AC-460 Aluminium flywheel yes, TKO600 trans NO. Reasons, Flywheel will save about 20 lbs. This will help the motor spin up a little quicker. Less wieght to move. This works in a cobra because of the wieght of the car also. It's about stored energy. Your car will be a little faster. The important things are SFI certified, and having this balanced with your rotating assembly. Not sure if your motor is a neutral balanced motor or not. I went from a 40 lbs flywheel to a 22 lbs flywheel, the motor spins up about .2-.3 tenths faster in the 1/4 mile than the 40lb. Now for the trans. IMO If you are going to beat on the car, buy a better unit. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR. There are reasons there are transmissions selling for $1,800.00 dollars and others sell for $3,300.00.
It's about how they are built, how strong the gears and shafts are, and the main thing, about how must POWER(TORQUE), not HP they can live behind.
This all revolves around your driving.
Straight gears and harden shafts will take alot more abuse than 20-30 degree heli gears. 2 shafts in a richmond trans, 3 or 4 in TKO 500 or 600. The other thing is the fork design. I like an outside shifting linkage for adjustments, You don't get this with the internal setups. There is no free lunch,
you get what you paided for.
The choice is yours, I always overbuild the drivetrain to handle the abuse it gets.
Search the forum for trans problems, Don't take a side on the story but look at the drivetrain that was in the car?
Go back about 6-8 months. Rick L