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mrmustang 11-04-2007 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by RedCSX1

In this very rare occasion, I have to agree with Ernie, and we know you. :JEKYLHYDE ;) I have to give Amy props for hanging in there when people are piling on.

Hey Morgan,

As always, while my posts might seem "abrupt", they are in fact not done so with malice. I just like to cut to the chase and I am not afraid to tell it as I see it. Good, bad, or somewhere in between. As for piling on, again not quite my style, not now, not in the past. Regardless of agenda (I really have none as I am out of the hobby for the moment awaiting it to reset itself), I just hate to see what happens when things like this occur. The words of the past ring true, "united we stand, divided we fall", not only in business and the hobby, but in life as well.

Have a great day, hopefully you are having warmer weather than I am this early AM.

Bill S.

A-Snake 11-04-2007 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by 70GT350
So what happened between then and now to the point Shelby wants the paperwork back that SAAC has and spent many, many hours getting by sifting through all the other docs that they were filed away with at Shelby's offices in California before SAAC spent the time and money to make them RELATIVE? Gary

This is not the case. Amy stated the following on the Shelby Forum

"I did not ask for there info back or any of their stuff. We have always maintained that we would keep the new cars we build and ford builds, SAAC does not have the GT_H or the shelby GT info, that has always been ours, as with all cars going forward"

This was posted by Bob Gaines,

"When I first reported this developement I mistakenly said that Shelby had asked for all the documents back. Amy corrected my misstatement the first time she posted. So please don't rehase it. In all the excitement of the SEMA show I listened to someone else not- Amy that gave me the document information that I thought was in the know about the situation and to my embarresment it turned out to not be the case."

Let's not add to rumors;)

RedEsprit 11-04-2007 07:39 AM


Naumoff and a few others have brought up a good point and clearly you see the light or you wouldn't be on this site defending corporate policy.

As I mentioned on a previous post, Carroll has many accomplishments to be proud of. In my opinion, running companies is really not one of them. Maybe that's where you come in. When I bought my ERA, I deposited $30,000 knowing I had a one year wait for the car but had no qualms about doing so with ERA's 20+ year reputation. Would I do the same with a Shelby? If I could buy it from Carroll with a handshake across the desk, yes. From a licensee, don't be ridiculous. In with a check, out with a car or no deal. Shelby has everything going for him and could so easily dominate the industry but it seems that instead of consolidating the market for his own benefit, he constantly spends time just thinking of brand new ways to piss people off.

The market for Shelby manufactured (licensed) products his enormous. The number of potential customers on this site alone would be enough to open my eyes. Weigh the negative / positive comments on this post and other posts about SAI on this site. This is a sample. This is your corporate image. Clearly, this is not what you want and cannot be your goal.

As opposed to most real Cobras, people actually see replicas driving down the street, ask what they are / where can they get one, etc. Having once owned an original AC and many other original collectibles, I understand a certain amount of "elitist attitude" regarding being able to afford an "original" and ownership. That being said, the roadster replicas and the enthusiasts that build them (whether Shelby or otherwise) offer practicality and are clearly important to the future. From my standpoint, someone at SAI is not looking at the BIG picture. Why not use this new venture as an attempt to consolidate the market, rather than fragment it. %/

70GT350 11-04-2007 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by A-Snake
This is not the case. Amy stated the following on the Shelby Forum

"I did not ask for there info back or any of their stuff. We have always maintained that we would keep the new cars we build and ford builds, SAAC does not have the GT_H or the shelby GT info, that has always been ours, as with all cars going forward"

This was posted by Bob Gaines,

"When I first reported this developement I mistakenly said that Shelby had asked for all the documents back. Amy corrected my misstatement the first time she posted. So please don't rehase it. In all the excitement of the SEMA show I listened to someone else not- Amy that gave me the document information that I thought was in the know about the situation and to my embarresment it turned out to not be the case."

