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03-29-2009, 10:46 AM
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Yep... about an hour NW of Detroit.
So far my build has been a bit backasswards. As purchased the previous owner apparently thought the first thing to do was to install the body to the frame and install the doors. Since I'm just getting full useage of my garage (with the weather breaking), the time I have spent on the car up to this point has been mostly just fibreglass work and the body cutouts.
Next I'll be building some wooden braces for the body (rather flimsy since the doors have already been cut out) and pulling the body so I can start on the chassis (my neighbors are on standby to help lift off the body).
I'd like to stop by while you still have Capteddie's car. Besides just seeing it I'd like to take maybe a kazillion pics or so. I also have some measurements to take as I seem to be a bit shortchanged on getting all the bracketry, etc. that I ordered through GLR and I'll have to fab my own. Would Wednesday or Thursday of this week work? (Morning probably... then I'll head over to Big Rapids area to visit my brother). Next week would work as well.

03-29-2009, 12:02 PM
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I'll be at DVs place on Saturday 4/4 around 11am, if you can delay your visit till then. If not, feel free to snap and measure away!!!
If you can make the visit on Saturday. I'll bring all my paperwork. That way if you looking to find stuff your missing. I can show you where I sourced my stuff and what the costs were.
"the other ed"

03-29-2009, 12:36 PM
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That would be great! Long as DV doesn't have a problem with it, I'll plan on being there.

03-29-2009, 02:59 PM
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ps... one of the first things you do is mount the body and doors 

03-29-2009, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Double Venom
ps... one of the first things you do is mount the body and doors 
All right!!!!  
See everyone at DVs place around 11am on 4/4
"the other ed"

03-29-2009, 06:51 PM
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"All right!!!!
See everyone at DVs place around 11am on 4/4"
I remember the days in High School when CB radios were popular. A call out like this could produce thousands of people...well, at your house. Be careful what you say because everyone just might come. lol
I unfortunately will not be able to attend, but thanks for the invite.

03-29-2009, 06:58 PM
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I'll be there! Thanks.

03-30-2009, 01:39 AM
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I think you have your e-mail turned off at ClubCobra, but:
4905 Wayne Rd
Pentwater, Mi 49449
John, ET AL........, do you know this is exactly how the worlds largest Cobra gathering started, the "Double Venom Spring Fling", now London Cobra show?  .
Come one-come all, bring a picnic lunch! 
ps.... M.C., wait to build a JIG for the body, I have made blueprints that work great, do all the body work on the jig and then use it to for a painting jig!

03-30-2009, 10:18 AM
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Sounds good. I'm sure this visit will be well worth it. Looking forward to Saturday.

04-01-2009, 01:51 AM
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Another fine mess-CAUTION-CAUTION !!!!
Remember this stage?
When I attempted to bolt the hood on the "internal" steel plates came unglued resulting in the entire front inner hood having to be cut open?
Well time for the trunk...all in the 1st stage of primer, fitted, aligned and ready to bolt on.......Right...once again the main steel plate (for the latch!) let go, causing the entire section to be cut-out, new plate made (the original one wasn't even cut right nor drilled right), glued in place and the entire asembly refiberglassed back in place.
Cpteddie, the light is my gift. Auto on/off when the trunk lid is opened/closed. At this point whats a little more glass work?
At first I was telling the guys to be very carefull bolting up the hinges front and back...well now I say test the plates and make sure they are secure before painting!
(I have found out since the hood nightmare that DON was NOT responsiblefor this poor asssembly but it all goes back to Leisure Industries/IMAR.)
Maybe now I can get it in final primer-wet sanded and striped!
Sigh....better now than after delivery. Cpteddies a big guy!!
Last edited by Double Venom; 04-01-2009 at 02:11 AM..

04-01-2009, 05:56 AM
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Thanks for all the hard work DV!!! See you on Saturday around 11am your time.
Forgot to tell you about my "small world" encounter. I was talking to Larry Johnson (Serpent Express guy) about the possibility of getting some custom lettering done on my trailer and he put me in touch with a Larry Adams at Corp Signs in Ohio who does all the signage for the other Larry  (one to many Larry's in this story)  So anyway... Larry in Ohio says "sure I can make you some custom signs for your trailer" and oh by the way "if your going to LCS I'll even put them on for you" Great guy, great deal!!!
He then asks my what kind of car I'm building and I come back with a CRII roadster. He then says "oh nice car" and "i used to know a guy named Ed Combs who did a lot with Classic Roadsters" I laughed and said... ya I know DV, he's building my car.
Long story short. He asked how you are and hoped you make an appearance at LCS this year. He also said "make sure you tell Ed I said hi!!!" 
"the other ed"

04-01-2009, 07:11 AM
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Wow thanks DV thats good timing for me . what do you do cut out the fiberglass rebolt it and glass it back in? Dave

04-01-2009, 10:22 AM
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First check the two on the front hood and if you are using the CR hood latch, check that also, then check two on the trunk-cowl side, and where the latch on the rear (shown) bolts in. All attaching hardware is 1/4x20. Run a bolt through each hole, if it binds up, they sometimes do due to fiberglass strands getting into the threads use a 1/4x 20 tap and/or if you feel any movement...cut the plates out and re-do!
After cutting the plates out, grind all the old glue off using a rough wheel/disc, grind the fiberglass use "Marglass or Duraglass" on the fiberglass and the metal plate and sandwhich them together tightly using clamps or simply bolt them together. Once this is dry 'glass' in the pieces (with the plates glued in place).
From this point on good body rules apply 
Glad this is helping sombody!
Last edited by Double Venom; 04-01-2009 at 11:53 AM..

