Cobra Make, Engine: Professional Cobra & Streetrod Builder
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That last Gremlin refuses to die!
I had a brand new matching blue light in stock, cut the old one out, which of course didn't leave enough wiring to do a new job, extended the wiring, wired in the new light.
Turned on the Hi-Beams..... they worked...... but...... NO Indicator light!
I've never had one of these lights go bad let alone a brand new one! After testing and still no luck- a mad dash back to our supplier- New light will be in at 7AM........Oh-Well...........
That last Gremlin refuses to die!
I had a brand new matching blue light in stock, cut the old one out, which of course didn't leave enough wiring to do a new job, extended the wiring, wired in the new light.
Turned on the Hi-Beams..... they worked...... but...... NO Indicator light!
I've never had one of these lights go bad let alone a brand new one! After testing and still no luck- a mad dash back to our supplier- New light will be in at 7AM........Oh-Well...........
OK... Back from another run to DVs place. Making progress. Had another gremlin pop up while I was there. Pin hole leak in the radiator. I've been told its been squashed already
Car will be getting its 4 wheel laser alignment done Tuesday morning ( careful on the go peddle DV ) Then the car is going to Bakker's to get the carpeting finally done.
Here's a couple quick pics...
Here's the back up mechanical oil pressure gauge DV installed to give us a some piece of mind, since the electrical one in the dash is waiting on a new sending unit.
DV hung the passenger door. Check the fit. He hasn't even fine tuned the seams yet, just loosely bolted it in.
Another one of the passenger door.
And one more...
Well we just had to fire her up again!!!
"the other ed"
Last edited by capteddie; 08-23-2009 at 10:34 AM..
Mine are made of plastic and were painted the same color. It is a slight destraction from the finish but, imo, worth the trouble. That rear fender front catches lots of gravel.
Cobra Make, Engine: CR 427 S/C, 351W, 5 Sp & KMP142 - 427 SO, 4 Spd
Posts: 2,212
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Mine are black plastic and came with the kit. They have been on for 22k miles
and still look like new - no coming off anywhere. My paint is a dark green
so they don't stand out. I have been driving it for nine years. Well worth the
extra $ and work to protect the paint.
Cobra Make, Engine: Professional Cobra & Streetrod Builder
Posts: 5,352
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I had the name of the company and phone# of the Co. that made them for CR's but the guy that bought my business absconded with all my old files!
I remember it as a U.S. company and it was an Injection Moulding Co. .
Sorry that's the best I can come up with.
Cobra Make, Engine: Professional Cobra & Streetrod Builder
Posts: 5,352
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If it's all right with you we can go with the 3M vinyl tape/shield. I can have Chad order it if you want. This stuff is pricey for what you get but works fabulously and can be replaced anytime (couple years) that it may need it without harming the paint at all! It's totally clear too.
Its been awhile since I've posted an update on the build. Gets a little depressing every now and then. Here's where we're at...
We have something not right with the C6 tranny. When we get the engine fired up (more on that) the car doesn't want to move until the RPMs get above 3500. She won't even creep along at idle. Most people we have talked to, think the stall on the converter is not the issue and it must be something not engaging correctly in the C6.
I went ahead and got a brand new AOD with matched converter from TCI. Its been bench tested and dyno'ed. We have the car on the calendar to get the trannys swapped out on the 21st. I'll have to get a new driveshaft made after the swap.
The next issue is now the engine doesn't want to fire. Thought the Holley might be the issue after all the electrical and fuel issue DV worked though a month or so ago. He swapped it out with a Carter/Edelbrock, but after starting right up a couple time. Now she doesn't want to fire up and seems to get flooded almost immediately. Not good
Well the car did get winched onto the trailer and I got it delivered to Bakker's to get the carpet done this week before the car heads for the tranny swap.
here's a couple pics...
At this point not looking good with the driving season coming to an end
And others, I have just spent 4 hours going over this thread, still only half way thru it all. I positively have learned much about building my CRL, I am sure it has saved me from asking questions which have already been answered in this thread.
thanks tons for the time spent documenting this build
Cobra Make, Engine: Professional Cobra & Streetrod Builder
Posts: 5,352
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Very easy to install too. As far as I know, no one makes "Pre-Moulded" ones to fit (CR's). This material is very easy to cut (household scissors) bend it by hand to fit the shape and use body filler to glue them in place.
Last edited by Double Venom; 09-21-2009 at 03:35 AM..
Cobra Make, Engine: Professional Cobra & Streetrod Builder
Posts: 5,352
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So much more to come. Didn't mean to leave anyone hanging, but this car is a stubborn ol' cuss. Now it is running right, starting right, moving very,very right, and will be back in the shop tomorrow to finally get to final assembly - buffing - polishing, AND cleaning.