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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2003, 08:53 PM
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Since when opposing to status quo is tearing the system down?
I suppose that is a good reason to vote the incumbents in ALWAYS, so as not to rock the boat.

It is an opposition, it is reform, it is improvement we are seeking. Not tearing a damn thing down.
Roseville"? Couldn't be a Gray Davis appointee, by some chance, could you?

500 cars (not just Cobras) to be registered through SB-100 for a state the size of California is a joke.

You can be a little more charitable towards those of us who appreciate the SB-100 but feel, it is too little too late for those people who had to resort to other creative means to get their cars registered.

It is no reason to celebrate that another 500 will get their cars registered next January, NOT before. Then the rest will have to wait another 11months, until January 2005 before they can do the same.

So, some find this acceptable and feel something we should be happy with. I don't.

The glass is not half empty. There is adrop of water in there for 3000 or so to drink, and some will die of thirst.

When folks become grateful to the big brother for restoring SOME of their rights back to them and they are happy! That's a scary thought!

So much like being slapped on the face, and telling us it feels good when they stop slapping you.

Masses, are becoming like sheep. they have started rationalizing the government's intrusion in our lives.

When they take all the guns away from us, am I to feel good because I can look at a picture of one?

That is all some people will be doing here in the Peoples Republic Of California soon.

They will be looking at pictures of Cobras.

What do you guys care? You got yours, that is all that matters.

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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2003, 09:10 PM
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A Gray Davis appointee? Slamming Roseville? Geez, don't hold back man - how do you really feel?

Signing off this out-of-contol thread....................
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2003, 09:30 PM
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I was NOT slamming Roseville. I used Roseville as a geographical hint and thought maybe since you live close to the Capital and appear to be defending the State's intrusion on our lives that you may possibly be a State employee.

As for the thread being out of control. I beg to differ.

This is where you say what you believe in and others do the same. If otherss are not as thrilled with the ongoings at the capital as you seem to be, that doesn't mean the thread is out of control, it simply means there are differing view points.

I am sorry you thought it was a slam on Roseville. Far from it. I have friends I voted for that live close to you.

It was a slam of Gray Davis and those who think like him. That's all.
Now come back and fight like a Democrat!

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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2003, 09:52 PM
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From what I have seen and heard so far,it doesn't appear that SB100 is that great of a deal.The last car I built and got smogged was about 13 years ago.I put a 1968 Chev in it(not a Cobra!),pcv and heat tube only,flew right through.To my knowledge at that time there was no limit on cars that could be registered by year of engine.Seems that now all have to be funneled through the same tiny orifice(no pun intended!) of 500.What started out as relief was tranformed into another grab as it passed the governor's desk.Those who have their cars already are probably basking in the increased resale value of their cars,while those of us who have waited all our lives to own a custom Cobra are wondering if we are going to have to leave the" Peoples Republic" to realize our dream.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2003, 10:03 PM
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It is better than nothing, but honestly it is so few and so limited it is frustrating to say the least.

I am glad to have been a recipient of the bill, and I am taken care of. I just can't imagine the impact on the rest of folks next year and on, if they don't revise the bill.

My frustration with it all is for others. What will they do?
I care. California is the hot bed of Hot Rods, Custom cars, Cobras.


The state is almost 160,000 sq miles. 500 cars means they will allow one smog exempt SB-100 car per 300 sq. miles or so.

I suppose we can all breathe easier.
This is like a slap n the face. Better than nothing! That is about all it is better than. It is NOTHING!

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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 12:22 AM
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Year one (2002) they did not run out of sequence numbers at all. Granted, the law only permitted new registrations that year so that may have had something to do with it.

Year two (2003) they ran out in June.

It doesn't appear that there are thousands of people clamoring for sequence numbers. Frankly, the only people who didn't get one are those who (a) didn't have a car ready in time, (b) were uninformed of the program or (c) didn't care enough to go get one during the first half of the year.

There are not thousands of people trying desperately to get a SB100 number. I'm sorry, but the facts simply do not support your position.

Yeah, I got mine. In May.

Frankly, I don't understand why you're so pissed off. Anyone who wanted a number had six months to get one. Hey, I think CA's attacks on the 2nd are really damn ugly, but what the hell does that have to do with the SPCN program?

There are many, many problems with this state, but SB100 isn't one of them. There are a lot of Cobra owners in other states that would really like to have SB100 in their own states.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 01:09 AM
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I am not pissed off. May be a little. That's all.
I thought for a moment you were gonna suggest I go back to whereever I came from if I didn't like California.

If they ran out of numbers in the middle of the Summer, why don't you think there will be thousands of people clamoring for these numbers by the end of the year?
Some are clamoring now.

