12-18-2010, 09:09 AM
CC Member
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Tucson,AZ,USA,
Posts: 1,468
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Tucson guys meet in Catalina tomorrow.
Hey guys, we will meet at the Bashas' store on the northeast corner of Oracle Rd. & Golder Ranch Rd. between 9:20 and 9:30 am. Plan to leave there at 9:30 am. We'll head up route 79 thru Florence ( stop for a coffee break there) and join the Phoenix guys at HiWay 60 at 10:45 am. From there it's off for Superior, Miami, and Globe. Returning via route 77 to Winkleman, Mamouth, Oracle, and Catalina. We will stop for a late lunch in the Catalina area. The weather will be cool in the mornig, 45 degrees, and up to 73 in the afternoon. See you tomorrow, 12-19-10.