04-27-2005, 10:48 AM
CC Member
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1
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FFR Daytona Coupe FFR4421 Kit For Sale
I have not been around for a while for a variety of reasons and as explained in the links that I am about to give you, I have to decided to sell my partially assembled Coupe kit. There are 2 web pages at this link where you can see the cost that I have in the kit and the current status. My Club Photo link is provided as well. There are many pictures there showing the quality of the work. This is a great opportunity for someone to cut a lot of time out of their kit assembly, and a lot of the frustrating work, (like fitting all the sheet metals panels) has been done.
Anyway here is the link:
Club Photo link:
There are 2 files there, you should look at both of them. I can be reached at spectral30096@yahoo.com. I can set up a call with anyone who may be interested. Chris