He was driving near his home and two guys in a pick up were chasing him when he was driving his Cobra. He drove through a parking lot with speed bumps and broke his exhaust supports . He saw a cop and asked for help. They attempted to find the guys. No luck. I would rather have Paul's experience.
That is why I carry my gun when I am driving the Cobra. Once in town a scruffy guy with a knife started toward me while I was at a stop light telling me to get the fu-- out of that car. While he was still about 10 feet away I just raised the gun above the door enough for him to see it and never said a word. He turned and went back into the alley. Didn't even point the gun, just let him see it.
Anybody recall a product from South Africa a few years ago which used an LP tank in the trunk and gas jets with ignitors under the doors? The driver could operate a switch to open the gas jets and ignite the gas, sending a huge fireball up and out from the side of the car. I saw a picture of this in a magazine and somewhere on the 'net but can't recall where.
Cobra Make, Engine: I used to fix them for a living
Posts: 2,563
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I saw that on TV, the flame throwers out the sides of the car. I would rather have a CCW permit and a lump of steel in my waistband.
In a fit of 16 year old genius, I looked down through the carb while cranking it to see if fuel was flowing, and it was. Flowing straight up in a vapor cloud, around my head, on fire.
Our fine friends south of the border have installed lots of these flame throwers on their cars. A&E or one of the similar channels had a segment on the car conversions going on in Mexico. Lot's of carjacking and kidnapping happening down there.
Stan, glad he got away, and thanks for the post as a reminder to us all.
Don't get me wrong about carrying a gun. I love to go to the range and shoot but I don't like feeling I have to carry one to be safe. Unfortunately around here there are to many dopers and thieves for the local police to have a chance so most of us carry guns. Our sheriff is a great believer in having armed citizens which helps. I didn't tell about my experience to make it sound as if I am on some ego trip because I carry one of my guns. But until if ever, things improve I am afraid that is going to be a way of life here.
I'm with you !! I'ed rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6 !!
" I was going to Procrastinate today, but I think I'll put it off untill tomorrow."
Cobra Make, Engine: I used to fix them for a living
Posts: 2,563
Not Ranked
In CA, it all depends on the head sheriff in your county.
In a fit of 16 year old genius, I looked down through the carb while cranking it to see if fuel was flowing, and it was. Flowing straight up in a vapor cloud, around my head, on fire.
Been there, done that, especially in CA (numerous times)
The "Wile E. Coyote" look on the incoming predator's face is almost priceless, when they suddenly come out of their stupor and look down the barrel, and screech to a halt.. They don't expect "their" victim to fight back, much less have a .45 caliber ace up the sleeve.
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.standdown.net/index.htm
I also tote a sidearm, but I think my favorite part would be the "being chased by two guys in a pickup" part. Unless they're in a new Lightning, or it's bumper-to-bumper traffic, I'd be like "See ya....bee-ach!"
Fixit is completely correct. It does depend on the sheriff in your county. I have had a CCP for many years as I got it when working with the DA and he pushed it through for me. I worked for the telephone companies and Bell Labs on the computers and did a few favors for the local law enforcement which they repaid. Having FCC licenses and military clearances didn't hurt any either, but our sheriff feels that any person that shows common sense should have the right to protect themselves. Once when walking down the street 4 of the 200+ pound dopers with baseball bats started to come toward me telling me what they were going to do. Once again I never said a word, just pushed the tail of my shirt back so I could get the gun and they got real quite and slunk back into the hole they came out of. Three of them wound up in Pelecan Bay which is in Oregone and not a nice prison to go to. The forth was found in the river. Things have improved a lot around here the past few years but we still have to be on guard. As for if you have to use a weapon just make sure it meets the JAM requirements and for the most part you will be ok. But I do not want to have to ever use it on another person. We do have to go to a safety class every two years which I don't mind at all. In fact after seeing some of the people that were trying to get permits I think it is an excellent idea. Our only discussion is what rounds to carry in the gun. I alternate my clips with police penetration rounds, hollow points, and hydra-shock. And for the most part I don't carry the gun unless I am driving one of the cars or out at night.
I think the question as to how far we are willing to go to protect a high profile,rather soft target like a Cobra should be something this site should continue to address.After all,they aren't exactly armored Navigators or H2's.I've seen many references to adding various systems to the car to protect it while parked,but my biggest fear is the carjack scenerio,especially with multiple assailants.I too have had a CCW for many years,but pray I will never have to use my piece( and get tied up in the legal system and possdibly have my car impounded or worse.)