In case any of you guys are interested, I have registered for 2 coming Car Shows in cooler temps in May and June.
Saturday, May 18: Gear up Car Show at The Prescott Club @ StoneRidge. 1pm to 5pm. Note you must write check and mail in by May 10th to guarantee the T-Shirt. Or, I’m told you can call, register, and give credit card number. Entry is $25. I’ll be parking with my Wild West Mustangs Club but driving the cobra. You are welcome to park with me.
Here is flyer and registration:
Sunday, June 30 10am – 2pm. Babbitt Ford Classic Car Show, Flagstaff. Free entry, free food. My kind of show! Here is info: Cars are parked by class, not by club, so we will park together.
Here is registration online page: