01-20-2011, 05:53 AM
Senior Club Cobra Member
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Glendale,
Cobra Make, Engine: Cobray-C3, The 60's body lines on todays chassis technology
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things crooks do
Hey Gang,
I spent yesterday re-keying 14 friggin. locks in my Moms house. Seems her super secret key hiding rock was discovered and they took the key. The freaky part is 3 days later when I heard about all this I retrieved the rock SAFE and the key had been returned back into the rock!!! I did check the facts before replacing all the damn locks. Still makes me say hmmm.
The Lock Guy warned a new thing in the hood right now is defeating the garage door closer. Seems the crooks like to use political posters (like a 1 by 3 foot plastic sign). They fold these plastic signs in half and slide under the garage door. When folks back out to leave the sign flops open and blocks the light beam on the door. The blocked beam keeps the door from staying/going down either. Owners push the button and drive away. The crooks then pull into the open garage and load up.