The SCCA Octoberfast Autocross is now history, and so are my chances for a trophy this year! Ruble Moore came out Saturday with his Hunter Cobra to do battle with me and other Cobras. Unfortunately, no other Cobras came to run. We did have a competetor in form of a '93 Mazda RX7 w/blower! he ran away and hid from us easily! Our best run was a sorry 64.387 seconds to his best of 57.365! Not even in the same ball park I am sorry to say!
Ruble did well to run his car after putting more miles on it at Gainesville than he has on the street! He improved his times during the day and came respecfully close to mine.
Jon Gosnel (Unique)l came out with Cobra to spectate on Saturday and Bill Miller (FFR) came out to kabitz on Sunday. Thanks to both for at least showing up to give support to our brave team! Brave, albeit, slow on autocross times!
I called Bill Parham today and told him I had a small bone to pick with him on my new engine. It's supoposed to put out about 525hp, but, the course marshall crew said every time they saw me put my foot in it coming out of a turn, the entire front end got airbourne! On more carefull examination of two of them, they admitted only seeing the left front tire off the track entirely. I told Bill I don't understand how you can do this with only 535hp? I thought it took over six hundred to do a wheelie!
Bill said it was his very first complaint about putting out "too much power:! At any rate, I can't drive it competitively in an autocross. Maybe next time I'll try third gear to lessen the torque effects on accelleration!
It was very good fun, anyway, win or lose, and the rest of you missed out on some good fun.