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11-08-2001, 04:53 PM
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THREE QUARTERS OF A MILE??? Cripes, I gotta get a new gear. Say McCranky, how long is the back straight at the Glen, from say top of the hill to the bus stop? 3.31's, 3.08's, or an OD Jericho?

11-08-2001, 05:05 PM
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Long straightaway
Looks like I finally get to put the Crankmobile in gear #5. MY speed chart says 6,500 180 MPH in fifth NFW can I go that fast.
Car does not have enough HP, driver does not have enough balls.If I go buy a twin turbo Porsche do I get to stay in the club?

11-08-2001, 05:31 PM
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3/4 of a mile, with my 3:23's, I'll be airborne before I reach the next turn......,,,,,,HHHHHHHHmmmmmmmmm, first a flying nun, now a flying cobra  WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours In McFords,
Mc Bill S.
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
First time Cobra buyers-READ THIS

11-08-2001, 07:22 PM
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Re: Twin Turbo McPorsche
Of course you can stay! It's your club. Of course, that doesn't mean we all will stay too...

11-09-2001, 11:19 AM
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The front straight is 3/4 mile up hill the first half, slightly up hill the second half. I hit 6700 rpm in 5th, 3.89 gear, 26.5 inck bias ply (do thay grow?) slicks. The second staight is down hill going into turn 5, I hit around 8,000 rpm in 4th. I think my speeds are around 160 to 165 mph, but I don't know for sure. I run and hide from every one on the straights except for Greg Lapointe(660 hp ffr). Some of you big block guys may be faster(on the down hill part of course) than me, but not many. It is a brick past 140 mph, I have 3 inches of clearance up front, the car is stable, no flights yet. I look forward to meeting you guys. Don, I am only teasing about the big block thing, figured I would throw some watermellon talk your way.scott

11-11-2001, 02:07 PM
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Thanks for the info. At the Glen, on the back straight, I hit 6800 (3.54 rear, 27.1 or 27.7" tire, 1/1 top gear) about half way down. If running for time, I'll go to 7500 for a VERY short burst. Really need a longer gear for these long tracks. But for the short ones that dominate this area, (LRP, NHIS, Pocono) its geared just right. Just another reason to go Jericho. Mine is also low front, slightly raised tail and stable at 150+. Must be some differences with the inner ducting/radiator area on FFR's, as they need the front spoiler to hold the nose down.
As for the big block comments, I'll just consider the source and allow you some slack.

11-11-2001, 02:54 PM
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Hey Don....
...you keep talking that talk and you're going to scare away any new members to Club Cranky.
...all dis talk about love between menses, it just ain't right.
...next thing ya know Cranky will start dressing up like da womenses agin....and he's a butt ugly woman.
Scott may reconsider hanging out with us at Elkhart Lake!
REMEMBER....In Case of Spin....Both Feet in!!!!!

11-11-2001, 08:17 PM
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Wondered how long it would take you to find that. Cranky is butt ugly as a man too, but he can drive that thing of his.
All non-members of Club Cranky--do not read this part...
JM, it just a psych out for those guys. If we keep coming up behind them in the pits and spook 'em, they'll freak out on track and will unconsiously lift to let us by. hehehe.
OK to read this part....
So what kind of love oil do you like Jonnie?

11-11-2001, 09:38 PM
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Well, we will all converge on the pit area just past the start finish line. We had a great time last year pitting with greg lapointe(ffr), nelson garrison(ffr spec racer), and John Guyon( he has the tubed frame 67 shelby mustang) the guy that beat Dennis Otloff at run and gun on the road course. All great people. I will talk to Gary Hamman, the guy running the event for the northwoods cobra club and see if we can pre arrange an area in the pit since we are all comeing from so far away. Don, your right, I will have to lift for you to pass me, at least on the straght. Corners, you may eat me up. I will lift at the kink. Anybbody that can flat foot it thru there" you da man". Don, what tranny are you running? I just drove the cobra with my new TKO plus in it today. It works great but we will see how long it lasts on the race track.scott

11-12-2001, 05:54 PM
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Just a beat up old toploader. Like the rest of the ol' beast, nuthin trick or special, just loose from a lot of miles.
Flatfoot the kink? I'll be lucky to see it with these old eyes. I'll have to stick REAL close to your butt (hehehe) to find my way around. Don't get nervous, I can't stop either. Hope you don't got bumpers, they'll hurt my glass nose when I lean on you. I figure it's better to be real close if you can't stop, less time to get scared.

