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10-09-2002, 03:16 PM
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I agree with what you said in points 1 to 3. The Redding DMV has long been the worst place in Calif. to do anything and most people here have gone to other towns for many years. And yes, they not only didn't even know about SB-100 to start with, even after they got the word from Sacramento I had to tell them almost six months later about their own website that gives the number of slots left for the year. One of the guys here went to get his special construction number and they told him they had no way of knowing if there were any slots left open. He had them call me as I had been talking to David Pegos in Johannessen's office about some other problems up here and he had offered to send a state person up to this DMV and straighten them out. Daniel can explain a lot of this much better than I, but after our DMV finally accepted the fact that this is a law and not open to their interpetation of it the last four cars up here have sailed through with no problem. Even the smog referee now accepts that the owner selects wheather he wants to register by the body and year or the engine and year and if he dosn't agree all he can do is make it a 1960. I think the original intent was to allow people bringing Cobras into Calif. from out of state to be allowed to register them as whatever they were already registered as in other states but I am not sure. I have the bill here in front of me and have read it several times and it is kind of misleading in some ways. The way I understand it is the new bill will let you change what the car is registered as if you get in on the first 500. I have mine insured as a 1965 Cobra Replica and I made sure the insurance company knew what I have. They wanted three pictures of the car and one of the garage where I will keep it and I also got the full agreed value that doesn't go down over the years. Daniel did I mess up to bad on this ?
Last edited by Ron61; 10-09-2002 at 03:28 PM..

10-09-2002, 05:08 PM
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Ron & Daniel,
Thanks for the dialogue. I really don't think there is any DMV office in California that is on top of anything. Compounded by the fact that it takes you hours to get through the lines, or that the first available appointments are a month out, doesn't make it any easier to work with DMV. Why go and wait if when you get there, they dont have a clue. But this is not a bash DMV thread.
Daniel and I have discussed what I am calling the "gray area of registration" over a few threads. Obviously it appears you can't go to DMV and get a factual or even a straight answer. I would much rather be told "I don't know, but will find out" versus, "No, you can't do that". Its not just the Cobra guys who are having a hard time figuring out how to license their SPCV's, but the guys who building streed rods and cruisers. (Check out www.apusa-sacramento.com ) My understanding was that Maurice was trying to help us out by initiating SB100 - essentially doing something to help clear up the gray area. SB100 does help to clear up the gray area, but only if you bought your car from this point forward. What do you do if it was registered wrong a year ago? No provision for that until SB1578 came along.
I agree with Daniel at this point - If it was registered wrong before, re-register it in January. If for no other reason than I can see will will rediscuss this in a year when people find out they can't sell their cars becaused they were registered wrong and people won't buy them. By then, the 500 slots may be gone.

10-10-2002, 03:58 PM
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Hopefully under SB1578 if your car isn't properly registered you can resolve the issue.
I had a nightmare with a gray market Porsche that I imported, dot'd and epa'd and
had licensed in Illinois. I was forced by the
DMV to reproduce by ORGINAL paperwork
on the DOT-EPA, original bill of lading. Then
sent to the BAR station, back to DMV who
then sent me to the CHP who kept the car
48 hours and finally signed off on it.
What the hell can you do, you feel like a puppet on a string?!
As stated, on COBRAFORUM there has been
considerable discussion and speculation what you can do and can't under the new
Cheers, daniel
Need more horsepower, raki and where in the hell did The REDHEAD go off to?

10-10-2002, 05:06 PM
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I sold my car and joined Semko in the Superformance Alumnus.
Are you from Illinois? I was born and raised in Champaign.

10-10-2002, 08:15 PM
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I wanted to respond to the comments regarding SB 100. I will be forever grateful for that bill. I just finished registering my Cobra a week ago. Everyone is right about DMV not being aware of the process. I had six visits to DMV to complete the process. Luckily my office is just 5 minutes from DMV. The one visit that most concerned me was to the BAR referee for the smog exemption. He told me that if SB100 was not the law there was no way the car would be registered in California. He then commented about the polution my engine puts out. He then mentioned that his two children had asthma and that he used to be able to see the mountains, but now the air is so bad...Well you get the picture. How much mercy could you expect from the referee if this law was not in place. I am so glad my car is legally exempt forever and I do not need to visit the referee again for smog!!!! If you live in California registering your Cobra thru SB100 is a headache, but well worth it.