Let's not add to rumors;)

RUMORS? send me your email and I'll forward the emails I got from Rick Kopec yesterday about the documents. These are NOT rumors. You commenting on it is as you stated. I'll cut to the chase like MrMustang does; who is lying? Amy or Rick? Or am I misinterpreting Rick's email on the fact that he cannot comment on the documents being returned to Shelby because they are in LITIGATION? Another email he says the lawyers are wrangling over the word "gift". He chose what he said carefully. Maybe Amy isn't commenting(lying) about this because of legal proceedings right now. This is not an attack on anyone. I just think the whole story on that original paperwork is not being told and probably isn't due to legal proceedings . Gary

marcocsx3121 11-04-2007 09:04 AM

As someone who's been involved with Cobras and Cobra-oriented organizations from the very early days, I've found this thread both fascinating and a bit of deja vu. I was one of the charter members of the Shelby Owners Association, having attended the first meeting in January 1972. The SOA morphed into the SAAC a few years later, by which time I had 1. resigned from the SOA and 2. sold the Cobra.

I left the SOA when it became apparent that the original president, a gentleman by the name of Dave Bythewood, was using his position for personal gain. He was doing this by intercepting ads for both complete cars and choice parts submitted to the Club newsletter and buying them or brokering sales before they were ever offered to the membership as a whole. The model of the Club as a generator of personal revenue was completed when the SAAC broke cover as a "for-profit" organization. The expansion of the club's charter to include such strange devices as Shelby Dodge GLH turbos was a pretty transparent ploy to cast a wider net for membership dues.

Given all that, I'm convinced this new "club", like the SAAC, is about money and only money. The reputation and collectability of the original Shelby cars will do fine without either organization.

kayakjack 11-04-2007 09:06 AM


Very well said.

In the sixties, Shelby competed with Ferrari and prevailed. It is his legacy. Shelby and Ferrari both became crusty old men. Both ran race teams - their passion. Both sold street cars to pay the bills. Shelby - younger and better able to capitalize on it all. Both had big factory ties. Shelby with Ford. Ferrari tied in with Fiat. Ford almost bought Ferrari for a few million dollars, so it wasn't worth that much at the time.

How did it all work out? Look at Ferrari. Look at the Tifosi, the biggest, most loyal, vigorous fans in the world. The race team. The street cars. The reputation.

Look at Shelby. Lawsuits. Ferrari folks put there names on a list and hope to get called soon to buy their new car. Buy from a Shelby licensee? Like you said - in with a check, out with a car or no deal.

I checked Shelby's market capitalization. A few million dollars. Burger King single franchisees do better. No PE ratio, because they have no profits. Stock selling well south of a buck. The facts say their philosophy is a failure.

I have been involved in a number of successful turnarounds. This has some earmarks of potential success. But I could do it better than they can. Their plan has fatal flaws that will insure nothing good happens. They think they can be successful doing more of the same. Customer's buying from licensees getting screwed. Lawsuits. Company's like Factory Five are the enemy. Replica customers are seen as second tier. But there are lots of them so they like their money. Half baked new "clubs".

Maybe someday it will really change. I don't know.


amy B 11-04-2007 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by 70GT350
RUMORS? send me your email and I'll forward the emails I got from Rick Kopec yesterday about the documents. These are NOT rumors. You commenting on it is as you stated. I'll cut to the chase like MrMustang does; who is lying? Amy or Rick? Or am I misinterpreting Rick's email on the fact that he cannot comment on the documents being returned to Shelby because they are in LITIGATION? Another email he says the lawyers are wrangling over the word "gift". He chose what he said carefully. Maybe Amy isn't commenting(lying) about this because of legal proceedings right now. This is not an attack on anyone. I just think the whole story on that original paperwork is not being told and probably isn't due to legal proceedings . Gary

Gary, If Rick has a letter from me I would love to see it. Again, I do not run licensing, I don't know anything other then what I said to to Bob, that was the license wasn't renewed. Licensing is in LA, legal is in LA, they do licensing. I am in Vegas, I don't know everything even though I am part of shelby. I am tangled in this as I am starting the new club at the same time. A club that was directed at the new and welcomed the old.


amy B 11-04-2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by kayakjack

Very well said.

