My Cobra is back home... unpainted

but with the front end aligned
The folks doing the body work and paint were running a couple of weeks behind (which I knew as they told me at the outset). They were going to start on the Cobra Monday, but with my daughter's graduation and a whole bunch of relatives coming into town... well, I figured at least one of them would want a ride. So the Cobra is home for a week. (This will also give me a chance to play around with the fuel map for the projection system too!)
WOW what a difference a front end alignment (and Flaming River rack) make. Steering effort is fairly light, pretty darn direct, and I noticed no bump steer ... at speeds as great as 35 mph

D@mn this thing is fun to drive and what a reaction from folks!
The painter is having a bit of a problem finding the correct paint (Viper blue). The information I gave them was:
Viper Blue Pearl Metallic
Code SBE - Chrysler Corp.
Year 1996 / 97
Metallic / iridescent content > 5 grams / liter
Valueshade #5
2 part system base / clearcoat polyurethane
Anybody got a PPG number for the color?