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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 12:06 PM
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Default Thirty Arizona Cobras meet the "Challenge"

Thanks to all of the Arizona Cobras who came out for our yearly challenge. I must say that I was awed by the 19 Phoenix area Cobras in the parking lot of the restaurant. What a beautiful display it made when the 11 Cobras from Tucson were added to the group. The parking lot overflowed unto the street and the area became the hottest thing to see in Florence,AZ. that day. The restaurant has received a "two thumbs up" from Karl for their mexican food. Danr55 led us from Florence to Coolidge and on to the Eloy airport, nice job Dan. Once the guys found out that there was an air conditioned bar at the airport the sky divers were no longer interesting. The Challenge pay-off was made in Casa Grande at a Dairy Queen. The D.Q. had seating and was air conditioned so most of us spent an enjoyable time chatting inside. For those of you who may have not made it to the D.Q. because of my misdirections I do owe you an ice cream . Special Thanks to Duane ****erson and his wife who joined us, coming all the way from Safford. The temp. was right at 100 degrees as we left Casa Grande for the drive home.
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