Cobra Make, Engine: Contemporary Classic, 428 FE CCX 3069
Posts: 7,510
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Nope, don't have any idea how many are going. If Charlie works some magic on my clutch cylinder there will be at least two of us. Me and Charlie. Everyone else is welcome to come along. (Charlie worked his magic. I'll be there in the morning.)
I don’t mean to sound condescending but there are three rules for our club. No meetings. No dues. If you show up great. If not we're going anyway. Rarely know how many will show for any specific run until we leave. W may loose or gain some even after that. I don't mean to sound condescending but thems the rules. We never know until we leave.
Dan in Arizona
"It's a great car and I love it, but it doesn't do 'SLOW' very well."
Other than breakfast in Pine, how about keep agoin to Winslow. Have not been there since 1961 and that was a drive thru before the Eagles. Just a thought. Hi desert should be cool enough I think. Which comedian was known for keep agoin?
Cobra Make, Engine: Contemporary Classic, 428 FE CCX 3069
Posts: 7,510
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Well, we had a great run. 10 cars including Charlie 427 who was actually driving a Cobra. 17 people. No tickets that I know of. Everyone got there and got back in one piece I think. All in all, a great run. I'll post photos later.
Dan in Arizona
"It's a great car and I love it, but it doesn't do 'SLOW' very well."
Had a great time today, good run. I thought my engine was using oil but it turned out the car was just parked on a tilt away from the dripstick when I checked the oil level. Whew (not that I'm paranoid or anything). See some photos here
Go here to see an interactive panorama of the Rimside Grill: Pine (heads-up: big file, about 12meg; also needs Flash so won't work on iPads)
The video below begins in the parking lot at the Shell station at Shea and the Beeline Hwy. Those empty parking spots behind me as I'm backing out were filled with Cobras just 5 seconds before. I paused 5 seconds to turn on my audio recorder and everyone was gone -- just like that. Had to play catch up again but this time it didn't take me 80 miles thank you. The camera setup worked pretty good actually for the first try. I think you can double-click the embedded YouTube viewer below to view the video directly on the YouTube site, that way you're able to go full screen in HD with it if you want.
By the way, I have evidence on my camera that someone, who shall remain nameless Dan, took an unauthorized photo with my camera. Hah!
Cobra Make, Engine: FFR MK3/302/570 street avenger
Posts: 1,348
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Nice pics Sandy. Glad your engine isn't burnin oil again. I barely made it home. SIGSRIG quit on me twice when I got back into town. I'm hoping it's the fuel filter. A mechanic told me when an engine is starving for fuel, that vapor lock can happen. Maybe DANR will chime in and give me his 2 cents worth of wisdom.
Cobra Make, Engine: Contemporary Classic, 428 FE CCX 3069
Posts: 7,510
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Scotty, I thought your car was injected? Really tough to get a V lock on an injected car. If it's not, then you may be right on. How did it act after it quit?
Sandy, Great photos. What's this about unauthorized photos? Do I need to shoot someone?
Dan in Arizona
"It's a great car and I love it, but it doesn't do 'SLOW' very well."
Cobra Make, Engine: FFR MK3/302/570 street avenger
Posts: 1,348
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The last 2 trips it died when I got back into town. Pulled over and opened the hood the first time, all looked good, it started right back up, and I drove it 2 miles to get home. Yesterday, it sputtered in traffic and died. I had to let it cool a bit, and then it started back up. Got within 2 miles of the house and it sputtered again, like it's starving for fuel, and died. Let it cool for 10 minutes, started it up and got home. I just took off the fuel filter, and am heading to Napa for a new one. Fingers crossed ! It's got a 570 Holly Street Avenger carb.
Last edited by Scotchman; 05-29-2011 at 09:18 AM..
Reason: add info
Hi Guys, I just created a user ID here, so I'm now on 3 different Cobra forums, like many of you may be. I changed it up a little and go by "LuvAZ" on the ffcars & factoryfiveforum's.
We really enjoyed the ride up & the breakfast in Pine. We drove through the street fest in Strawberry & checked out some cabin rentals nearby.
Great video & pics, too.
Thanks for the pics Sandy. I like the one with 115 miles to phoenix.
Sorry for the fuel issue Scotty. Probably don't live to far away if need any guessing done on the problem of sputtering.
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF2984 MK111, Roush 511 IR FE 8 Stack, Dynoed: [flywheel] 572HP at 6000 , 556# Torque at 4700, Bowler 4R70W Auto Transmision. Tires: Mickey T's S/R 26.0x10.0x15.0 F ,26.0x12.0x15.0 R Color, Bleck, because they told me it was Bleck, at the factory.
Posts: 1,480
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Sandy C
Great pictures and thanks for sharing. Next year for sure. Cheers, John AKA, tin-man