P.J.,J.A., & Roll Bar Orderers,
Sorry, a little past daylight. Fellas what we have here is a special order of DOM .120, 2" roll bar material. More than enough than I need to fill all your orders.
But, always a "But" when it comes to Cobras

I had to order the special material, plus one size smaller to mount the "Down Bars" to. That one piece took extra time and still didn't come in right! Nothing I can't fix with a Lathe though.
But, again with the Butt. In my haste to try and get caught up I put the first bend on an unknowing bind. (A 10 Ton Ram doesn't really notice a minor Bind!)
Ultimately I destroyed one end of my "Follower" and chipped the other end.
Soo, I have ordered the parts ASAP and I will start to bend.....a little slower this time until I have them all done.
I am sorry for the delay.