You didn't need to have your car ready to get a SB-100 number. All you had to do was to go there and produce some papers and some cash and you could get a number.

The car is not an issue not until you go CHP for VIN and the Smog Referee.

How would you like it if you finished your car in June of 2003 right after all the numbers were gone, and had to wait until January, and on January 1st, 2004 you either didn't have the means or the opportunity to go get in the line for one of those numbers and and when you finally did, found out that you were number 501?
You were told,now have to wait until 2005 for a car you completed in 2003.

2002 they didn't run out because most people didn't know or couldn't figure out how, or that there was even such a thing as SB-100. When did they pass the bill anyway?

In 2002 there were many people using alternative ways of getting their cars registered. Titles Unlimited etc.

In 2003 First 6 months of the year was long enough to go through the 500 numbers. That tells me there will be a minimum of 500 more cars that will go unregistered, or not driven.

Many folks are just finishing off their projects and getting around to registering them so they can legally drive them.

They can't.
So without even looking at the demand, 2004 will bring about, the 2003 carry overs alone will deplete the 2004's 500 spots.

That means no one finishing off a car in 2004 will be able to register their car under this bill. I suppose I am pissed off on their behalf.

Call me an activist if you like.

With Titles Unlimited folks behind bars and few others in the same predicament, there will be no more alternative relief when it comes to registration. SB-100 or NOTHING.

My guess is 1500 or so in 2004 will not be able to register their cars.

No more new Cobras sold into the state, no more Hot Rods, that can be scratch built.

I simply do not understand the difference between someone acquiring, buying or building a hot Rod in June or one doing so in July. One can drive his, the other can't. Is that fair?

How would we like that if they did it with convential registrations, pets, driver's licenses. These are NOt concert ticket, they are NOT SOLD-OUT, they shouldn't be treated as such.

Why am I pissed?

Why aren't YOU?

ps.What exactly are "CA attacks on the 2nd"?
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 07:19 AM
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I too am not happy with the 500 car limit and it is a farce. SB-1508 which lets people retitle cars also counts against this 500 number which the state has so graciously allowed us. Turk is correct about the first year not running out because people didn't know about it including the DMV. Why can't they just have a special license plate for special construction, ( kit or home built cars ) and forget the number. How does a slightly modified 1980 Chevy pickup get under this bill ? He had an older 454 in it and so there went one of the 500 for a vehicle that should not have even been allowed to use it. Davis and his group cry about the budget deficet they created and then turn away vehicles that they could be collecting registrations on. And these cars aren't driven enough to make any noticible contribution to the smog problem. Two SUVs , Davis and Flores will put out more in a year than any 25 of these as they aren't driven most of the year. Rain all Winter, Heat most of the Summer. Also street rods, ie 32 Fords etc take up some of the numbers. Don't bother tell me to go back where I came from as Santa Barbara is still in Calif.

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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 09:36 AM
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Originally posted by Turk


I am not pissed off. May be a little. That's all.
I thought for a moment you were gonna suggest I go back to whereever I came from if I didn't like California.

If they ran out of numbers in the middle of the Summer, why don't you think there will be thousands of people clamoring for these numbers by the end of the year?
Some are clamoring now.

You didn't need to have your car ready to get a SB-100 number. All you had to do was to go there and produce some papers and some cash and you could get a number.

The car is not an issue not until you go CHP for VIN and the Smog Referee.

How would you like it if you finished your car in June of 2003 right after all the numbers were gone, and had to wait until January, and on January 1st, 2004 you either didn't have the means or the opportunity to go get in the line for one of those numbers and and when you finally did, found out that you were number 501?
You were told,now have to wait until 2005 for a car you completed in 2003.

2002 they didn't run out because most people didn't know or couldn't figure out how, or that there was even such a thing as SB-100. When did they pass the bill anyway?

In 2002 there were many people using alternative ways of getting their cars registered. Titles Unlimited etc.

In 2003 First 6 months of the year was long enough to go through the 500 numbers. That tells me there will be a minimum of 500 more cars that will go unregistered, or not driven.

Many folks are just finishing off their projects and getting around to registering them so they can legally drive them.

They can't.
So without even looking at the demand, 2004 will bring about, the 2003 carry overs alone will deplete the 2004's 500 spots.

That means no one finishing off a car in 2004 will be able to register their car under this bill. I suppose I am pissed off on their behalf.

Call me an activist if you like.

With Titles Unlimited folks behind bars and few others in the same predicament, there will be no more alternative relief when it comes to registration. SB-100 or NOTHING.

