Next Event for all you Cobra Enthusiests:
Sept. 28-30 - SOLD OUT! The 8th Annual Run to the Pines Car Show sponsored by Rest Stop Rodders - Pinetop Lakes Country Club - Pinetop, limited to 550 pre '73 vehicles, 100 trophies, all entered vehicles invited to show only, parade for 15 miles at posted speed limits, door prizes, free BBQ on Friday night, over 50 vendors, goody bags, free admission to public - (Printable Information Sheet) - Info: 520-368-5325 or 520-524-6407 days or E-mail
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Weather permitting there are 3 good ways to travel to Pinetop-Lakeside.
1. Via 87 and 260 through Payson to ShowLow
2. Via 60 to ShowLow through Globe. Construction ended. Nice twisting road great views up the canyon.
3. The most adventurous route via 191 to Springerville via 60 then 70 through Safford. Plan a long ride.
Show is sold out to entries but watching is free. Chuck and I going up Friday.
5 and Diner now in Car Show Season every Tues about 6 to 8:30pm at 75th Ave and Bell. Sometimes have 4 cobras there. Free drinks and 1 car chosen each week to sit at entrance next week - also gets free t-shirt.
Cruise every Saturday night at 77th Ave and Bell on South side in former Fry's parking lot. Lights, vendor. Had 200+ cars there this week. Good show. Usually 4 or more Cobras.
Bob Broberg