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11-02-2007, 09:04 AM
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I think this is good news. I joined SAAC again a few years ago and recieved one magazine! Wow, great to read about stuff that happened a year ago. The club I belong to, I talked to the presidrnt and he told me to my face the only reason he become president was to find a car. Gee, do I want that guy in charge or Shelby, let me think..................

11-02-2007, 09:27 AM
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I've been a member of SAAC since 1979 and have purchased their $20 T-shirts virtually every year to support the club and defend against the fakes and forgeries out there, even though I have felt that the club at the national level had declined. In my opinion, the yearly magazine was awful and the Snakebite bulletins weren't all that special either. The local Northern Cal Region runs events at a superior level and the members are great. Maybe SAI asserting their rights is a good thing. Time will tell.

11-02-2007, 09:47 AM
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I hope the new club does better than the stock has.
When the run of new Shelby mustangs is done , so will be the new club, it has no history, or passion of people that will do the things SAAC has done for the last 30 years or so, good , bad and bending to the wishes of some at Shelby.
John T

11-02-2007, 10:06 AM
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Not to beat the T-shirt thing into the ground, but I remember asking SAAC a couple of years ago to put a Tiger on one of their T-shirts on year in the future instead of seeing the usual Shelby Cobras and Shelby Mustangs each year. I got a note back from SAAC saying that very few members would buy a SAAC T-shirt with a Tiger on it, T-shirt sales would decline and they rely on that income to stay afloat. Additionally, the note from SAAC also said that the Tiger is NOT a Shelby-related product. Well, SAAC invites them to participate in the conventions, track events and concours, plus Shelby built one of the prototypes for Sunbeam. Not that the new and improved Shelby club will include Tigers, I don't really care, but maybe some new blood will help the breed.

11-02-2007, 10:09 AM
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It's a shame. Once the almighty dollar is the reason decisions are made, it's the beginning of their downfall. It's not about the cars anymore. I see blame to be shared on both sides.
In my opinion, Kopec and crew have done it to themselves. They have provided themselves with a lifestyle bought and paid for by the "members" of SAAC, most of which are totally clueless as to how the "club" is run. While you can't take away from them what they have accomplished in the distant past, I feel they have squandered their current positions with their elitist attitudes and general complacency toward their "members". To say that Shelby is the only one doing this "just for the money" is only half of the story.
Mr. Shelby came late to this party. Seems to be a recurring theme lately. While I personally feel that he's entitled to claim and protect his name and the products he produces/ed, it sure seems like he let it ride for way too long to show up now and elicit any compassion from us for his position.
I have been a SAAC member for over 25 years. I'm not sure whether I will re-up with SAAC for another year or not. I definitely won't be attending the next convention in NJ.
As an owner of a current Shelby product, my csx4000, I find it a little confusing why Team Shelby has not recruited me directly - I am the original owner since 1998, same email address, same mailing address. What method are they using to drum up members? I have to find out about this on a site for REPLICAS? 
CSX4068, '69 Bronco, '70 BOSS 302, '87 Mustang GT, '08 Roush Trak Pak

11-02-2007, 10:10 AM
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I can understand you wanting a fast moving organization with a slick all color publication and online registry. An organization that you can control better. An organization that you can plug in different vendors behind the scenes as you see fit.
But does the new club have to be the "exclusively licensed" Shelby club?
I cannot imagine that SAAC is making a fortune off of their members, but they have promoted the Shelby name for over 30 years, and have contributed to a very large degree on making the Shelby name as strong a brand as it is today. They only seem to promote the positive Shelby stories. I don't think they ever mention negative stories like long delays for csx4000 cars before you came in to fix things. They have long time members like myself, who have drank SAAC's "Shelby cool-aide" and continue to renew our subscriptions for decades even though they are slow to publish their magazine and registry.
For all that SAAC has done for Shelby over the years, I not only believe it is wrong to not renew their Shelby license, I really think you should consider giving them a perpetual license at no cost, so that SAAC can continue to keep the older Shelby fanatics addicted to their cool-aide for decades to come.
Business decisions happen all the time, but who's to say what the Shelby organization will have to say a few years down the road about Team Shelby? Maybe it will get cut from the budget at some point. And if the "new school" club goes away, wouldn't you like to have the "old school" SAAC club still doing their thing and officially recognized by the Shelby organization?
I think you should really let Team Shelby and SAAC coexist as licensed Shelby clubs. And let the fans pick whichever of the two or both of them as they see fit.

11-02-2007, 10:18 AM
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It is a bit confusing to me why I should care one way or another about SAAC or any other "club" Shelby wants to stand behind at this time.
I have been a Cobra fan since I wanted a "real" one in 1965. Dad wouldn't buy it for me. Go figure. The values went up faster than my bank account.
Companies appeared making "fake" ones better than originals. I bought one. I love it.
These clubs look down on my car and me. Why should I desire to be a member. Why should I give them a nickel? I go where I am wanted. Period.
I have what I wanted since 1965. I choose to associate with other folks like me.
Last edited by kayakjack; 11-02-2007 at 10:27 AM..