My guess is 1500 or so in 2004 will not be able to register their cars.

No more new Cobras sold into the state, no more Hot Rods, that can be scratch built.

I simply do not understand the difference between someone acquiring, buying or building a hot Rod in June or one doing so in July. One can drive his, the other can't. Is that fair?

How would we like that if they did it with convential registrations, pets, driver's licenses. These are NOt concert ticket, they are NOT SOLD-OUT, they shouldn't be treated as such.

Why am I pissed?

Why aren't YOU?

ps.What exactly are "CA attacks on the 2nd"?


The original Californians where an eclectic group of people who respected and fostered self determination and self regulation; they didn’t care for Spain or Mexico’s Rule and pretty much ignored them. In Southern California they took many risks in this coastal desert. Water was Gold in very short supply. You would have fit right in. When I was a kid, I could walk into town with a rifle in hand, buy .22 shells at the bicycle shop, we still had our Western Culture as the bedrock of our social foundation.

Ron61, were you a Santa Barbarian?

Gary J. McGill
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 12:04 PM
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For those of you who were around when I chronicled my troubles with the dmv please bear with me.
I started the process on 12-27-2001, not knowing that sb100 was days away from becoming law. Now understand this very important detail, I checked with the dmv to make sure for myself that the title from Texas would be recognized by Ca. No second hand information here...straight from the horses mouth.
I spent a small fortune to purchase the car of a lifetime, a dream since childhood, based on that information. Everything was fine until I showed up at the dmv...paperwork in hand and ready to finish this off.
This is when the problems start. I was the victim of out and out lies and misinformation from the dmv at every turn of the page. Everything that could go wrong did and it eventually ended up with the statement from the dmv to this effect: " bring you car up to the smog standard requirements in place on the day you started registration in Ca." So much for recognizing the Texas pink slip. What they meant to say was, pay your money and fee's, then we are going to ream you.
It was a little over a year later when 1578 was enacted that I was able to register my car. Had that not happened I would have been forced to:
1. sell the car
2. pull the motor and put in a smog compliant motor
3. move out of state
4. go postal
5. ( your idea here)

Turk is correct in that we should not settle for the pittance that Ca. gives us. Their plan is not to deprive us of the fun and joy of hot rods, but to set a precedence to the the younger generation.
They will not grow up with the piss and vinegar we have and there will hardly be a whimper when they close the door on our hobby.
So when is the ride to the State Capitol?
Let's plan it for the weekend after the recall election...when the legislation is acutely aware that they serve the people of the State of Ca. and will be held accountable for their actions.
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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 12:44 PM
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Use the email link at the bottom of this page:

and EVERYONE email Sen. Johannessen. He should be willing to try to do something about this

"There are 10 types of people out there....the ones that understand binary and the zeros that don't."
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 01:10 PM
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I wasn't born in Santa Barbara but grew up there and in the Santa Ynez area. My family moved up here about 50 years ago and I have been here since except for short trips when the company would send me back down in that area. From what I hear, I wouldn't recognize Santa Barbara now. We used to hang out around the court house and beach and I also lived in Paradise Camp for a while as my Father worked for M & K as a job site over seer and was there for the tunnel from the Cachuma Dam to bring water to Santa Barbara. I have walked through that tunnel and it is quite a walk. But I was a lot younger then too. And I can remember taking a 22 rifle and going out to shoot and not having any problems. Now even with a CCP I get hasseled at times by the local I wanta be important types. I just don't see why this state is so anti car. They cry bankrupt and then turn away all the money they could take in on registrations and fees for special construction vehicles. There is already another bill that is in the works to do away with SB-100 but it is not titled that way and they are hoping to introduce it in a short time and get it passed before anyone starts the hue and cry that Flores last attempt caused. You know, the I changed it and now let the people forget and we will do it another way politics. The contention that these vehicles are major causes of the smog problem is ludicrous.

JOea: Maurice is no longer a Senator. He was moved out by the term limitations. To bad they don't apply to Davis and his group. Maurice no longer wants to be involved in any of the mess with the cars as he is now on some other agenda. He is still a car person and always will be, but he has other things now that take his time.

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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 02:35 PM
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You can still register your car using a 60's era engine block and not use the SB100 program. This is what folks did before SB100, and you still can today. Nothing requires you to use SB100 for registration.

Bringing a car in from out of state is a whole different ball game for the DMV. That process appears to be totally screwed up.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 03:17 PM
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If only that was all that was screwed up, I wouldn't be so passionate about California and Cars in general.

Being in the Car Business, I have a lot more encounters with the folks looking out for our interests. {Yours and Mine},

I can categorically say that I have never lived or worked anywhere else that is as car unfriendly as California.

