ATTENTION Racers and Performance Enthusiast!!
We (NASA Texas) have been conducting road race events in Texas for the last three years. An operator of a retired air base has agreed to rent us their facility for hosting a one-mile high-speed shoot out. We are all interested in finding a place to “run” legally. Here is the chance to prove what you got and run wide open.
Also, we are seeking businesses that want to support the event through being a tech shop, contingency provider and/or awards supporter (through gift certificates, product and cash).
Here are some of the basics:
WHEN: Oct. 25-26, 2003
WHERE: Goliad, Texas (abandoned NAVY airfield)
STRUCTURE: 120 foot roll-out, 1 mile run with radar speeds being primary determination of victors backed by timing lights for tie breakers, ½ mile for shut-down
WELCOMING: Motorcycles, Performance Street Cars, Race Cars and Vintage Cars
DRIVERS and RIDERS: Get the Chance to Join the 200+ mph Club of Texas; Win Trophies and Certificates. Working on providing contingencies and cash prizes.
A MOTORSPORTS FESTIVAL: Fun, Safe, well organized and legal. A Full Weekend of High Speeds, Other Festivities and Entertainment. Car Shows. Beautiful Event Hostesses. Wheelie Contest. And More. JOIN IN ON THE FUN.
We are posting updates on the event at:
Please contact us with any questions: Thanks: Jay and Shannon Matus: 281-802-9863; Deanna Lewis: 817-243-2286;