11-02-2007, 10:29 AM
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Team Shelby makes sense on many levels and I think in the long run it's a good thing. I can understand the bad blood that forms between people and groups over time, a change is needed.
I do agree with 1ntCobra, it's a shame the SAAC endorsement cannot continue at the same time.

11-02-2007, 10:38 AM
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Thanks for all the posts. I am sure it looks a lot like we are not or won't support all original members, quite the contrary, the problem was that I spoke to Bob Gaines at SEMA, out of turn before we were ready to announce and release all info. This was my fault, it made us look hap hazzard and not sensitive to the situation and for that I am sorry.
This is without a doubt my screw up. Sometime things have to be done in the right way to stop misunderstandings and hurt feeling. The good news is We will be contacting all the local clubs and memebres that we have contact info for and will be asking members for help and input. We can not do this all alone nor do we want to or can. We also do not expect to relace favorite sites suh as this. All fan sites have great value and information that is unique. Our site I hope will enhance that and help that.
I have been working on this a while, I have spent hundreds of thousands for a technology package robust enough to suppot all of this online. I have hired people to support this, but it is all for nothing if it doesn't fit the needs of the members. That is all the members.
We have spent time with track owners for use of tracks in Vegas and else where for future events. There is much we really want to accomplish.
We published the first new Shelby magazine this week. It's a huge edition with new and vintage info. Money is not the main motivation, branding is. Are we charging $$$, yes, but we will we give you more for the fee, we hope so, if not, you will tell us.
The site will go live on Carroll's birthday, what's up there now is a temporary site and compilation of 2 other sites. This will be different when the new site launches. Between then and now I would love to talk to those of you who want to be a part of this and who have ideas on how to make it better. communication is key.
We have the same passion, we might not have carried it as long, but we have it.Thanks
Last edited by amy B; 11-02-2007 at 11:01 AM..

11-02-2007, 10:59 AM
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So what's going to happen to the Shelby American Museum in Boulder, Co? Is that going to become the American Museum?
What's going to happen to all the companies that use the Shelby name in their catalogs, are they going to have to do a realignment and remove the Shelby name or are they going to have to pay SAI a users fee?
Lots of clubs have been destroyed by corporate entities wanting the all mighty dollar, but you can't blame them for trying=business is business.
Yes, it's true that SAAC has declined alot over the last 20-30 years in producing bulletins and magazines, heck even the conventions have declined do to bad organizational skills.
It's quite sad that two opposing entities just can't get along and compromise instead of bumping heads all the time.
I agree with the other posters that SAI should allow SAAC to retain the Shelby name and have the new Shelby Team and SAAC complement each other.
So who will continue the Shelby name and mystic once the founder is long gone and the Ford company does not see fit to fund the SAI with new projects?

11-02-2007, 11:01 AM
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New direction for SAI or Same 'ol, Same 'ol?
SO what will your stance be with respect to replica owners and the new site, registry, and events?
I belong to a club that is very encouraging and inviting to me and my replica. We held an event recently that had the track absolutely FILLED with originals and replicas and everyone got along famously. I don't even want to mention the name though for fear of lawyers from SAI.
Seems to me that if you really want to be inclusive you (SAI) would finally bury the hatchet and welcome the replicas, be they Kirkham, SuperFormance and even, god forbid, FFR owners.
Or is this all about more exclusive SHELBY branding?
A Lowly replica owner

11-02-2007, 11:07 AM
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How will the Georgia Shelby dealership handle Title/ Registration now that the state of Georgia will no longer allow "kit" cars that don't comply with Federal safety standards?

11-02-2007, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by CSX2009
So who will continue the Shelby name and mystic once the founder is long gone and the Ford company does not see fit to fund the SAI with new projects?
It won't be the "club runners" or "branders". They will be gone. Good. Please spare me another stupid "club".
It will be the same people who have understood what Shelby did and made a long time ago. Lots of Shelby's acts have not been cool (did his lawyers see that?), but it does not diminish the Shelby Cobra.
If you own an original, that's great. I wish I did too. If you own a replica like me, you love the Shelby Cobra just the same.
Also, I guess I don't know who Amy B. is. I appreciate her saying that she doesn't plan to replace web sites like this one. That feels good. I was pretty worried about that.

11-02-2007, 11:48 AM
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The only thing in life that will never change is change itself. This is just another change beyond the control of those not directly involved in the actual business and we just have to accept it (or not) and move on. When I read all the ongoing griping and derision about Enzo and Shelby doin' what they gotta do to protect and control the offsprings of THEIR business ventures I have to wonder what else the hue-and-criers expect them to do and what exactly they themselves would do differently if they were (un?) lucky enough to have walked in those men's shoes. When I hear people lamenting that it's all about the money or profit, I have to wonder how many (non charitable) businesses are not about profit and how many of the lamenters have ever invested their own money, creativity and time into THEIR OWN product or business venture and what their feelings about profit and brand ownership would be if they had. Wouldn't life be sweet if Shelby was the Mother Theresa of all philanthropists who lived his life solely so that anyone who loves Cobras and Shelby automobiles could have one on his dime or profit freely from the fruits of his labours? Wouldn't life be sweet if gas was $.05 a gallon and sex strengthened your immune system and lobster had no cholesterol and ... and ... ? 
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...
Last edited by Buzz; 11-02-2007 at 12:10 PM..

