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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2008, 08:06 AM
CC Member
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Jupiter, Fl
Cobra Make, Engine: FFR 302
Posts: 28
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Default Reptile Roundup

Good Morning to you “track drivers” out there in DSCC land,

If you have no intention of running your cobra on a brand new Florida road track, there is no need to read further.

However, if you want to have a blast exploring your cobras ability and your own personal limits, read on. Here is the deal. The club needs eight (8) more drivers to make the payment for renting the track. If 8 drivers do not register prior to Monday September 22nd , the club will be forced to open the track event to the Viper/Vette/Mustang/SVTOA clubs to pay in full our track rental fee on October 6.

So, the ball is in your court. This weekend would be the time to complete that registration for your November 6th and 7th track days and come play with your cobra buddies. As a paid member, this is one of the best deals you will ever get for the new Bradford 2 mile, 12 turn road course in Starke, Florida. The savings is $150 over the ‘normal’ track fees. The rest of the deal, if you want to have 2-drivers in the same car in the same run group, it is two-for-one pricing. Two drivers for two days, both in the same run group in one car—only $500. Do the math, that is $250/driver for 2 days of track time or $125/day. Second driver does not need to be a paid member of the DSCC—(Offer good only on September 20 & 21)

For those members that have already signed up for the 2-day event, THANK YOU for supporting your DSCC. I would ask that you call/email your local buddies and tell them to get off the fence and register this weekend.

It is time to step up to the plate and support your club. Click here to register for paid members-have your password ready. If you have not paid your dues click pay your dues first to get your password for the 15% discount. I can’t make it any easier than this to sign up. Do it now, or miss one of the best track events of the year.

See ya on November 5th at the host hotel-Sleep Inn in Waldo, FL

There is no need to make reservations at this new hotel, as they are not open until mid October and have no phones. The DSCC has a hold on 30 rooms and the hotel can handle any overage.

Send your questions or comments to:

Thank you,

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