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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 01:11 PM
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Default Danr55, please call Restaurant tomorrow am.

Hi Dan, I returned from Boston late last night and viewed what has been going on here on ClubCobra re. the "Challange". We can discuss this item later. For now, Please call the Old Pueblo Restaurant in Florence at: 866-907-9935, and ask for Lisa. Give her the exact number of people from Phoenix who will be at the restaurant BEFORE you leave for Florence in the morning. I have spoken with her about us using a back room and having it to ourselves. She will set up the room to anticipate about 30 people from Phoenix who will arrive about 9:00 am or shortly thereafter. The Tucson guys are leaving Catalina at 8:20 am and it will take us about 55 minutes to get there. You guys should be seated and served your water and coffee by the time that we arrive. Your driving time from Idaho & Hiway 60 is right at 35 minutes, you may want to delay there a while so that you get to the restaurant about 9:00 am. The Old Pueblo Resaturant is located at 505 S. Main St. As you drive into Florence look for a McDonalds on the left (east) side and almost across the street ( west side) is a Chevron Gas Station, drive past the gas station a hundren feet and turn right (west) on Ruggles St. Drive west about 1/2 mile to the stop sign at Main St., and turn left (south). Go thru town and look for a silver water tower about 30' tall on the right side, the restaurant is directly across the street on the corner of Main St. and Virgina St. There is parking on the side and in the back. Lisa was concerned about getting the exact numbers from you and I before we leave Phoenix and Tucson. I'll be calling her before we leave here. Let the Game begin.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 02:26 PM
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You bet John.. If they are only setting up for 30 people from Mesa, should I tell the rest to stay home? Guess not.. OK.. We'll see you tomorrow..

Dan in Arizona

"It's a great car and I love it, but it doesn't do 'SLOW' very well."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 03:07 PM
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Hey Dan, I am allowing you a way to get out of this right now. You don't have the numbers. We can have breakfast and you can pay the Tucson guys a few bucks for the ice cream and then we'll all go home. I realize that Mikiec left you holding the bag. We are scaling back our numbers right now, I would really feel awful if Ginny had to pay.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 04:02 PM
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You think you would feel awful, just think about how Mikie would feel when Ginny and Diana got through with him.. (You know Diana isn't going to let Ginny have all the fun by herself.. ) You're scaling back? Hmm... why does that have the hollow ring of a fart in a 55 gallon drum? While I appreciate your offer John, I think we'll go ahead and risk it.

See you in the morning.

Dan in Arizona

"It's a great car and I love it, but it doesn't do 'SLOW' very well."
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2009, 05:37 PM
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You were in Boston. Had I known that, you could have taken my mom and Ginny's mom out for dinner and a show. That way I could be on the run.

All gave some; Some gave all. Rest in peace my brothers.
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