Thought a few might be interested in the Queensland happenings.
We had a group of about 60 go away for the weekend to the beautiful Cherrabah Resort, just outside of Warwick.
Great trip up apart from a flat tyre on the trailer,
( One of THREE bleedin' flat tyres I had in three days !! ...i.e. the XR8...the Trailer...and a rear slick on the red racer )
Beautiful weather, and a great run up the mountains.
The A.G.M. resulted in a couple of changes to the committee...
Ian and Joanne Smith are the new club secretaries
Lyn Akers will take over from Lina Roth as Social/Function co-ordinator
Paul Gillis remains as club registrar, and will combine this position with treasurer.
Warwick Harrison remains as the Racing co-ordinator
and they're stuck with me as President again.
We had a great night around the bar / fireplace...with plenty of Bull***t being spread around , but had to be careful not to overdo it because we also hired the Morgan Park Raceway for the whole of the next day.
We had approx 25 Cobras and GT40s belting around the track, and also found time for some instructional laps, and passenger laps.
Quite a number of club members who couldn't make the A.G.M. made the 200 plus kilometre trip on the Sunday, to be a part of it all....well done !
Fantastic day,including a very nice morning tea,
and lunch prepared by the ladies...thanks heaps girls.... and then we all went home in one piece.
Must also thank those good sports who were our track marshalls for the day...thanks again.
I understand a few of the guys got belted by a big storm on the way home..near Brisbane...I went the back way home to the Gold Coast and saw none of it.