12-06-2007, 11:53 PM
Senior Club Cobra Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Glendale,
Cobra Make, Engine: FFR 1574 331 Blown
Posts: 339
Not Ranked
I thought my car had great power until....
Until I found out I was running on 7 sparkplugs.  I've misfiring some under boost over 4500 rpm, thought my plug gap was too wide and the boost was blowing out the spark. Had a free to take a look and so I pulled my plugs this afternoon. The first 7 plugs look identical to each the last plug looked almost fricken brand new. Not the best thing to see. Anyways I finish replacing the plugs with a little less gap. Started up as ususal so I got my temperature gun out and notice the heat on that cylinder was a lot colder(actually could touch it with my hand). Next thing I got out was my timming light and and checked the the plug wire in question and found that it was pulsing like the other plugwires, it would take a couple cycles off every 5-10 seconds unlike the rest which were very steady. I let it cool off for a bit and switch the plugwire with the one next to it and it started up again. I put the timing light on each of the those wires, the issue follwed the change so I had a bad plugwire. Went down to the local part place and changed out my old plugwire and went out for a little cruise at rushhour. The car is even stronger, idles better, better lower RPM performance. Pulled up to about 5200 RPM in blink without a issue in 3rd gear  , I would went higher but I ran out on-ramp, maybe I'll get a chance tommorrow, but the forcast is for rain. I hit it hard in 3rd because 2nd gear has no traction anymore. Looking forward to a litlle better mileage. 
AZ Cobras