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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 05:58 PM
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Question Roadster vs. Coupe

I seem to find myself wondering why the Coupes just don't seem to be as popular here on the forum.

As a replica builder I have built 2 roadsters and while I loved them both I am finding that building the coupe has been really easy and I am looking forward to getting it finished. Yes it is more expensive to build the coupe but I think the opportunity to drive it in the more adverse weather here in the wet west will more than make up for that.

Is it just the oo-la-la factor of the roadster which for me after several years here on the forum is wearing a bit thin, or the style of the coupe is just not that appealling to most?

Scott S
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 06:35 PM
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I started out wanting a coupe, but quickly found out that there aren't many completed ones for sale (dont have the $ to buy a new Superformance) and I'm not the type that can build one myself. So I bought a BDR from a local dealer (TriState) and while I love it, the lack of a SCCA approved roll bar and the whole weather thing have me thinking of a coupe again.
-- Ray D
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 07:12 PM
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The Coupes are picking up steam in my estimation. I'm with you on the crappy NW weather, and I do have an itch for a project. Now if I can figure out how to convince my wife and save the beans to do it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 07:23 PM
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BDR You live right near me and my buddy. We both have cars......... Open cars. The best for cruising the roads around us (at least when it is nice out)
When it is raining out, cars with big power are useless on our roads. Drive an Audi or whatever in bad weather. Then, when the rain stops.........Hit it in a Cobra!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 07:43 PM
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I LOVE my coupe! cb
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 08:08 PM
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Default Coupe vs roadster

IMHO, I have noticed that it seemed to me a good percentage of owners that build, or had a coupe built for them sold it soon after.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not against them , as a matter of fact,
I wish I had one. I love the look of the car.
But the fact remains that it is a totally different feeling
riding in one, vs the other.
I have a 69 mach one fastback mustang great car,
great condition gets gobs of attention and thumbs up, and I love it!
BUT, it no way it even comes close to giving you the same feeling
as driving an open roadster.
I would suspect it sort of the same feeling (an enclosed car)
if you have ever sat in one of the coupes,
(I sat in a superformance) it is a much more confined feeling.
The side windows slope in and are very close proximity to your shoulders.
I'm kind of a big guy, maybe for road racing, or an occasional cruise
here and there, but overall NOT the same at all.
Kinda like apples and oranges, both are good... just different.
Hey, pass the fruit bowl please...........

The older I get, the faster I was........

So now I'm so fast apparently I appear to be standing still.

Last edited by snake oil; 06-06-2006 at 08:11 PM..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 07:57 PM
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By the way, Scott, don't you need to show us some more pics of your build?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 08:53 PM
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You need one of each: Coupe for rain/cold days, roadster (roaster!) for Sunny days! cb
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2006, 09:13 PM
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Love the coupes & the GT40's. My feeling is that the cobra is a street roadster that was modified to race yet still retained it's street appeal. The Coupes & the 40's were racecars that have been streeted but don't hold the wow factor on the street as does a cobra. Most people would pass the coupes as a kit car, even if it were real for the fact that they have no idea what it is. As a driver & enthusiast I would be happy to have one of each mostly because I "do" know what they are & how they fit into history.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2006, 10:49 AM
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Hi Guys,

Shelby CXS4264 and FFRCoupe #69.....I have an SPF GT40 on order.

Got Both......Love the feeling of the Roadster and the Coupe they have the Same WOW factor, I think the issue around the coupe is that the general public does not recognize it for what it is. I get thumbs up on the road with both of them every time I drive them.

Pics in my Gallery along with some of the SPF GT......the GT 40 I am building will replicate the Gulf oil car #6 winner of Lemans, Mark I, weber carbs etc. etc.

Tony R.

Last edited by Tony Ripepi; 06-07-2006 at 10:52 AM..
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2006, 10:52 AM
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One word that everyone recognizes .....

'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2006, 11:05 AM
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I would love a Coupe over my Roadster, but it comes down to MONEY for me. If a used one came up for sale and it was a SPF, and the price was comparable (dreaming, I know), then I would go with the Coupe. The attention with the Roadster does get annoying for me and the Mrs. Just my humble opinion.
Joe S.-LI Lake Grove
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2006, 07:44 PM
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Different cars. I probably have more fun driving my roadster, but the Coupe is faster and gets a different kind of attention. The roadster sometimes gets disdain for not being 'real' or indicative of a mid-life crisis, but the Coupe *always* gets love.