They make you and I jump through the hoops, you should see what they do to the dealers, and the manufacturers,
Before you say "Good!" guess what, you get the bill, and pay for it all.

It is incredible that there is no more outrage on this then there appears to be. Maybe when the registration fees triple some others will get become more vocal.

I am out of here. I have to go install a catalytic converter on my leaf blower.

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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2003, 07:17 PM
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Originally posted by Ron61


I wasn't born in Santa Barbara but grew up there and in the Santa Ynez area. My family moved up here about 50 years ago and I have been here since except for short trips when the company would send me back down in that area. From what I hear, I wouldn't recognize Santa Barbara now. We used to hang out around the court house and beach and I also lived in Paradise Camp for a while as my Father worked for M & K as a job site over seer and was there for the tunnel from the Cachuma Dam to bring water to Santa Barbara. I have walked through that tunnel and it is quite a walk. But I was a lot younger then too. And I can remember taking a 22 rifle and going out to shoot and not having any problems. Now even with a CCP I get hasseled at times by the local I wanta be important types. I just don't see why this state is so anti car. They cry bankrupt and then turn away all the money they could take in on registrations and fees for special construction vehicles. There is already another bill that is in the works to do away with SB-100 but it is not titled that way and they are hoping to introduce it in a short time and get it passed before anyone starts the hue and cry that Flores last attempt caused. You know, the I changed it and now let the people forget and we will do it another way politics. The contention that these vehicles are major causes of the smog problem is ludicrous.

JOea: Maurice is no longer a Senator. He was moved out by the term limitations. To bad they don't apply to Davis and his group. Maurice no longer wants to be involved in any of the mess with the cars as he is now on some other agenda. He is still a car person and always will be, but he has other things now that take his time.


Ron, You had the glory days. We left Los Angeles in 1962 after 130+ years. My next door neighbors father was a surveyor on the lake/dam project they have lived in the same house since 1948. Yes the quality of life has really gone down hill.

If I walked down the street with a rifle now I would probally be put in a straight jacket and locked away.

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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2003, 08:08 AM
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Originally posted by Mark Husar

......when the legislation is acutely aware that they serve the people of the State of Ca. and will be held accountable for their actions.
Now, THAT's funny!
Can I borrow your crack pipe?

joe kennedy
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2003, 11:04 PM
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Originally posted by ddimick

Year one (2002) they did not run out of sequence numbers at all. Granted, the law only permitted new registrations that year so that may have had something to do with it.

Year two (2003) they ran out in June.

It doesn't appear that there are thousands of people clamoring for sequence numbers. Frankly, the only people who didn't get one are those who (a) didn't have a car ready in time, (b) were uninformed of the program or (c) didn't care enough to go get one during the first half of the year.

There are not thousands of people trying desperately to get a SB100 number. I'm sorry, but the facts simply do not support your position.

Yeah, I got mine. In May.

Frankly, I don't understand why you're so pissed off. Anyone who wanted a number had six months to get one. Hey, I think CA's attacks on the 2nd are really damn ugly, but what the hell does that have to do with the SPCN program?

There are many, many problems with this state, but SB100 isn't one of them. There are a lot of Cobra owners in other states that would really like to have SB100 in their own states.
Lets do the math again on SB 100. SB100 allows 500 SPCNs a year. We ran out of the numbers in June. June is half way through the year. That leaves 500 kit car builders this year not able to register their cars. They will be the very first people to eat up the 2004 allocation of numbers, all the the people who have cars that would be ready in 2004 (1000) applicants are then waiting until 2005 so only half of the 1000 hold over 2004 applicants can get their cars registered in 2005 etc. etc. etc. Within a few years we will have such a huge backlog rods needing SB100 registration you could wait 5 years after building your car to get it licensed. Why? Because of a small minded chunk of legistation called SB100. I agree that SB100 is better than nothing but it is so typical of the mentality that also brought us the 2000-2001 electric energy crisis, the largest state government in history and a multi billion dollar black hole called a state budget. The current state governemt has daned it their responsibility to run business out of the state, try to clean up the air and water at all cost with technology concieved in Rube Goldbergs kitchen(MTBE and other technology). I read Senator Johansen's (a rodder) first draft of SB100 it looked pretty fair to me. Davis decided it was too filthy for his taste and shot it down ultimately a deal was cut where Davis would allow the bill with a 500 limit if Johansen a Republican would vote on a key Democratic bill. That vote angered many Republican because Johansen broke rank.

