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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2022, 04:18 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Cobra Make, Engine: Kirkham #259
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Send the Car out on the Track for the 2nd Session

a. Now start running the car up at speed, now is when you will start to feel the changes you made. Like softening up the front suspension and the car started turning in at the right time .... but not on all of the turns...still nice feeling of feedback.​

b. The Temps of the motor are looking good and you can feel in your seat that the car is starting to go where you point it. Great confidence builder.​

c. The Brakes are working good and you have a strong pedal, so much so , that the pedal is hard as a rock and the car squats down when braking instead of doing a noise dive..... that's a great feeling and gives the driver a Great feeling of confidence to start pushing the car.​

d. Now you can start concentrating on the corners of the track​

1. Can you find the 5 Sequence of events on all of the turns on the track.​

2. Brakes - Do you know where the brake point is on every turn.​

3. Turn-in - Do you know where the Turn-in point is on every turn.​

4. Accelerate - Do you know where the you can start applying the throttle on each turn​

5. Apex - Do you know how to get to the Apex of the turn, Not 6 inches away .... when we say hit the Apex, we mean drive that car over the Apex. if you are going fast enough you will carry the front tire over the bumps or curbs and never touch them.​

6. Corner Exit - Speed and location on the exit of the corner ...don't run out of corner ..... keep the car on the track.​

e. Now you can try and maintain Speed and consistency thru out every corner on the track.​

f. Smooth is fast, late braking is not fast, work the pedals to get some consistent foot work.​

g. By about the fourth lap you are really working and concentrating so hard that nothing can bother you as you and the car are feeling as one and the car is starting to respond to any and all inputs you feed it.​

h. If the car is not responding to your input, then the tire temps will tell us what to do, so again, come in and face the front tires away from the pit wall.​

i. Remember now the car is really hot and will bite you if it gets a chance​

13. On Pit lane fresh off the track

a. Start the Drill​

1. Tire Temps on the front and then around the car.​

2. Tire pressure Hot.​

3. Engine Temps and Pressures​

4. Feedback from the driver regarding anything, it will be discussed later.​

5. Are any of the fluids puking out into the catch cans.​

6. Overall appearance of the car, off track, contact with another car etc.....What ever.​

b. Now take the car back to the trailer​

1. Jack the car up and remove the wheels set on Jack stands.​

2. Let the car Cool down.​
Dominik, SGwick and CompFi like this.
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