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USC_COWBOY 11-18-2021 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Nedsel (Post 1499620)
I remain open to any and all possibilities, especially since as the Registrar, it is the facts that matter. (I.E., please note my ego has no say in this.) One must remember that in order to put together a factual history of anything, one has to rely on things that are documented by a paper trail, photos, or other hard evidence. Speculation and hope simply don't get the job done. So I will look forward to any fresh details whenever they might be found and presented. At that point the Registry entry for 2049 will be updated accordingly.


Do you have a copy of, or digital version of, the Wesselink court case to review for factual information provided at trial? It seems to me that this should be a part of your official SAAC CSX2049 file since you refer to it in the history as iy now reads.

USC_COWBOY 11-18-2021 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nedsel (Post 1499620)
I remain open to any and all possibilities, especially since as the Registrar, it is the facts that matter. (I.E., please note my ego has no say in this.) One must remember that in order to put together a factual history of anything, one has to rely on things that are documented by a paper trail, photos, or other hard evidence. Speculation and hope simply don't get the job done. So I will look forward to any fresh details whenever they might be found and presented. At that point the Registry entry for 2049 will be updated accordingly.

Do you have a copy of, or a digital version of the trial documents in the Wesselink court case you refer to in the current history as published in the Leaf Spring Cobra Registry? It seems to me that it is one of the most important documents that should be in the official SAAC Cobra Registry files as factual proof to back up the publication.

1ntCobra 11-18-2021 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by twobjshelbys (Post 1499617)
Which is why, I would wager, the notice of lien from Shelby was never seen by his distraught mother. My speculation (and this topic is now all about speculation) is that while Cunningham may have driven the car, he was given access to it perhaps as liberal as having his own keys, but never really owned it.

I sort of want to root for Michael's father having owned the car.

Now Shelby American knew who the legal owner was. It would be normal procedure for them to bug the legal owner to pick up the wreck on a periodic basis. And thinking about what MrMustang would do, Shelby American is probably invoicing the legal owner a monthly storage fee for their trouble, yet the legal owner is not responsive to picking up their abandoned wreck, nor paying the monthly storage fee. So if Shelby American is going to the trouble of getting a mechanics lien after 4 months, just how likely is it that the legal owner is going to respond if given notice that there is now a mechanics lien filed on the wreck that they have abandoned. How likely is it that owner is going to pay several months of storage fees on a wreck? I am going to say that there is probably a 99% chance that if the legal owner has abandoned the wreck, ignored picking up the wreck and had no intention of paying the monthly storage fees, that Shelby American eventually got the mechanics lien and sent the wreck to the junk yard.

Given that I believe that the most likely outcome is that legal owner had abandoned the wreck and that Shelby American got the mechanics lien, I also believe that it is highly unlikely that Ann Abidin was the legal owner on August 1963. It would make more sense for Ann to buy the wreck from the junk yard. Well I suppose it is possible that if she owned the car back in August of 1963, that she had a change of heart and repurchased the wreck from the junk yard because it was cheaper to do that they to pay months worth of storage fees at Shelby American to get the wreck.

Now if the legal owner just happened to be the distraught widow of Paul Cunningham, who really never wanted to see the car again, I could understand her ignoring Shelby American asking her to pick up the wreck and ignoring the monthly storage fee invoices.

So what happened next, who knows? How about this? Albert says to his mom Ann: "You know how I went down to the junk yard to get a used side mirror for the Edsel stationwagon that I accidently ripped off when backing out of the garage? Well, when I was at the junk yard I saw this really cool Cobra racecar with 'minor' damage that I bet I can easily fix." And the rest is history. ;)

ZOERA-SC7XX 11-18-2021 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by 1ntCobra (Post 1499631)
I sort of want to root for Michael's father having owned the car.

Now Shelby American knew who the legal owner was. It would be normal procedure for them to bug the legal owner to pick up the wreck on a periodic basis. And thinking about what MrMustang would do, Shelby American is probably invoicing the legal owner a monthly storage fee for their trouble, yet the legal owner is not responsive to picking up their abandoned wreck, nor paying the monthly storage fee. So if Shelby American is going to the trouble of getting a mechanics lien after 4 months, just how likely is it that the legal owner is going to respond if given notice that there is now a mechanics lien filed on the wreck that they have abandoned. How likely is it that owner is going to pay several months of storage fees on a wreck? I am going to say that there is probably a 99% chance that if the legal owner has abandoned the wreck, ignored picking up the wreck and had no intention of paying the monthly storage fees, that Shelby American eventually got the mechanics lien and sent the wreck to the junk yard.