You got yours. I got mine. So what? I am planning on building a Daytona Coupe next year. When do you think I should apply for my SPCN #? 2005, 2006, 2007 maybe. That is why I am unhappy about SB100 and many other things in this state. Are you willing to accept a flawed deal? Are you satisfied with SB100? I am not and I want to change it to include more SPCNs so that rodding does not become stiffled and political mess.

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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2003, 11:21 PM
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Originally posted by Cobra Chuck

Lets do the math again on SB 100. SB100 allows 500 SPCNs a year. We ran out of the numbers in June. June is half way through the year. That leaves 500 kit car builders this year not able to register their cars. They will be the very first people to eat up the 2004 allocation of numbers, all the the people who have cars that would be ready in 2004 (1000) applicants are then waiting until 2005 so only half of the 1000 hold over 2004 applicants can get their cars registered in 2005 etc. etc. etc. Within a few years we will have such a huge backlog rods needing SB100 registration you could wait 5 years after building your car to get it licensed. Why? Because of a small minded chunk of legistation called SB100. I agree that SB100 is better than nothing but it is so typical of the mentality that also brought us the 2000-2001 electric energy crisis, the largest state government in history and a multi billion dollar black hole called a state budget. The current state governemt has daned it their responsibility to run business out of the state, try to clean up the air and water at all cost with technology concieved in Rube Goldbergs kitchen(MTBE and other technology). I read Senator Johansen's (a rodder) first draft of SB100 it looked pretty fair to me. Davis decided it was too filthy for his taste and shot it down ultimately a deal was cut where Davis would allow the bill with a 500 limit if Johansen a Republican would vote on a key Democratic bill. That vote angered many Republican because Johansen broke rank.

You got yours. I got mine. So what? I am planning on building a Daytona Coupe next year. When do you think I should apply for my SPCN #? 2005, 2006, 2007 maybe. That is why I am unhappy about SB100 and many other things in this state. Are you willing to accept a flawed deal? Are you satisfied with SB100? I am not and I want to change it to include more SPCNs so that rodding does not become stiffled and political mess.

Of course we will have to let things get into a real mess before anyone will do anything about it. The only way you can get a politician to support something is if it is "Sexy", "Popular", "Trendy" or an "Emergency". There just isn't enough political hay if an issue isn't as mentioned above. Let's see, building hot rods, is that "Sexy", "Trendy", "Popular"? I think not. So I guess we will wait until we are title washing cars again, have a backlog of 2000 rods waiting for a state sanctified registration and it will be called an emergency before we could even get a politician to return a phone call.

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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2003, 08:34 AM
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You do a good job of projecting what it will be like down the road into 2005-07, but the fact is our math is still flawed.

Last year and this year there were cars being registered in ways not acceptable to the state. Folks were being creative in getting around the registration process. Now that they have either seen or heard of Titles Unlimited and others in handcuffs, those avenues are no longer are an option. SO those people will be looking to take advantage of the SB-100 down the road.

Many who would have done it other ways WON'T do so in the future.
Only when you take these into account you will realize that the demand for such registration may very well be into 1500-2000 range.
There are more automobiles, hot roads, Cobras here in California than anywhere else.

If the state does nothing about allowing these cars to be properly registered and driven, there WILL be people devising schemes to get around it once again.

If you put up a red light at an intersection that never turns green, someone eventually will run a red light.

If there was ever a time to annoy the folks in Sacramento, by phone calls, emails, letters, or even a massive rally around the capitol, this is it.
OBAMA IN in 2012
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2003, 10:56 PM
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Originally posted by Turk

You do a good job of projecting what it will be like down the road into 2005-07, but the fact is our math is still flawed.

Last year and this year there were cars being registered in ways not acceptable to the state. Folks were being creative in getting around the registration process. Now that they have either seen or heard of Titles Unlimited and others in handcuffs, those avenues are no longer are an option. SO those people will be looking to take advantage of the SB-100 down the road.

Many who would have done it other ways WON'T do so in the future.
Only when you take these into account you will realize that the demand for such registration may very well be into 1500-2000 range.
There are more automobiles, hot roads, Cobras here in California than anywhere else.

If the state does nothing about allowing these cars to be properly registered and driven, there WILL be people devising schemes to get around it once again.

If you put up a red light at an intersection that never turns green, someone eventually will run a red light.

If there was ever a time to annoy the folks in Sacramento, by phone calls, emails, letters, or even a massive rally around the capitol, this is it.
You are right I did not take into account the folks that are doing the alternative registration methods. Your comments just add fuel to the fire. I sent a message on the SB 100 topic a few weeks ago to my newly elected Representative and have heard nothing. I guess I will do the snail mail and certified delivery. Sometimes that will jar them into some sort of action.

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