone into gathering the information contained in this book, sorting through it, organizing it and then turning it into the printed page. It is truly a labor of love for everyone who was involved. I know what that’s all about because the Cobra was a labor of love for me.”
Carroll Shelby
Shelby American World Registry 1997

11-01-2007, 09:10 PM
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Boy Ron, isn't that a little unfair? Who wouldn't want to buy a Shelby now so they could feel like they really belong in the Team Shelby club? 

11-02-2007, 12:22 AM
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It is sad that Shelby didn't find a way to incorporate SAAC into this new game plan in some way. They've been snubbed, for whatever reason. I'm not feeling all warm and fuzzy over this deal. Recognizing business decisions need to be made, looking to the future, perhaps better in the long run and all that, change is never easy. It does leave me feeling rather empty at the present time...

11-02-2007, 12:52 AM
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Guys, I posted this on the other forum as well, I hope it helps, If not I am sorry. I don't understand why threads always degrade into snide remarks, nasty comments, why can't it just be discussions?
The new club although it doesn't look like it yet, as it officially launches on Carroll's birthday will have a full vintage section. We want input and we don't profess to have all the answers either. I hope to build it to where it is what it needs to be for all.
so, Here is the only "why" I can give you, the why will come from Carroll directly as well this week. I didn't think the why was important because I don't do "he said /she said"
I explained to him tonight some of the backlash and he will make a statement. He has felt for along time that he is not part of SAAC he has told me he talked to Ken and Rick and had given input to events and other things over the years and he felt ignored. These are his words to me, not mine, please do not accuse me of anything other then what I am posting.. He said that he as Shelby wants a site that has instant information for all users and owners, a site where he can exchange info with the members, a site that he can ask for feedback immediately and have a dialog. Again his original idea. I told him about the club and shows I did before, we discussed building this club when the company was better able to handle it. That time is now.
I have also tried to talk to Ken 2 years ago at saac, about the relationship with Carroll and SAAC and Ken was adament in his anger at Carroll. This seems personal to both and maybe rightfully so for both. I warned him and rick at the dinner back then that this would reach a head. Nothing ever happened between the 3 to change the outcome.
I don't presume to know how to make it all happen, but I do know that the strength of SAAC is in it's members not just in its club owners. That is what we are trying to do. We have heard good and we have heard bad, Carroll specifically wanted to run his club where his thoughts mattered. I am not judging anyone, I think the registry for it's information is amazing, but maybe there is more needed.
Again, my appologies if I sounded arrogant, it was not my intent, this is a big under taking, it is a huge responsibility,its's a huge expense, believe me I really want this to succeed. I was trying to be careful, I was trying to be politically correct, maybe that was wrong.
Last edited by amy B; 11-02-2007 at 12:56 AM..

11-02-2007, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by amy B
This brand is my responsibily to keep the legacy going, Saac did that for last 30 years, we want to keep it going and take it another step.
I'll start off by saying that I admire you, and do respect Carroll Shelby and this is not an attack on either of you, just my personal opinion based on far more years involved with Shelbys and SAAC (among others) than you and most likely 90% of the people currently involved with SAI.
If you want to unite the products as you say is "Carrol's goal", then why bother to charge a $49.95 fee? THis only smells like just another way to exploit what is out there and attempt to make a buck by someone elses enthusiasm.
As for Carroll Shelby reading and responding on any forum on a regular basis so "he" can have instant responses to his questions and/or concerns, let's just say that in itself seems a bit too hard to believe as he dislikes the online communities (his words overheard several times over the course of the last 10 years) as a whole.
As for Carroll Shelby reading the press releases before they are submitted, yes, I do believe that he does, but that does not makie them based in 100% reality.
A Snakes post at 12:10 AM quoting Carroll Shelby directly from the 97 SAAC Registry (also seen in several prominant magazines articles in the 80-90's time period in one way shape or form) hits the nail on the head. Without SAAC and the MCA (Mustang Club of America), the Shelby Marque would most likely not have the same type of following it has today. For you to make a "corporate decision" to abolish the ties with SAAC at this time in hopes of "making a profit" is a slap in the face to any and all Shelby enthusiasts around the world. No matter what else you could post, no matter what Carroll can say through you and his corporate PR dept (let's face it, you and I know that Carroll has never been "politically correct", so everything being attributed to him has been "washed" before being allowed out of SAI), this is now a way to try to turn a profit and you and the corporate officers at SAI will grasp at whatever straws that you can to make that almighty buck, no matter who or what you have to run rampart over.
Again, I admire you and Carroll for what you have done with the company since taking the helm, but in my heart (and as a shareholder) I truly believe that your current course will be the undoing of the business in the long run.
Bill S.
Proud SAAC member since late 1981
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
First time Cobra buyers-READ THIS

