11-11-2012, 04:08 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 15
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Side Pipe project
Hi all,
just a quick introduction about myself and to see if i can get some information regarding the build of my side pipes, merge collectors and headers on my SRV8 Cobra.
Well i have owned my Southern Roadcraft 427 Cobra for over 3 yrs now, it had been my intention for a long time to build my own, but circumstances and commitments over the years meant i was`nt able. So i realized i would be better getting a Cobra that was pre-built and enjoy the ownership of it and if need add to it the the things i would of done if i was building from scratch.
Although my dream Cobra would of been as close to the real Shelby Cobra, ie, 427 Ford side oiler, i`am happy enough with the Edelbrock built 420hp Chevy engine, full Jag suspension, 5sp Tremec, all built a few years ago at the original Roadcraft and Racetech company here in the UK.
Now when it was originally built it had sidepipes fitted but some time later someone had an underslung exhaust system fitted, which i`am in the process of changing back to the sidepipe system.
I have had to build my own stainless headers and teach myself how to TIG weld over the last months as there was know one to undertake the job on, so having completed the headers i`am now ready to finish the system off.
My dilemma is i need some opinions on the 90 degree bends fitting into my merge collectors, and how some of you guys have done this, as i have the idea of welding my bends to these then slip-fitting my other ends onto the header, primary ends, held on with springs and hooks, my worry is of gas leakage.
Have any of you got some pictures of the attachments of your merge collectors to bends from primaries, or is it best to weld these, on then have flanges fabricated and fitted to join the header to bend sections, so if any of you have some pictures and insight to the different ways of doing this, i would appreciate some of your knowledge,