Given that I believe that the most likely outcome is that legal owner had abandoned the wreck and that Shelby American got the mechanics lien, I also believe that it is highly unlikely that Ann Abidin was the legal owner on August 1963. It would make more sense for Ann to buy the wreck from the junk yard. Well I suppose it is possible that if she owned the car back in August of 1963, that she had a change of heart and repurchased the wreck from the junk yard because it was cheaper to do that they to pay months worth of storage fees at Shelby American to get the wreck.

Now if the legal owner just happened to be the distraught widow of Paul Cunningham, who really never wanted to see the car again, I could understand her ignoring Shelby American asking her to pick up the wreck and ignoring the monthly storage fee invoices.

So what happened next, who knows? How about this? Albert says to his mom Ann: "You know how I went down to the junk yard to get a used side mirror for the Edsel stationwagon that I accidently ripped off when backing out of the garage? Well, when I was at the junk yard I saw this really cool Cobra racecar with 'minor' damage that I bet I can easily fix." And the rest is history. ;)

All but the last paragraph sounds very logical...

mrmustang 11-18-2021 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by 1ntCobra (Post 1499631)
So what happened next, who knows? How about this? Albert says to his mom Ann: "You know how I went down to the junk yard to get a used side mirror for the Edsel stationwagon that I accidently ripped off when backing out of the garage? Well, when I was at the junk yard I saw this really cool Cobra racecar with 'minor' damage that I bet I can easily fix." And the rest is history. ;)


Are you off your meds, or did you find something buried behind the house that you are looking to claim a CSX number for :LOL:

Asking for a friend. :JEKYLHYDE

Bill S.

ZOERA-SC7XX 11-18-2021 11:32 AM

In all likelihood, Paul bought the Cobra on a handshake and never went back for the title. I myself have bought old race cars the same way (and have been burned).

1ntCobra 11-18-2021 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by mrmustang (Post 1499633)

Are you off your meds, or did you find something buried behind the house that you are looking to claim a CSX number for :LOL:

Asking for a friend. :JEKYLHYDE

Bill S.

No. I am just an "Abnormal CC Member" as usual. ;)

Hmm, does your friend happen to have an Edsel stationwagon? :JEKYLHYDE

But seriously, when you had your shop and told "customers" that if they didn't pay all the back monthly storage fees and pick up their abandoned car, you were going to get a mechanics lien, did any of those customers ever pay back monthly storage fees and pick up their car? Or did you just end up getting a mechanics lien and never hear from them again?

Nedsel 11-18-2021 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by USC_COWBOY (Post 1499630)
Do you have a copy of, or a digital version of the trial documents in the Wesselink court case you refer to in the current history as published in the Leaf Spring Cobra Registry? It seems to me that it is one of the most important documents that should be in the official SAAC Cobra Registry files as factual proof to back up the publication.

Suffice it to say, yes, and I have read them thoroughly.

Nedsel 11-18-2021 01:01 PM

[quote=ZOERA-SC7XX;1499621: Shelby American probably just scrapped the remains and that was that...
All speculation here, but I think the remains in their entirety were scrapped (less engine & trans) and everyone got on with their business. That left Paul's son hanging on...
CSX 2049 is surely a fake and should not be among the true Cobras, but that's for guys like Ned to determine. These are my thoughts and opinions, and are not to be taken as fact.[/QUOTE]

Apparently, everyone has forgotten about the photos dated 4/67 with Lanse Hasselrig IN THEM (see post #38) as well as the photos submitted by Comp Classics of the dismantled car with just the chassis remains showing (see post #5). Clearly, in spite of allegations to the contrary, Shelby American never cannabilized the car and/ or sold off portions so other people could rebuild it.

USC_COWBOY 11-18-2021 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Nedsel (Post 1499637)
Suffice it to say, yes, and I have read them thoroughly.

So what then was in the court documents, I would like a copy of them, how do I go about that? Much has been said that relates back to the CSX2049 chassis, and you are in the opinion that the court was provided evidence to establish a paper title, please make it public as anyone who knows how can get a copy of the trial proceedings and findings.

Help us all out.

Nedsel 11-18-2021 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by USC_COWBOY (Post 1499641)
So what then was in the court documents, I would like a copy of them, how do I go about that? Much has been said that relates back to the CSX2049 chassis, and you are in the opinion that the court was provided evidence to establish a paper title, please make it public as anyone who knows how can get a copy of the trial proceedings and findings.

Help us all out.

