- Soft Top Needed
- Kirkham's Phones
- Dry Sump
- DVSF - III links broken?
- Who had the "R" model seat for sale recently ???
- UK Cobra Club Screensaver
- Attn Mr. computerworks: Lost floating toolbar
- Rich Lacy Does It Again!
- More scam stuff
- Oval Air Cleaner Assembly
- New zealand Cobra builders
- Setting the market value(s)???
- Have trailer, Will travel
- Engine shops in So Cal
- Superformance questions
- builders
- Help - RPM Accelerates When Hot
- Mustangs and fast Fords
- Daring to be different........
- PIO in a Shell Valley?
- What are you all running in the 1/4???
- Shelby FE Installed in SPF 1696 - Pics
- Is anyone running 18" wheels?
- Shell Valley on an FFR Body Buck
- Seeking an AC 289
- Weber 48 IDMs
- First Post !
- Kirkham assembly service
- Recommend a good shop in Los Angeles
- Cobra sighting in Mooresville, NC
- Terlingua?
- Cobra-Driving Weather!
- What's the BIGGEST item you have hauled in your Cobra?
- OT.....Ford VIN deciphering....OT
- Power Brake Booster in a Shell Valley
- BEWARE-An Ebay email scam
- Wide-hip body???
- Static Electicity
- Cool Replica
- single hood strut
- Serious Speed Issues
- Join us at The Walter Mitty races in Atl
- My custom air cleaner
- House of Cobras <--- Very Honest
- Contemporary Cobra Foot Pedals/Pedalbox???
- Cobra paint
- Letter to CA DMV
- How loud are these things really?
- Pollution Control Standards
- Suggestion for the Kirkham Bros
- Bacon, back roads, and bloody urine
- Cobra Does Well for March of Dimes
- Brakes - bit of a weird one?
- Top 10 reasons why NOT to drive the Cobra to work..
- ps enginerring wheels
- clutch cable delimma
- Would Like VIR In-Car Video
- Double Cobra Spotting
- I need a Car Cover for my A&C
- Cruise Colorado
- Sidepipe Surgery
- Stripes & Roudells
- Ferrari Stickers
- SCAT 428 Crankshaft Info
- Latest Update on info for Walter Mitty
- Armando road racing sump
- Looking for trailer graffix
- Cobrapromotions web site is down
- Shelby: Muscle car auction prices "stupid"
- Paypal Scams - How they do it...
- Invite to all for Walter Mitty event in ATL
- Superformance dealers indicted
- Dyno Day in Kansas City
- Alabama Caravan To The Spring Fling
- Aero Screen
- Met DV Jr. at Carlisle today
- My Zaino results
- Shell Valley guys please help out a new owner of a used car!
- think you've got a big one?
- David doesn’t know much about cows.
- HELP: 302 rod knock-bad!
- car for sale during MidAmerica meet in Tulsa
- House of Cobra for sale
- AAA Insurers Cobras!
- One Week To Delivery
- Pissing contest galore!
- 2nd Day with my Cobra
- What tranny to use
- Augusta International Raceway Memorial Dedication
- Who makes custom collectors?
- CF, Team Jenny, Spring Fling
- Let's Talk About Heros - - -
- Tell on your friends-More CA DMV Madness
- Rarity/Uniqueness of Cobras waning?
- Ford or Chevy V8s?
- Ford to redesign "new" Cobra
- New Ford GT 40 Rumor-Go Figure
- Knott's roll call here......
- What BLUE is this?
- Engine size
- fastwear shirts
- JBL door latch - From?
- 650 or 750 carb for my 351W?
- Computer program for suspension geometry
- rain, rain, GO AWAY!
- Carlisle All Ford Nationals
- Oil cooler cost?
- synthetic oil
- Some undercar exhaust questions
- K&N Proposal (Xtreme top lids)
- Why doesn't Shelby American???
- Stellings & Hellig air filter horsepower numbers
- Most used Cobras being sold
- Cookout dinner at DVSFIV. Who's in?
- DV Jr. Will have the DV Cobra at Carlisle this weekend!
- Turn signal dilemma solved!!!
- Updated ERA FIA Photos
- Unique FIA 289 Cobra ride height
- Atlanta Cobra For Sale
- Bob Olthoff's Obituary
- wanted black 427 cobra csx4000 quickly
- 427 SC Roll Bar Height???
- 10000th member at cc....Whoa!!
- cobra prices!!!