11-02-2007, 12:01 PM
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You of all people should know that you can't survive as a jack of all trades and a master of none. This may bite you in the end, I hope it turns out better for you, than the guy that replaced Coke with New Coke did.
John T

11-02-2007, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Buzz
The only thing in life that will never change is change itself. This is just another change beyond the control of those not directly involved in the actual business and we just have to accept it (or not) and move on. When I read all the ongoing griping and derision about Enzo and Shelby doin' what they gotta do to protect and control the offsprings of THEIR business ventures I have to wonder what else the hue-and-criers expect them to do and what exactly they themselves would do differently if they were (un?) lucky enough to have walked in those men's shoes. When I hear people lamenting that it's all about the money or profit, I have to wonder how many (non charitable) businesses are not about profit and how many of the lamenters have ever invested their own money, creativity and time into THEIR OWN product or business venture and what their feelings about profit and brand ownership would be if they had. Wouldn't life be sweet if Shelby was the Mother Theresa of all philanthropists who lived his life solely so that anyone who loves Cobras and Shelby automobiles could have one on his dime or profit freely from the fruits of his labours? Wouldn't life be sweet if gas was $.05 a gallon and sex strengthened your immune system and lobster had no cholesterol and ... and ... ? 
I have no problem with people in business to make money. Heck, you could argue that I make money off of people's misfortune (I'm a physician). However, I try to give people a good value for their money, and try to avoid pissing them off in the process. In the end, having happy customers is more valuable than angry ones that you've made a few extra dollars off.
No business major here, but I don't think common sense only comes with an MBA.
Ron R
"Dishwasher? I thought that was for cleaning parts!?"

11-02-2007, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Buzz
The only thing in life that will never change is change itself. This is just another change beyond the control of those not directly involved in the actual business and we just have to accept it (or not) and move on. When I read all the ongoing griping and derision about Enzo and Shelby doin' what they gotta do to protect and control the offsprings of THEIR business ventures I have to wonder what else the hue-and-criers expect them to do and what exactly they themselves would do differently if they were (un?) lucky enough to have walked in those men's shoes. When I hear people lamenting that it's all about the money or profit, I have to wonder how many (non charitable) businesses are not about profit and how many of the lamenters have ever invested their own money, creativity and time into THEIR OWN product or business venture and what their feelings about profit and brand ownership would be if they had. Wouldn't life be sweet if Shelby was the Mother Theresa of all philanthropists who lived his life solely so that anyone who loves Cobras and Shelby automobiles could have one on his dime or profit freely from the fruits of his labours? Wouldn't life be sweet if gas was $.05 a gallon and sex strengthened your immune system and lobster had no cholesterol and ... and ... ? 
Ah, yes. What if I had a business venture. And there was some "club" out there that essentially is like free advertising to my company. Maybe that "club" is really a business and their "members" are really customers to that club, but those customers are actually funding the free advertising for my business venture. What if there are 2 guys that run the club and might split the profits from their company that are probably less than 200k per year. Now lets say that I hire another company with part of my advertising budget that costs me 200k per year to essentially run another "club". Should I upset the first company that provides me with free advertising and cut them out of the picture so they cannot get the 200k that provides my free advertising?
I guess it might come down to, do I trust the "club" that provides my essentially free advertising that is not really under my control? If I don't trust them to do what I want, maybe I should try to stop them. But then again I might alienate some of the "members" that were happy customers to the "club" and you know what, those "members" are also my potential customers that I might be alienating.

11-02-2007, 12:55 PM
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*** Can you clarify and summarize , what are the current and future web links for any endeavor associated with Caroll Shelby that are within his organizations ?
*** Any tie in to the Motor Trend announcement on a publication " The Editors of Mustang Monthly present Shelby ", available on the newstand Nov 16th
2014 Porsche Cayman S, 2014 M-B CLA 45 AMG,
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11-02-2007, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Don
*** Can you clarify and summarize , what are the current and future web links for any endeavor associated with Caroll Shelby that are within his organizations ?
*** Any tie in to the Motor Trend announcement on a publication " The Editors of Mustang Monthly present Shelby ", available on the newstand Nov 16th
Hi Don, I am sorry I am not completely understanding the question. Could you restate, sorry.
The mustang monthly presents Shelby is the new magazine we just finished up, it has historical pieces on Carroll, Shelby and terlingua, and new updates as well.

11-02-2007, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Chaplin
So, can SAAC still use the "S" in SAAC or is it just going to be "AAC" from now on?
I am still curious as to the answer to this question. Will Shelby allow SAAC to continue calling itself SAAC or will they have to rename the group? Or can they use the "S" if they pay a licensing fee?
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