I do not believe it is up to me to release court documents relating to someone else's car. If they want to do so, fine.

patrickt 11-18-2021 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nedsel (Post 1499644)
I do not believe it is up to me to release court documents relating to someone else's car. If they want to do so, fine.

Jeez Ned, have him sign an NDA and pledge to return the docs to you if you feel that way. %/

1ntCobra 11-18-2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by patrickt (Post 1499645)
Jeez Ned, have him sign an NDA and pledge to return the docs to you if you feel that way. %/

Patrick aren't you a lawyer? If so, perhaps you might be helpful in pointing out how to get court releated documents.

Here in PA, I wanted to get access to documents related to a Will that my children were named in. The executor of the Will was no help, but then I found out that I could use a county website to search for the documents filed for the Will and then pay to download pdf files related to paperwork filed for the Will. I might have been able to pay with a credit card or paypal.

If we knew something like the who, when and where data for the trial, would it be possible for the average person to download court related documents for this case?

patrickt 11-18-2021 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by 1ntCobra (Post 1499646)
Patrick aren't you a lawyer? If so, perhaps you might be helpful in pointing out how to get court releated documents.

Yes, greatest lawyer on the face of the Earth, next to Jamo. :LOL: The easiest way would be for Ned to just send him the damn stuff.:cool:

Blue66 11-18-2021 03:08 PM

Wonder what junk yard (IF it went to one) it was. I finally got off my butt a got my Cobra Registry out. I knew 2 of the owners. That was a long time ago. :eek:

1ntCobra 11-18-2021 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by mrmustang (Post 1499633)

Are you off your meds, or did you find something buried behind the house that you are looking to claim a CSX number for :LOL:

Asking for a friend. :JEKYLHYDE

Bill S.

Interesting. While walking through my front yard to get the mail and trash cans just a few minutes ago, I saw something sticking up in the dirt. Luckily I always carry a shovel with me in case I encounter something I want to dig up.

And what do you know? After cleaning this off, I wonder if this might be a pedal from an early worm and sector Cobra with some sort of prototype Cobra or Shelby logo on it. I believe that later Cobras pedals came with some other logo most likely designed by Pete Brock.

At this point I think it best that I don't show the other side of the pedal as I would not want to reveal at this time whether or not that side of the pedal has a 4 digit number on it in the 2000-2125 range.

Hmm, I wonder what else might be buried in my yard. :JEKYLHYDE

patrickt 11-18-2021 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by 1ntCobra (Post 1499649)
Hmm, I wonder what else might be buried in my yard. :JEKYLHYDE

Jimmy Hoffa.:cool:

1ntCobra 11-18-2021 03:35 PM

Well I am terrible at keeping secrets. So I will show the back of the pedal.

The pedal with the prototype logo on the front has what appears to be Moon-Eyes and the number 2001 on it. I don't know what the significance of those markings might be.

mrmustang 11-18-2021 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by 1ntCobra (Post 1499636)
No. I am just an "Abnormal CC Member" as usual. ;)

Hmm, does your friend happen to have an Edsel stationwagon? :JEKYLHYDE

But seriously, when you had your shop and told "customers" that if they didn't pay all the back monthly storage fees and pick up their abandoned car, you were going to get a mechanics lien, did any of those customers ever pay back monthly storage fees and pick up their car? Or did you just end up getting a mechanics lien and never hear from them again?

In PA I went straight for the title using the Sections 3352(c) and 3353(c) of the Vehicle Code, once the police sent notice (no charge to me) to the last known owner, I can't remember the length of time required, but I could go to the local notary after summary judgement of the abandonment (again, no cost to me) and it was something like $20-$40 for me to apply for the title. Considering the price of metal at that time, I was always guaranteed to turn a profit. :cool: My tag shop of preference was not that far from the shop, and was always open late during the week. The loved me as my paperwork was always pre printed, and correct for whatever I was doing. No fuss, review, stamp, make a payment, and the titles showed up in the mail two weeks later. You've been to my old shop, I always had room for another abandoned car :D

Bill S.

1ntCobra 11-18-2021 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by ZOERA-SC7XX (Post 1499635)
In all likelihood, Paul bought the Cobra on a handshake and never went back for the title. I myself have bought old race cars the same way (and have been burned).

The Shelby letter about the mechanics lien states that the DMV was contacted. The car was paid off in full at the bank in August 1963. With a bank involved, I am sure there was a title that the bank held onto until the car was paid in full.

At least that's how how banks handle car loans today. The bank is not going to loan you money unless they can hold the title.

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