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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2020, 11:36 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2020
Location: SoCal, CA
Cobra Make, Engine: BDR build #983, FRM 392
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Default Hello from SoCal!

Greetings all! Just welcoming myself to your forum as a new Cobra owner - a BDR 2011`build with 4k on the odomter. Absolutely loving this car. Spectra Blue with white stripes. 351W stroked to 392 with 430 HP.

Looking forward to many thrills in this car and tapping into the wealth of knowledge available on this forum.

So here's my first official question on CC. When posting threads/questions about my Cobra, should I focus on the BDR section (if there is a section devoted to BDR) or just post them in a 'general' section?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2020, 02:30 PM
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On suspension, Axles, Diff, steering, brakes, best to stay inside the BDR forum.
It should keep to a 90/10 mix of helpful responses.
Generic items like Paint, Interior, engines, trans. Post in the area that seem to fit.
Responses can be sometimes be all over the map and the thread will sometimes drift into a whole new subject. Not a terrible thing, it just happens on all forums. There is a lot of knowledge floating around here and some very helpful folks.

The forum search function and Google are your best tools as most everything has been asked before at some point. I typically Google something like "BDR brakes" or "Backdraft brakes" and will get several threads that hit from this site. Searching outside the Backdraft forum, "Club Cobra engine" or "Club Cobra distributor" for example will get you quite a few threads full of great info.

There are NO dumb questions here as we all have varying degrees of experience and none were born with it.

And BTW welcome to the Club
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2020, 11:43 AM
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Cobra Make, Engine: BDR build #983, FRM 392
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Can someone please provide me with either instructions or a link to a thread as to how to post photos? Thx
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