11-02-2007, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by wcampbell
See I told you. The GLHs will be parked next to the R-Models and FIA COBRAs for all to see. Gee - if you're one of those GLH owners I think the value of your car just went up 10K. On the other hand, if you own the R-Model you might feel kind like you just kissed your sister... 
Which is why after I've been to one saac, there is no point in going to another. There is an elitest type of flavor to the club, from some of the members. I would not spend my time or money to bring my 4000 car there, most people there are not intereseted in seeing replica's, which is fine, as I didn't go there to look at replica's. The track time is also very expensive and limited for replica's.
Basically, been there, done that.
Originally Posted by Excaliber
It is sad that Shelby didn't find a way to incorporate SAAC into this new game plan in some way. They've been snubbed, for whatever reason. .
Maybe it's because SAAC is a business, not a non-profit organization, of which I don;t think many are aware of the financial benefits to the owners, who may want to keep it that way, and maybe it's basically a business decision between all parties concerned.
Originally Posted by amy B
Carroll --- has felt for along time that he is not part of SAAC he has told me he talked to Ken and Rick and had given input to events and other things over the years and he felt ignored.
I have also tried to talk to Ken 2 years ago at saac, about the relationship with Carroll and SAAC and Ken was adament in his anger at Carroll. This seems personal to both and maybe rightfully so for both. I warned him and rick at the dinner back then that this would reach a head. Nothing ever happened between the 3 to change the outcome.
obviously, there are some strong feelings about issues that we may never know that are having a decisive role in business decision making.
"After jumping into an early lead, Miles pitted for no reason. He let the entire field go by before re-entering the race. The crowd was jumping up and down as he stunned the Chevrolet drivers by easily passing the entire field to finish second behind MacDonald's other team Cobra. The Corvette people were completely demoralized."

11-02-2007, 04:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Jollyroge
I can tell for a fact that SAAC is not going anywhere.They will continue to publish a magazine a registry and hold a conventions.
They will continue to accumulate history and protect the value of the Shelby American vehicles as they have done faithfully for the past 32 years.
None of this will change so don't jump ship yet.
Without the existence of SAAC the value of all original Shelby American vehicles will be in jeopardy.Jollyroge
We should all be so lucky. 

11-02-2007, 05:03 AM
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I think this is probably the heart of the issue...
Carroll and the folks at SAI probably looked at Kopec and Eber, the money they're making and the casual laid back attitude they have regarding newsletters and the like (in addition to the eliteist attitude towards other Shelby makes) and decided - "Hey we can run it better collecting the funds and keep the profit after all it is the Shelby name which benefits SAAC; our corporate name which profits them and so we should just bring the wealth back over to SAI." This decision makes sense from a business point of view as well as Carroll trying to corral everything under his namesake. IT is no secret that Kopec had some of these thoughts to...he had expressed that he initially didn't really consider CSX4000, 7000, 8000 and even Kirkhams in the resgistry, but my guess is that he quickly realized (or someone wispered in his ear) that there was profit to be made by putting them in the registry and then selling memberships and copies to the owners of those cars.

11-02-2007, 05:10 AM
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Shelby Name
What goes around...comes around

11-02-2007, 06:21 AM
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My SAAC membership is up for renewal in Jan 2008. I'm going to join both clubs in January and see which one I like better. Having only known SAAC for the last 7 years and attended two SAAC events, it will be interesting to see how the new club compares.
Having a genuine Shelby Cobra, I never experienced the elitist attitude Anthony mentions he and his replica received from SAAC.

11-02-2007, 06:45 AM
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I hope all that does not interfere the finishing of the new World Registry I have prepaid many months ago!!

11-02-2007, 06:49 AM
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I think Mr Mustang has hit it right on the spot. It is a corporate decision. A little vindictiveness added in possibly too? Business is business, and this is a business decision. As Ernie said it is a shame that SAAC could not have been worked in. Especially since they seem to be the ones that kept Shelbyism alive. Such is life......not much is forever.
20mph is not fast, unless you are doing it in a 3/2, 1000sq. ft. house on 10 ft. waves!

