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Kanga 06-18-2006 05:57 AM

Another Classic on the road.
Hi all, I have just finished my car, its another classic revival. I have posted some pics in my gallery, couldn't get them to work in the thread. I have browsed the site for a while and always had my questions asked without having to post any questions. Thanks to all who have given me some good ideas and solved some problems. As many of you building would know there are a lot of people who have help during the build I thank them all. It has taken two years and now I don't know what to do with my spare time. Went out driving today in sunny melb, all I can say is :LOL:


LoBelly 06-18-2006 06:19 AM

That's one sweet lookin ride

Very nice engine bay

...mmmmm....shines like precious


boxhead 06-18-2006 06:20 AM

Great looking car Kanga, I have a couple of questions for you.

How did you get through rego with the 5 litre engine? as I am sure it doest meet euro 3 specs.
Or is the car on lpg?

Did you have the side pipes fitted when you went for rego?

Kanga 06-18-2006 06:33 AM


Chassis was built in 2004, so I was allowed to use the 5.0 lt, its actually a 355 stroker based on the last VT HSV Commodore. Side pipes are active and certainly after rego. Have the under car system in case the EPA ping me.

Rebel1 06-18-2006 07:12 AM

Steve, that is one seriously nice cobra.

Congratulations of the build mate, the quality of your work is apparent. Very very impressive.

Beejay 06-18-2006 05:53 PM


How about a couple of pics of the interior etc.

You have done a lot of work on that engine since it was in my car!



Philm 06-18-2006 06:35 PM

Very Nice
Hi Kanga,
Looks fantastic,

Now that you have driven it arround, how is the power steering? Is it to light on the road.

I have fitted the power steering but have not driven it yet.


Kanga 06-18-2006 07:03 PM


I have the 15 inch motalita steering wheel so it can be light, I don't intend to put it on the track so the crusing aroound the streets its great, don't get the bumps or harsh road feel that the manual rack had. Turning circle is also very good.


Mando 06-18-2006 08:42 PM

Congratulations on a fantastic job. Your car looks superb!

Regards. 06-18-2006 11:22 PM

Sweet looking CR

Any of you power steering guys going to post some pics or are you going to leave us non assisted CR owners in the dark.


stiffy 06-18-2006 11:26 PM

Nice Unit..
Very nice Kanga, what was teh built time??????


Kanga 06-19-2006 02:41 AM

Thanks for all the positive comments its great to have others appreciate your work, stiffy the build took two years. The power steering is quite easy as the CR uses a VL rack, I used the power rack and the pump was also V8 holden so it came together, the pressure line is braided Teflon hose which the local Enzed did for me and the return is a -6 line, which I had to change to clear the headers. Power rack has a larger head I used the original couple that holden use and cut the shaft off a manual rack, I machined up a shim and welded this into the couple. So the bottom uni joint, which I got from Ian remains the same. I do have some pics which I will try and find it is easier than trying to explain it.


Philm 06-19-2006 02:54 AM

Power steering
AS Steve has said the power steering rack is a bolt up fit, the steering shaft is the challenge. I used the VL coupling and the bottom half of the VL intermediate shaft which is a universal joint on one end.

I cut Ians shaft and the Vl shaft, turned the VL shaft to the same dimater for 100mm then joined the two with a steel tube and pined and welded the ends.

I will put a pck in my gallery tonight.

Steve will you be going to the nationals in October, I hope so we can see your car in person.

The CR comminity is growing, good to see another on the road.

Phil 06-19-2006 03:42 AM

Thanks Guy's

Another job I have to get done before the nationals while my motor is out.


BMK 06-24-2006 07:30 AM

Whoaaa looks great. Hope to see it soon

RODA 06-24-2006 11:52 PM


Car looks great!

If you don't mind me asking who painted your car and who made up your roll bars?


Kanga 06-25-2006 02:50 AM

Roda, the car was painted by a guy in Tullamarine, I am not entirely happy with the job, however the price was hard to go past, however now that it is finished I probably would have paid the extra for a better job. However he quoted the job and the old story then complained how much work was involved. All this despite telling me how many cars he had done and how much work he had done with fiberglass. I think he lost interest in the end and rushed to finish it. As I said can't complain about the price and time, took him 4 weeks. I can't say too much more as I have to go back and see him, the side pipes were a bit too close and it appears that resin has come out of the body and caused some shrinkage. He told me that he had baked it at a high temp. The roll bars were also made by a company in Tullamarine, Aero something or other, the most expensive part was setting up the machine, after that I had a run of 4 done, should have made more. The rest I finished myself, rear leg etc and got them chromed.

Mando 06-27-2006 10:15 PM

what size rims are you running?


Kanga 06-27-2006 11:52 PM

Mando, 17's 275/40/17 on the rears, this was another 'discussion' I had with the engineer, as 9 inch rear width is all that he would allow, he also wanted a z rated tyre. I like the look of the 15 inch with big side walls but could not find anything in a z rated. When I got the wheel alignment done, I looked at some tyres which will give me about 29inch total diameter which will fill the guards and get the look that I want. Have to wear these out first. wont take long.


Leeroy 07-01-2006 05:29 PM

certainly is a beautiful cobra you have built. Love to know more about the power steering also. I have wondered how difficult it would be to fit to the CR, what rack & power unit did you use.

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