11-12-2001, 06:06 PM
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Old racers trick
You are sort of using the Richard Petty driving style, run real close to the fence so when you crash you don't have so far to travel.
In your case ,stay on Scotts bumper and if he slows down you slow down . I'll be watching from a distance back as I don't have any brakes either plus I won't be able to keep up. Only have little beginner motor.
Cranky McCoupe?????? 

11-12-2001, 09:33 PM
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Speaking of stopping, bring your best hooks. Turn 5, you go from 160 to 45 on a downhill, the most severe brake zone I have seen. The trickiest corner to slow down for is turn 12, better known as canada corner. I can barely get my cobra straight enough to hammer the brakes, cram it in to third and make the corner. At the kink, I tap them before, roll into it and hope I have room at the exit. I never push the kink as an accordian cobra is not to my taste. Don, if you folllow me, I will show you my line. After you see my line though, you will most likely be thinking" this can't be the right line" and you will be correct. But don't worry, I will only confuse you until the first straight. After that you won't be confused any more. scott

11-13-2001, 06:08 AM
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You and the other West coast racers will ony be a short 8 hr drive to the Glen from Elkhart Lake for our event in Oct Why not have the cars transported to the Glen after Elkhart and then fly in for the Oct. Glen action.You can store the cars at the track and the locals will look after them.
This way Fez can show you the line around the Glen and then we can both pass him.
But the real fun starts back at the Seneca Lodge. Just wait till you get a look at ol'e SDW and his cast of characters.
And of course John McMahon 

11-13-2001, 06:57 AM
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Just a clarification.........
John McMahon only attends the daytime track events.
...somewhere between the NY Strip Steak and multiple drinks at the Seneca Lodge's bonfire is he merely used as a medium by which the following spirirts can be channeled for the enjoyment of Club Cranky:
Carl Shelby (the evil twin!)
Sweet D!ck Willie
Tawana Brawley
Tony Soprano
Apu the 7-11 clerk
...and anyone else that jumps in line!
Cranky is right, this is when the McFun begins...after the track!
What was that new Club Cranky motto that Mr Bruce came up with??????
REMEMBER....In Case of Spin....Both Feet in!!!!!

11-13-2001, 09:07 AM
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Big Boss Lady keeps asking when "you children " are going back to the Glen. I told her we may have to schedule a trip south soon, our leader Cranky's got cabin fever already.Club Cranky motto" we aren't many, we aren't few ,you party with us ,we'll party with you"!

11-13-2001, 11:12 AM
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I LIKE IT!!!!!!!
Club Cranky motto...
"We aren't many, we aren't few ,you party with us ,we'll party with you"!
I might have to get another banner made up huh?
Tell the missus the first sign of spring and we're off. No wait, we're OFF all year long. We may have to migrate south or west pretty soon. If we get a big enuff contingent, we should rent a car transport and head for CaliForny.
But threres nothing like a bonfire at the Seneca!
Johnny McNipple 
REMEMBER....In Case of Spin....Both Feet in!!!!!

11-13-2001, 03:25 PM
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Eh McNipple. Whats up with this left coast crapola. I can barely get to the Glen, McCranky's talkin bout road America, and now you startin with CaliForny.
Callin McFez to reign you back in.
FFR 1776-II

11-13-2001, 05:10 PM
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Now John, you don't need to go all the way to Calihorny to satisfy your "driving" desires. And I know you've been pushed through the backdoor of P-town. I suggest you load up McTruck and sashay your little heini* down to South Beach, Miami and stop all this foolishness. And take that awful, spiteful fellow with the beard and suspenders with you. He does have a way with clothes though, especially that blue shirt with white letters I saw him wear last time. I know all the 'boys' will really appreciate SDW, if you know what I mean.
No brakes McD

11-13-2001, 06:00 PM
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Didn't Cranky look like "Mork from Ork" with dem suspenders?
...Cranky: "Wheres my Cobra?....Shazbot!".
Also, you mentioned no brakes, butt  what about no clutch???
I'm sorry, I'm talking out my P-Hole (as Fez calls it). I don't even have any money to buy XMas gifts...I ain't going nowhere. 
REMEMBER....In Case of Spin....Both Feet in!!!!!

11-18-2001, 05:20 PM
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Computer glitch
Last edited by RACER X #99; 11-18-2001 at 05:23 PM..
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