10-10-2002, 09:00 PM
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Congratulations on getting your CSX registered. I hope you'll get to hang out with Jamo and Daniel!
I think the referee was pretty jealous of your car to say that stuff, either that or he is an idiot. His kids probably ride a diesel bus to school. Both of course are grossly overweight. After school they come home to Mom, who smokes like a chimney - and god forbid her pregnancy would slow her smoking down. Their idea of exercise is turning on the computer, or watching the planes land since they live next to the airport.
But sure enough, that coal-burnin' freighter you drive once a week caused their asthma, polluted the earth, and started the Anna Nicole show. Shame on you!

10-10-2002, 10:42 PM
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In regards to the BAR ref in Fresno,,, IF he is that concerned about his kids health as he mouths off to be, he would move his family out of Fresno and the lower valley area. The air pollution in the lower valley IS bad. Its a matter of record. Not a knock againist the area. They don't produce most of it, but are a victum of geography and suffer the results. Your Cobra doesn't amount to fly spit in the over all smog situation.
We have freedom of transit in this country. Shut up and move!
At least shut up and do your job.
Note, BAR ref's are not state employees.

10-10-2002, 10:57 PM
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Spent 12 years in Glenview, still own businesses in Illinois and Wisconsin.
You are 100% correct, if it wasn't for
SB100 that beautiful Shelby engine wouldn't
be legal in our fine state. If you would be
unlucky enough to be attempting to register
after the yearly 500 car quota is used up you simply couldn't register that motor.
Just be happy that the process is behind you.
Seems like you understand our problem
here in the valley. Someone told me you
folks now will be subject to SMOGCHECK2
regulations, is that true?
The Bar guys that I met with knew what they were doing from a technical standpoint. The first time I was 5 minutes
late for my appointment and they made
me reschedule.
Need more horsepower, raki and where in the hell did The REDHEAD go off to?

10-11-2002, 08:09 AM
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FINALLY someone who recognizes the geologic influences in our valley, why is it so hard that the air resources board in their high rent fancy schmancy building can't seem to get it.... maybe undue influence of SF? I thought I was alone until I hiked Moro Rock to see a state placard describing air flow. I am sorry for my rant, it is just that BAR yahoo is ignorant. If our air is the sole contributor to his childrens asthma, should someone call CPS because he is forcing them to live in a hostile envronment?
He needs to move away, thanks.
sigh, looks like I have some issues to work through javascript :smilie('  ')
big grin
on a side note, whether or not it was intended, be careful when attrubiting typical smog to diesel emissions.
crud, I certainly hope I am able to finish my car while I can take advantage of the SB, bummer if I can't...

10-11-2002, 08:58 AM
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So THAT is who's responsible for the train wreck labelled the "Anna Nicole Show"
"There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots"

10-11-2002, 09:05 AM
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J L Toad
You should be able to get in under SB1578, now there is a web site to make sure you can
register under one of the 500 slots. Not hard to do at all. Otherwise, you must meet smog
based on year of your block.
Cheers, daniel
Need more horsepower, raki and where in the hell did The REDHEAD go off to?

10-11-2002, 10:08 AM
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We should start a new thread on "Pollution" probably a good topic. But since we are here and on the subject...
In this area of California, Solano and Napa Counties, we are just off the Bay and inland from San Francisco/Oakland. We have had to comply with Smog Check II for a number of years already. Studies have shown that our pollution comes from San Francisco and Oakland, so they are now going to implement Smog II there - to decrease our pollution. Its really not to bad here though, with the constant breeze it blows all the smog to Sacramento. I am sure that's the same thing happening in Fresno. Ever seen those elapsed ozone maps on TV? Spooky.
Daniel - I know of Glenview, but never got up to Chicago much.
Dirt Cowboy - Yep, all Larry's fault! It was his reaction to Turks not allowing him to syndicate the "The Dora Show". (An Animal Planet exclusive!)

