10-28-2006, 08:26 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Tucson,AZ,USA,
Posts: 1,468
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Cobra weigh-in. Tucson, Nov. 4th
Everyone is invited to come to the 2nd Tucson Cobra Weigh-in. On Saturday, November 4th, Bernie McKearney will host this event at his garage, North End Auto Repair, 4262 N. Flowing Wells Rd., phone 520-888-2552. We will weigh your Cobra and if time permits, and you want to, we'll balence your Cobra also. The Tucson guys need to start showing up by 8:00 am for coffee and donuts, the Phoenix guys can show up anytime after 9:30 am. This will split the workload. It takes about five minutes to weigh the Cobra but up to twenty minutes to balence it, shift the weight front to rear. About 11:00 am we'll start a hot hog and burger B.B.Q. The location is: from I-10, exit at Prince Rd. and drive east. Go to the second stop light, one mile, Flowing Wells Rd., and turn left. Drive another mile to 4262 N. and look to your right. We expect to be finished before 2:00 pm. John