11-02-2007, 07:23 AM
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Damn, I just paid my SAAC dues last month.....
Which is why after I've been to one saac, there is no point in going to another. There is an elitest type of flavor to the club, from some of the members. I would not spend my time or money to bring my 4000 car there, most people there are not intereseted in seeing replica's, which is fine, as I didn't go there to look at replica's. The track time is also very expensive and limited for replica's.
Basically, been there, done that.
Anthony; it's like that in most all car clubs/brands, I've seen it first hand and know what you are talking about, good,bad,or ugly, that's just the way it is....heck I have not one but 2 "clones", I should know........
Maybe it's because SAAC is a business, not a non-profit organization, of which I don;t think many are aware of the financial benefits to the owners, who may want to keep it that way, and maybe it's basically a business decision between all parties concerned.
zacctly, my thoughts also.......
Originally Posted by amy B
Carroll --- has felt for along time that he is not part of SAAC he has told me he talked to Ken and Rick and had given input to events and other things over the years and he felt ignored.
I have also tried to talk to Ken 2 years ago at saac, about the relationship with Carroll and SAAC and Ken was adament in his anger at Carroll. This seems personal to both and maybe rightfully so for both. I warned him and rick at the dinner back then that this would reach a head. Nothing ever happened between the 3 to change the outcome.
obviously, there are some strong feelings about issues that we may never know that are having a decisive role in business decision making.
again, zacctly, but just maybe as a stockholder in Shelby, they could send me a copy of the minutes, board meetings and I would know what's going on with the company I partly own (very,very small part)!!!!!!!!!!  Should I wait by the mailbox????????

11-02-2007, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Excaliber
It is sad that Shelby didn't find a way to incorporate SAAC into this new game plan in some way. They've been snubbed, for whatever reason.
Heres your reason
Last edited by lineslinger; 11-02-2007 at 07:30 AM..

11-02-2007, 07:31 AM
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Bla! Bla! Bla!
It is all about the money, "This is America Babe". I have been through all the marketing stuff in my own life as most people have on this forum- most of us have jobs and businesses and really do understand what is happening.
At the end of the day remember, It is still the hobby of a bunch of rich guys that can piss off buckets of money on something they really do not need. We can and will take our money and go put it in another hole, our names are not Shelby and he is not the second comming-loyalty can only be traded upon soo much. The boat and airplane industries have all learned this the very hard way and they will never recover to their potential.
Make your "little changes" but when it is no longer fun and the laysuits are flying most of us will be out of here-We all get enough of that crap in our day jobs.

11-02-2007, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by mrmustang
I'll start off by saying that I admire you, and do respect Carroll Shelby and this is not an attack on either of you, just my personal opinion based on far more years involved with Shelbys and SAAC (among others) than you and most likely 90% of the people currently involved with SAI.
If you want to unite the products as you say is "Carrol's goal", then why bother to charge a $49.95 fee? THis only smells like just another way to exploit what is out there and attempt to make a buck by someone elses enthusiasm.
As for Carroll Shelby reading and responding on any forum on a regular basis so "he" can have instant responses to his questions and/or concerns, let's just say that in itself seems a bit too hard to believe as he dislikes the online communities (his words overheard several times over the course of the last 10 years) as a whole.
As for Carroll Shelby reading the press releases before they are submitted, yes, I do believe that he does, but that does not makie them based in 100% reality.
A Snakes post at 12:10 AM quoting Carroll Shelby directly from the 97 SAAC Registry (also seen in several prominant magazines articles in the 80-90's time period in one way shape or form) hits the nail on the head. Without SAAC and the MCA (Mustang Club of America), the Shelby Marque would most likely not have the same type of following it has today. For you to make a "corporate decision" to abolish the ties with SAAC at this time in hopes of "making a profit" is a slap in the face to any and all Shelby enthusiasts around the world. No matter what else you could post, no matter what Carroll can say through you and his corporate PR dept (let's face it, you and I know that Carroll has never been "politically correct", so everything being attributed to him has been "washed" before being allowed out of SAI), this is now a way to try to turn a profit and you and the corporate officers at SAI will grasp at whatever straws that you can to make that almighty buck, no matter who or what you have to run rampart over.
Again, I admire you and Carroll for what you have done with the company since taking the helm, but in my heart (and as a shareholder) I truly believe that your current course will be the undoing of the business in the long run.
Bill S.
Proud SAAC member since late 1981
Great job of penetrating the corporate verbal fog and allowing some clarity in.

11-02-2007, 07:54 AM
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How do you ruin a car club? Let it become a corporate entity.
While Mr. Kopec and company have been able to quit their day jobs and treat the SAAC organization as a business enterprise, over the years I was not a fan of how the SAAC events were run. While all were invited, there was always some favoritism.
That being said, they still owned it and built the club up over the decades and documented all the cars (not an easy feat in my eyes). You have to respect them as an organization for that. The tenacity of each of the SAAC Registrars to get the information into the Registry was amazing.. Yes, I spent $125 for the Shelby American World Registry. The SAAC events are horrible for track time, but wonderful to see, hear and talk to the folks that own the orignals built 'back in the day', as they carry and share the history of these cars. Only place in the world to see the marque, undiluted, in all its glory.
Then, there are those folks, who wanted nothing more than to get their name / car in the Registry. Where does this leave them? Will the SAAC Registry be worthless now? The horror!
As Mr Mustang said, without this club, Shelby would just be a footnote in car history, not the icon he is today.
So, to now 'bite the hand that has fed him' all these years and to put the cart before the horse by celebrating ALL THAT IS SHELBY and not allowing SAAC to celebrate THE VINTAGE SHELBY, to me, smacks of just another money making scheme.
It seems that once something Shelby related starts making money and establishes a foothold in the industry, here come the lawyers.
If SAAC will now be called AAC and they can no longer use the Cobra emblem, may I recommend this'un...
REMEMBER....In Case of Spin....Both Feet in!!!!!