04-01-2009, 06:56 PM
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Can't wait to fix my hood, now I have to check the trunk lid too.
Thanks for the heads up.
"COBRA" Big kids gokart

04-02-2009, 02:11 AM
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Cpteddie, et.al.,
A note... I am done with the "Double Venom Spring Fling aka LCS in London Ohio. It's there baby now. My wife and entire family got it started. 1st year 77 Cobras, second year over 140, third year plus 300 Cobras, $100,00.00 plus collected in Jenny's name for CF! Damm. I am proud of this family! And "they" wonder why I do this???
At any rater I think I would be nothing more than a detriment to the guys working so hard to do this. Just better to sit in the background now and not get in their way.

04-02-2009, 07:31 AM
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This is a long, "How I do it segment". If you so decide at some time to folllow-follow the drections explcitly and doing this on a paint job should not be problem! Time and caution is all.
History and Why; Many years of owning and repairing boats from 16's to 42's there has always been a problem with the self tapping screws going into fiberglass-Streetrods and Cobras are no different. I like to use "jacknuts" when possible but because of room restraints and size of the jack nuts they are not always an answer.  Since I hate the self tapping scrws that always seem to work loose, and repeated tightening only makes them looser and less stable until the only real answer is to go to a bigger screw.
Not anymore! What I am showing is a new way to install defroster mists with a couple of pictures of cpteddies roll bar rings being done the same way. Fender mirrors, dash mirrors, Lemans Cap can be done the same. When you are done a little blue locktite to the machine threads and nothing should ever work loose again!
Def mist located and taped in place to drill the firts set of holes- 1/8th
You need two drill sizes- the second one is to drill the first set of holes oversized so there is room to put the marglass in place and then be able to insert the screw and heli coil in place.
Heli coils and screws we are going to use. Put just A drop of oil on the screws first and then srew on the coils. At this point brake off the end tang of the helicoil, which is normally used, then take the coil back off, insert the screw in the part you are going to use, screw the helicoil within a thread or two from bottoming out on the part. You want the helicoil far enough on the screw so that when it is inserted into the marglass it is set where you want it-not to deep and certainly not sticking up from the hole.
Marglss applied to the holes, screws and helicoils-part in place.
Dying time maybe three minutes- after 30 minutes sand edges and your ready to go!
Done, screwed in tight-no self tapping screws anywhere!
Roll Bar rings are the same way only buy a chamfer tool to match the screws...
One more thing. I just installed the helicoils for the front center mirror and thought since these are a little bigger they may show up better. All mirrors are installed with 10-24 coils, all others are 8-32's. installation is the same for both.
The little "J" hooked wire is the end of the helicoil that you ned to break off with a small pair of needle nosed pliers............
Thats it, never to have to tighten or replaced again! Pretty sweet if I do say so myself.
Last edited by Double Venom; 04-03-2009 at 09:41 AM..

04-05-2009, 11:05 AM
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DV.... As always, good seeing you yesterday!
Hood and trunk prop rods ordered and on the way to you. There will also be a couple of "powered by ford" badges in with the rods.
I'll check on the bender pump tomorrow and get you an update.
"the other ed"
Last edited by capteddie; 04-06-2009 at 01:49 AM..
Reason: spelling

04-05-2009, 12:12 PM
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Thanks for the tip on using helicoils, DV. I'll definitely be doing this wherever I can.
Ed and the other Ed,
Picked up a lot of info yesturday. Really appreciate it.
DV, confirmed I do not have holes for wiper arms in body. I'm going to try to locate a Classic somewhere in the Detroit area and take some measurments / make a template. I know there was a Classic at GLR, so the owner must be around here somewhere.

04-05-2009, 03:15 PM
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I can make you a pattern- never thought about it! The Cobra that Terry was trying to sell for a guy was made by yours truly. Dark green with gold stripes-beautifull car!
I called Terry Sat........... his mobile was disconnected ??? 

04-05-2009, 08:43 PM
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Actually I was thinking about a red one... chevy powered... always having electrical problems. Terry used it to show me what my side curtains would look like when I got them from Don (there were a set of side curtains in the trunk of this car).... needless to say I never received the curtains.
I'm going to go ahead and order the wiper arms and see what I can come up with for the wiper holes. If you can come up with some kind of paper layout sometime of where the holes would be that would be great.
Thanks for the I/P vents by the way.
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