11-07-2002, 08:44 PM
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Re: Thank you God...
Originally posted by Back in Black
For allowing me to escape the people's republik of California
Some good news I have had a fairly reasonable DMV experience, the people tried hard and everyone stayed cool. The CHP thing is done. The guys at Fairfield CHP are top drawer. In and out at CHP in about 1/2 hr. officer Weaver knew the ropes, was polite, interested in the car and told me to have fun with it. I am scheduled for the BAR experience at the referee station near Sacramento's Arco Arena on Tuesday. Anyone have experience at that station yet?
Overall the SB 100 route has been a little complicated, but so far there has been nothing I would call scary or ugly. Several of the cobra club members have been very helpful. Meat from the cobra forum was most helpful. I would definitely recommend the SB 100 registration process to any new California cobra owner. Of course the BAR thing could still go south.
Cobra Chuck

11-27-2002, 04:59 PM
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I just completed the process last month, and my BAR ref located in Salinas was very cool. He loved the car, and couldn't believe that we even had to visit them to fail the smog test. He asked whether I wanted it tested by model year ('65) or engine year ('72), uh, I choose '65. He said good choice, put the sniffer in, put a sticker on the firewall, and said enjoy.

11-27-2002, 08:00 PM
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On the DMV web site there are now links to help you get your Cobra registered in California. As long as there are slots open there should be no problems.... until the hot rod guys find out about the new law.
Need more horsepower, raki and where in the hell did The REDHEAD go off to?

12-01-2002, 09:38 PM
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More on SB 100 Experience
Originally posted by 65 Blur
I just completed the process last month, and my BAR ref located in Salinas was very cool. He loved the car, and couldn't believe that we even had to visit them to fail the smog test. He asked whether I wanted it tested by model year ('65) or engine year ('72), uh, I choose '65. He said good choice, put the sniffer in, put a sticker on the firewall, and said enjoy.
On another thread I related my BAR experience a few weeks ago. It was at the Arco Arena (Sacramento) Referee station. The people were pleasant and interested. They didn't even ask what year I wanted to be judged by they automatically entered 1966. They had a lot of trouble with one of their computers and finally got it to work, so the whole thing took a little over 2 hours instead of the advertised 50 minutes. They appologized for the delays so overall the BAR gets an A for effort.
The DMV folks handed over plates registration week before last and Saturday the Title arrived in the mail. All Done !!!!
Somewhat expensive, pretty convoluted, time consuming, but very do-able by anyone.
SB 100 is the way to go for registering a Kit Cobra in California.

12-14-2002, 05:09 PM
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I want to thank all of you for comments, it's been most enlightning !! You've answered most of My questions !!
My question is: What is to be expected, or what are your annual registration fees ? Are they based on year or value of the vehicle ? Do these fees decrease as time goes on ?
Thanks, I've got my ears on !! 
" I was going to Procrastinate today, but I think I'll put it off untill tomorrow."

12-14-2002, 05:20 PM
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Should have been more specific, what I ment to ask was "Registration Renewal Fees" on say a Registered 1967 Cobra reproducion etc......
Thanks again,
" Bo "
" I was going to Procrastinate today, but I think I'll put it off untill tomorrow."

12-16-2002, 06:50 AM
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Registration Renewal
Originally posted by BO DUTCH
Should have been more specific, what I ment to ask was "Registration Renewal Fees" on say a Registered 1967 Cobra reproducion etc......
Thanks again,
" Bo "
The answer regarding your questions is that your renewal fee should decrease over time. HOWEVER the state government finds themselves in a $30 billion hole and Davis has already indicated that DMV license fees are a likely target for increases. I could go on about how stupid taxe increases are and how inefficient the state government is but the facts are they are the boss and if they want to charge you more for every vehicle you own they will and there is not much you can do except raise the price for whatever you do to cover the additional financial burden. This is the beginnings of an inflationary spiral.
Cobra Chuck 

12-16-2002, 11:07 AM
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Cobra Chuck,
Believe me, I'm quite aware of the financial state of Calif.
We as taxpayers have OVER paid for the services provided for years. Lately, we've been paying twice for less service, and now another healthy tax increase for payment of graft and extorsion!! DON"T GET ME STARTED ON THIS BS !!
OK, back to the origional question PLEASE !! 
" I was going to Procrastinate today, but I think I'll put it off untill tomorrow."
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