- Good Deal? on ebay?
- AHA Show at Knott's this weekend
- "The Daisy"
- Lifts/Storage & repare
- Contemporary: Year of manufacter?
- Mall Trash!
- OK, lets see you close the hood on THIS one...
- Another interesting EBAY auction(or not)...
- Palm Spings Airport Autocross?
- It finally happened...
- Goodyear & Hoosier slick diameter/grip?
- Christmas in April
- Anyone know anything about these tires?
- MANY thanks Jay Nordstrom !!
- What original 427 CSX is this?
- Mr Clean Car Cleaning System
- original 427 Quad/holley set-up
- Owners of half polished Team III's ?
- FINALLY PICS OF MY 17's and NOS fogger system
- Great Service with Rich's Classic Transport
- Kudos to the Kirkhams
- Turn signal malfuction
- 427 bore specs
- Bob Olthoff's Last Lap
- Slhelby / Kirkham aluminum FIA with transverse leaf springs...are they still being ma
- SPF 1429 finds a new home...my garage!
- Power Brake Question
- ebay auction
- Great Afternoon Run
- What kind of wheels are these?
- San Diego Cobra Caravan to Knott's Berry Farm AHA Car Show Sat.4/24/04
- stewart transport
- make sidepipe quieter ???
- Today in PA
- Winter Gas - Types of Alcohol
- need escorts for Viet-Nam memorial
- Brent, Ron ,someone
- True Cobra Versus Replica
- Cobra Drawing Check it out
- How do you clean visors and wind wings?
- Yet another Ebay Cobra Scammer
- Midstates round tube frame pics
- Gas smell in trunk
- Bugaritaville?
- Back on the road (finally!)...
- Digital Camera Advise. Hey Experts
- pittsburgh area cobra owners
- '67 GT500 eBay Auction...big $$?
- Who's going to the Walter Mitty races in Atlanta?
- cobra in Belgium
- Flying Freaking Cobra!
- comments on cobra
- 305-50-15 tires
- Another ebay scam?
- Toploader Transmission
- Pictures please!!!!!!!
- Cooling system protection
- Lurker - now owner/builder...
- 427 engine worshop manuel
- Cobra Kits
- Cup Holders
- New Momar EFI Web site
- Lots of kits available, any that have provisions for multiple engine configurations?
- Hankook tyres ???
- BJ-Bay ?
- First Test Drive a Success
- CA/NV Registration options
- Who painted their Cobra themselves ??
- Best mini starter?
- Wanna take a shot as to what color this is?
- Free Stuff for FFR
- ford's code name for the cobra?
- SPC0037 hits the road
- Seat upgrades
- Grapes of Wroth revisited
- Zaino Bros rep in SC?
- Pics of tonneau?
- hilborn fuel injection for sale Ebay
- Info on the Palms Springs autocross?
- 66 HP289 information needed.
- Show me your Torq Thrust wheels
- Has anyone seen these wheels
- SV,FFR Dash size and leg room
- Tom T. needs our thoughts
- used cobra in canada wanted
- Cobra on fire in Arkansas!
- Mid America Cobra Clubs New Website
- LET'S ALL go to the Walter Mitty (ATL,GA)
- "GT40 replica show-N-tell" in Topeka
- SPF series numbers, design changes and models
- CSX3240 Information
- Happy Easter!
- Coupe off the road photo? Ned?
- Hauling my car, your suggestion needed....
- Latest Email/Ebay scam
- Porsche's and Road Kill
- Carb choice
- Fabulous Fords show at Knott's Sunday, April 18
- You gotta here this one.
- Spike TV Poll, Favorite Cars
- Be Aware of this Scam...
- GeorgiaSnake has a serious request.......
- contempary cobra
- Chronometric Tachometer
- Real Auction on eBay?
- And the winner of the baby pool contest is....
- Suspension parts
- Nyc Car Show & Mustang Party Report
- Grumpy where are you?
- Att. Atlanta GA CC members
- Backdraft Racing support!
- Identify The Gasket!!
- Dyno break-in times
- Welcome Scott Johnson
- cobra ownership thoughts/questions
- Englishtowns roadcourse summer '04
- Oversized rivot-on hoodscoop
- speedometer reduction gear
- Black stone guards
- Another West Coast on the road!
- Insurance & Tuners: Beware of the Trend
- Need advice when talking to bankers and insurance agents
- Registration In California
- About Back Draft roadster
- Ultimate poser