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Tucson Cobra owners/builders
The Old Pueblo Mustang Club has invited us to attend their Annual Ford Car Show on Saturday, April 6th. I realize that this is the same day as the Arizona Cobra Club picnic. I have talked to three of our guys and they can't attend the picnic but have an interest in this local event. The Old Pubelo Mustang Club has contacted me and said that if we can show up with five or more cars they will judge them and award a trophy to the best. One of the owners plans to be there but won't be there for the entire day because of other commitments. What are your thoughts and feelings ? If you are not planning to drive up to the picnic I would highly recommand this event. It will be a great way to get our cars in front of our local people. Please contact me, email, phone, stop by, or whatever and let's talk about this. John PS. I have learned that there is another Cobra owner/builder here in Tucson. He lives off of south Houghton and has a Cobra in primer, we think that he might work for the Boarder Partol and have something to do with aircraft. Have you seen him ? Do you know anything about the car ?