In the sixties, Shelby competed with Ferrari and prevailed. It is his legacy. Shelby and Ferrari both became crusty old men. Both ran race teams - their passion. Both sold street cars to pay the bills. Shelby - younger and better able to capitalize on it all. Both had big factory ties. Shelby with Ford. Ferrari tied in with Fiat. Ford almost bought Ferrari for a few million dollars, so it wasn't worth that much at the time.

How did it all work out? Look at Ferrari. Look at the Tifosi, the biggest, most loyal, vigorous fans in the world. The race team. The street cars. The reputation.

Look at Shelby. Lawsuits. Ferrari folks put there names on a list and hope to get called soon to buy their new car. Buy from a Shelby licensee? Like you said - in with a check, out with a car or no deal.

I checked Shelby's market capitalization. A few million dollars. Burger King single franchisees do better. No PE ratio, because they have no profits. Stock selling well south of a buck. The facts say their philosophy is a failure.

I have been involved in a number of successful turnarounds. This has some earmarks of potential success. But I could do it better than they can. Their plan has fatal flaws that will insure nothing good happens. They think they can be successful doing more of the same. Customer's buying from licensees getting screwed. Lawsuits. Company's like Factory Five are the enemy. Replica customers are seen as second tier. But there are lots of them so they like their money. Half baked new "clubs".

Maybe someday it will really change. I don't know.


Jack, I will say this, first SAI hasn't been public for a few years it's on the pinks.We were 6+ million in the hole when I took over, we are certainly a lot better then a "market cap of a few million right now". I have invested a lot of $$$ in the new club and again, the new club is targeted at all the new cars and welcomes the vintage. I will keep saying that. I did not cancel SAAc I being me, Amy Boylan. Carroll and his licensing team did. Carroll did this for his reasons. My club was started being built months before this happened.

On the turnaround, you could have done it better? Maybe you could have, but you didn't step up? I did. So it's pretty easy to sit there and suggest something you can't prove.

On the replicar issue, it is before my time, I will leave it at that.


daltondavid 11-04-2007 10:02 AM

This matter is truly in capable hands I assure all of you. Fanning flames of speculation and Rumor will not help the matter one bit. Amy has shown me and many others her dedication not only in the past, but in the here and now by basicly not sleeping until a resolution is reached in this matter. while we would alll like to see the matter settled by dinner time tonite, chances are that will not happen. but maybe by "Dinner time" next Sunday, we can all relax knowing it has been resolved in a positive and meaningful fashion that will benefit everybody involved in this hobby. from Original Car owners to Replica owners and even Die Cast collectors!! Think Positive!:LOL:

Excaliber 11-04-2007 10:10 AM

I would be hesitant to open the can of worms concerning any offers from Carroll to the replica world for licensing or whatever. I have no doubt he did, how much, how it was to be issued and all that are a real minefield. It will likely only add fuel to the fire no matter how it went down. SPF got theres, let it go...

amy B 11-04-2007 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Excaliber
I would be hesitant to open the can of worms concerning any offers from Carroll to the replica world for licensing or whatever. I have no doubt he did, how much, how it was to be issued and all that are a real minefield. It will likely only add fuel to the fire no matter how it went down. SPF got theres, let it go...

Ex, you are right, it was before my time and it should stay there. Thank you


kayakjack 11-04-2007 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by amy B
On the turnaround, you could have done it better? Maybe you could have, but you didn't step up? I did. So it's pretty easy to sit there and suggest something you can't prove.


Yeah, I think I could have done better.

Doing more of the same, faster gets you nowhere. You know that. In fact this is all so basic that I really think you know how to make Shelby what it should be and could have been all along. My hunch is that you don't have the authority needed for success. I wish you did, because like I said, I have a hunch you know how to do it.

You are right, I am just sitting here writing. Pretty easy, huh. Tell you what, if you ever want some real help - just drop me a line. Be glad to. I'll put effort in - no charge. I would love to see the Organization succeed. I would love to see you succeed. I have the passion too.


Smalltime 11-04-2007 11:10 AM

Shelby / SAAC
Just one person's opinion....

Amy, I'm a small time person who was lucky to buy a shelby many years ago and enjoy it to this day. I hope that both SAAC (history) and Team Shelby (shows,magazines,products) can co-exist. Some thoughts on why I hope it happens...

SAAC (it was a "for profit" organization) when I first started looking to buy a Shelby was fantastic..All those records, could call and talk to a registar and get data instantly..Went to a convention and had fun, got my newsletter and yearly magazine and bought my car based on their help. Then I saw that SAAC really didn't adjust as the future unfolded to the growing mystique of these cars and the skyrocketing values. When your charging people $25.00 a day to walk around and look at cars at their convention and really don't try to grow your membership..well what are you trying to do? It seemed that over the past 15 years what has grown for SAAC is dollar signs and arrogance. Don't get me wrong there are some great folks in SAAC..I just think when your leader is catering to the rich/famous/arrogance then its us a little guys that get squeezed. I didn't renew my membership over 7 years ago because they just don't offer anything to the smaller fan. They wanted this tight knit exclusive group and didn't seem to care about anyone else.

So now we have Team Shelby...I like the ideas of bringing a fresh marketing flavor and injecting those ideas for both old and new cars. I like all types of cars and whether its a clone, new, old, real..its what people can afford and we should be an inclusive group. Amy good luck with this endeavor and I'll be watching to see how things progress and hopefully join some day.

amy B 11-04-2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by kayakjack
Yeah, I think I could have done better.

Doing more of the same, faster gets you nowhere. You know that. In fact this is all so basic that I really think you know how to make Shelby what it should be and could have been all along. My hunch is that you don't have the authority needed for success. I wish you did, because like I said, I have a hunch you know how to do it.

You are right, I am just sitting here writing. Pretty easy, huh. Tell you what, if you ever want some real help - just drop me a line. Be glad to. I'll put effort in - no charge. I would love to see the Organization succeed. I would love to see you succeed. I have the passion too.


Thanks Jack, I will take you up on that. Email me your info, it's a tough job Inever said I could do it alone


Jamo 11-04-2007 11:40 AM

Again, a reminder...keep this thread nice or it will be shut down.

Amy...kudos for continuing to respond to even the assinine comments, and keeping your cool.


Tout 11-04-2007 12:12 PM

Gary, If Rick has a letter from me I would love to see it. Again, I do not run licensing, I don't know anything other then what I said to to Bob, that was the license wasn't renewed. Licensing is in LA, legal is in LA, they do licensing. I am in Vegas, I don't know everything even though I am part of shelby. I am tangled in this as I am starting the new club at the same time. A club that was directed at the new and welcomed the old.


Amy, who's running the ship? If you don't know what's going on in a buisness your running, Why not? And if you are really after the new cars why take the license away? DO YOU HAVE CONTROL OF DECISIONS BEING MADE CONCERNING SAI?

daltondavid 11-04-2007 12:24 PM

Tout, please lighten up on AMY for now. go up a couple posts and have faith in my previous statement.- Dave

289ACE 11-04-2007 12:27 PM

guys, read what is being said by Amy. While she is starting the new club, others are behind the pulling of the license agreement and she seems to be taking the heat for it. This was not clear to me until today but perhaps the wrath of the license issue should be directed in another direction.Its easy to target the only Shelby employee on the forum, but it looks to me like it is unjustified.

daltondavid 11-04-2007 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by 289ACE
Its easy to target the only Shelby employee on the forum, but it looks to me like it is unjustified.

We are fortunate to have someone in her position who cares enough to interact with this or any other Forum for that matter. especially when a delicate situation like this comes around. recognize the opportunity for greatness in this versus more negative bantering. Now go drive your Car somewhere and have fun. Me, I am getting in my 2007 Shelby GT with my son and off to Grandma's house for Dinner and watch the Eagles play the Cowgirls!:LOL:

Tout 11-04-2007 12:40 PM


Can't do that, I hope Amy stays hear and listens to what needs to be said, she was hired to straighten SAI up and along with that come tough questions.Why in the world would someone in her position take charge of a project she knows nothing about, do what you do best and make it perfect before moving to another task, this is SAI problem.Does she do the floors and take out the trash too. I trust SAI with old records as much as I have waited 9 months for a supercharger kit that is still not in my hands.

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