Differential support kit installed...great results
Hey gents...I installed the updated differential kit I purchased from www.activeautowerke.com. This kit reinforces the front of the your BMW E36 differential, which is held in place with a single 12mm or 14mm bolt. The kit took about an hour to install...very easy...with good instructions supplied! The results are amazing!!!! NO MORE DIFF. FLEX DURING ACCELERATION...THE ADDITIONAL TRACTION IS AMAZING. I think this is must have for every Backdraft Cobra owner...the more power your engine produces...the more important this kit becomes! With shipping the kit only costs approximately $230.00. (for more information on this kit go to www.aatuning.com/drivetrain/main.php and www.aatuning.com/faq/AA%20Tuning-DSB.pdf )
With best regards,
BDR #98