11-02-2007, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by John McMahon
It seems that once something Shelby related starts making money and establishes a foothold in the industry, here come the lawyers.
John, I thinks they already be present.

11-02-2007, 08:48 AM
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Going back to the Modena brand and why they did what they did
There was a reference to Modena and how Ferrari cracked down on
those clubs (fan clubs) that were using the Ferrari flag, etc. There was much anguish at the time on how could they stomp on those who were their fans? But you have to look at it from Ferrari's viewpoint. Ferrari executives would go to events and see thousands of cheap and sleazy Ferrari flags, far below Ferrari quality, as well as T-shirts and god knows what else. Meanwhile here they are trying to make deals to license chromometric Ferrari watches, and high quality model cars as well as quality clothing. The potential licensee buyers were understandably wary--saying "How can we make a $5000 watch when you allow these ten cent flags?" So Ferrari had to clean up its act, make sure only quality products carry the Ferrari image. This even extended to who they choose as dealers. I know one car dealership with lots of money in one of the premier rich folks' towns that couldn't get a Ferrari dealership because there were rumors (unproven) of where their original grubstake money came from.Ferrari wanted to protect their reputation above all, more than they wanted a dealership in a town where every house is worth $1 million plus. So in protecting the brand, what Shelby's marketing effort is aimed at now is trying to become more professional so that there are no tacky affiliations to bring down the brand image. Ferrari even went to the extent of creating a special car, I think it's called the FXX, basically a modified Enzo, and started a program involving wealthy Ferrari owners being part of the development team, inviting them over to Modena to test the cars they sell them for over a million bucks. You can't do stuff like that if what consumers see is too tacky. If you present a quality image, you can have programs like that. I think Shelby is a long way from having as sterling an image as Ferrari but basically that's why the changeover, to try to professionalize the image so they can have higher quality licensees. It all benefits Shelby owners in the long run if the image is upgraded and professional.
PS I am not on Amy's payroll, just an observer of marketing tactics. My idol as far as a successful businessman is Ralph Lauren.

11-02-2007, 09:02 AM
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addendum: An example of fast breaking news...
For example here is a piece of news that just crossed by desk.
How long would it take SAAC to get this out in the magazine? A year from now? Would they post it on their website?
The new SHELBY organization wants the news of their new products and affiliations to travel fast , for the benefit of those businessmen who are investing in product and for the benefit of their consumers. So in a nutshell, there you are--you either can run with the big dogs or sit on the sidelines and do things in your own time....
News Release (produced exactly as received)
SHELBY AUTOmobileS Signs AGREEMENT WITH Stephen becker TO OPEN cobra dealership
LAS VEGAS – November 2, 2007 – Shelby Automobiles, Inc., and Stephen Becker Automotive Group have signed an agreement that will allow Planet Cobra, a Georgia new car Shelby dealership based in Suwanee, Ga., to open in November 2007. The dealership will sell authentic new and collector Shelby Cobras, as well as support Shelby parts and restoration programs and merchandise sales for enthusiasts and collectors across the nation.
“Stephen is both an entrepreneur and recognized Shelby expert,” said Amy Boylan, President of Shelby Automobiles, Inc. “He understands our philosophy of building high performance vehicles and has worked closely with Carroll over the years. As a result, Stephen has developed a solid understanding of what it takes to run a successful dealership in this competitive world of collectible performance vehicles.”
Becker opened his first Shelby parts business in 1978 at just 11-years-old. Since that time, he has become well known for his expertise and knowledge of vintage and collector Shelby vehicles. His new store, Planet Cobra, will become the first authorized Shelby dealership in the Southeast to offer new Shelby Cobras and Shelby-licensed merchandise including apparel and parts. The Planet Cobra online store will also serve as a resource for Shelby collectors and enthusiasts to trade or find rare or collectible Shelby Cobras and Mustangs.
“I look forward to working with the group at Shelby Autos,” noted Becker. “I have a great deal of respect for what they have accomplished and am proud to be part of their team. Our goal at Planet Cobra is to offer the latest performance vehicles rolling out of Vegas and be a trusted resource for collectors who want a vintage Shelby car. I have several Cobras on order and am excited to open our doors. With the enormous demand for authentic Shelby vehicles, the opening of Plant Cobra couldn’t have come at a better time.”
The agreement for Planet Cobra was finalized in July 2007. Construction on the dealership will begin in the first quarter of 2008 with the facility expected to open in the third quarter of 2008.
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