Of course the coupe is hot, much harder to get in and out of, doesn't sound as good and has visibility issues with the mirrors.

Viva la differences!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2006, 08:08 PM
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We have a relatively large number of roadsters in the Atlanta area, and only 3 running coupes that I know of. Two are Superformance coupes from the local dealer, and mine.

The coupe stands out in a group of Cobras: a stand out among stand-outs. Many people know what it is, and many do not, but all flock to it with questions. Mine is as Dan Elam describes: hot, noisy, tight getting in and very basic: just like the originals (I was fortunate enough to see one live at Amelia Island Concours a few years ago, later driven to the judges stand by Dan Gurney and Pete Brock-have the autographs on the official programs to prove it!)

I do have a roadster as well (Unique FE) and love driving it on nice days. But I tend to go to the coupe, even on hot days. Just calls to me!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2006, 10:06 PM
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There were three times the number of coupes at our little gathering this year as compared to last year. I am definitely seeing more of them now. I believe its partly due to the fact they really have only been out for a while as compared to roadsters, so you might want to check again in a few years.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2006, 03:20 PM
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Wink Roadsters are fun, Coupes are serious!

I couldn't help replying to this thread when I spotted it after listing my coupe for sale on the forum.
Made me stop and think about it for awhile - and here's my take.
I've got two roadsters in addition to my #21 Coupe, one a new custom-spec'd out BackDraft with a 390 crate (I got it as a "street cruiser," with all the extra body stuff) so I purposely didn't put a 427R in it.
I just went to the car show last Sunday at Reptile Roundup in Sebring (didn't run the Coupe this time) and noticed that all of the 50 or so roadsters all looked good sitting there in a variety of configs and colors.
Roadster replicas always at least look like Cobras, and many are probably "better" than the original, but they are all different, and typically represent a collection of components that is someone's idea of correct.
The Brock Coupe is an upgrade of the original LeMans winning design, where Peter got a second chance to get it perfected.
In other words, the coupe is an integrated design, totally engineered, with a top-of-the-line racing pedigree.
I discovered that mine was a totally different car after I had expert techs go through it, and got it adjusted to suit my size and driving style. So, just sitting in someone else's coupe, or even driving it, won't reveal the truth.
Getting the pedals adjusted for my heel and toe style was critical to my satisfaction, and the techs got it perfect. Tires matter a lot!
My ad's up at:
and it tells the story why I'm selling (moving to an island).
This is the one I will miss the most. Part of it is the heritage, part is the "look" which I and apparently many others think is the best ever coupe design, like an upgrade from a Ferrari GTO that looks a little "busy" by comparison, but what I will miss most is the "feel."
You might say the Coupe has all the "rowdy" of many roadsters, but with a sophisticated element that roadsters lack.
Every time I get in that car, I'm taken back to the sixties with memories of reading Denis Jenkinson's book "The Racing Driver" when I was a broke kid, and ogling guys like Miles and Gurney. It's all there, somehow, in that car.
There's a definite difference. You feel like you're in a "race car." It always feels like it wants to do the right thing (goes where you point it as the magazine cliche states).
I had one of the first 1971 Datsun 240Z coupes, and the Brock reminds of that car. Similar driving feel, but way more zip, control, and looks.
I guess it's mostly a "head trip."
One more thing, nobody ever asked me if it was "real." They do, however, ask "WHAT IS THAT?!"
It's a different experience throughout, and I think, superior in satisfaction to roadsters, especially if you happen to be in a "serious" mood and want to do some driving rather than cruising. Great to have the A/C on as well!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2006, 04:33 AM
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Snake oil is correct..........the coupe is more refined....even though I'm considering one....

Remember!, there's a huge difference between a 'parts' changer, and a mechanic.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2006, 07:45 PM
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I just wish I was as refined as the coupe.

Scott S
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2006, 09:36 AM
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A Coupe is a car that most people have never seen before. Most think that it's some kind of Ferrari. Whenever I park mine, when I come back, there's alway a crowd and people taking pictures. It draws attention like s... draws flies!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2006, 03:51 PM
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That is why I have put subtle Ford stickers on it. cb
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