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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 05:40 AM
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Default cobra chassis dimensions

hi all

just wondering is the basic frame dimensions between the different cobra manufacturers similar in dimensions

like the wide from left to right of the dash steel chassis frame area

and rough measurements from fiberglass firewall to say front radiator suppport

rear doesnt matter ill just make them longer than needed

im starting to make body looms for i guess any kit cars where i can atleast get measurements for

first of will be cobras and will incorporate relays for efi engines if needed

next will be for prbs and then start on old cars

have done afew chevies and toranas so looks like demand might be there

so see hwo things go

i hope to measure up bens classic revival next week when i go to finish some wiring off


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 07:12 AM
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Thumbs up different makes.

Hi Side show you would really need to measure up a car your self and work out a standard routing layout .
and some cobras are harder than others to get the wiring to where it needs to be. But if there is one thing about all the factory looms i have installed is that they never put enough plugs on them ie a rear loom, front loom and a cabin loom,
It just makes it so much easier if you can fit them up indavidually. Then plug them to gether its more work but the end user will be much happier. 2 other things that might help is a dedicated fusable link and relay 40 amp for the thermofans . and plenty of relays . the first loomi got from rmc had one relay in it for the horn. what a joke that was.
Try and talk to some car builders as to what they think is needed in a loom.
hope this helps.
Left Foot Up Right Foot Down.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2008, 07:23 AM
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i know rough dimensions

its just the instructions u get from others is a pain to understand

i want to simplify it might cost abit more but if i have relays for everything its much easier

i just did 4 looms on the floor

and i have just been getting new parts which help with new looms

ill have all relays for headlights and all the efi stuff and 2 relays for thermo fans

i never run a signle fuse and relay for twin thermos

anyway im saving a couple g in next few months to buy a couple 1000 meters of cable

by seeing and fitting what everyone else sells and with the show cars i have done in the past i cant see y i cant make it much better

ill advertise in an up and coming issue of kit car nag and get the word out there

for pre made body looms

i recon the prbs should be easy ive done shtlaods of jap engines mail order loooms

and now witht he holden 6lts taking off i might stick to doing more mail order looms than cars in at my shop

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Last edited by sideshow; 06-07-2008 at 07:25 AM..
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