Anyone planning to do
- Mt Cootha Hill Climb
- Gatton Street Sprints
- Laybourne Sprints
Please let us know and we can get a group of interested parties together.
Plus usual QLDCCC breaky but we all know that's on. Im putting a group together to do a run to the GC for the July Breaky. Please let me know if you're coming. Leaving Coolum 5am!!
Last edited by spookypt; 04-05-2016 at 03:31 PM..
Reason: cant spell
Plan on doing all A series except May as can't make that date. No Mt Cootha this year. Contacted organisers couple weeks ago and they are planning for every second year (2017 next one). I usually try make Bris cars n coffee - great selection of cars. Never been to 2 days thunder.....would be interested. Would consider other sprint events also. Jim
Mick I did speak with Pete last year and we plus geoff t were going to go up and chat to the qr guys about a slot but life got in the way. Pete and I have been in car mod mode and geoff t is selling his cobra and has bought a Marc car to play with the big boys.
I know we are welcome to run in the sprint part if we like but there's nothing in the pipe like we used to do.
Plan on doing all A series except May as can't make that date. No Mt Cootha this year. Contacted organisers couple weeks ago and they are planning for every second year (2017 next one). I usually try make Bris cars n coffee - great selection of cars. Never been to 2 days thunder.....would be interested. Would consider other sprint events also. Jim