I have been building and modifying CR's brakes system's for over 35 years! ALL of my upgrades to the system included a new and different 7" Power Booster. (Most of which where an "MP" design/System.)
This required using the "MP" brake rod and welding the "Oblong" Bung of the original brake rod together, allowing the CR's brake pedal and the OEM Ford brake switch to work together -now as a new unit.
Like I said I (my shop, Classics by Elite, Inc.) had done this modifications for over 35 years to CR's Cobras, their '35 Mercedes, the '63 Austin Healey, and numerous Street Rods from '40 Willy's to the '34 Fords 'WITHOUT' A SINGLE FAILURE......Until NOW!
I have been informed of a Cobra built approximately three years ago that has had a failure of the mentioned rod! Apparently I was over zealous in my attempt to clean up the weld! (I know, a non-necessary action for a part that is not seen nor needed to be ground down!) Just looked more professional when it was done.
Thank goodness the Owner/Driver did NOT panic or Freeze up when his brake pedal became useless when this "rod" separated from the pedal connection! He saved a possible catastrophe in the works to simply having to change his underwear by using the emergency brake to stop.
The Point: If you have one of my Cobras/Streetrods that has a 7" power booster, bought / built by myself or my shop*; PLEASE check the rod at the connection to the Brake Pedal before driving another foot! Look for any possible cracking at the weld, separation of the weld from either side, any looseness between these two parts, any excess wear on the "ring" to the brake rod.
You can simply grab the rod, while still hooked to the brake pedal with a 6" or bigger set of "Vice-Grips" and giving the rod a few good twists/jerks. Their should NOT be any excess movement in ANY direction.
This is the ONLY failure I am aware of, but it is certainly enough to send out a full fledged warning!
Now, for those that may have boughten one of my cars "used", please do the same test on the rod. IF any "Rods-Ends" need to be cleaned and re-welded I will obviously pay for the repair. I do NOT care when your car was built or how may miles you may have on it!
My absolute worst nightmare since building custom cars IS having done something wrong allowing some one to be hurt.
Obviously, if you should find a problem with this part please let me know asap!
Classics by Elite, Inc.*
*"LLC" is NOT INCLUDED IN ANY WAY, RELATIONSHIP or business with "Inc."!
(Thank you computerworks, I'm sure the correction (s) were the results of your never ending hours!)