Another DVSF come and gone. And what an event it was

GREAT group of people, fun loving, easy going, helpful and able to roll with the punches.
It was very nice to finally meet many of you. There where so many more that I wanted to meet but didn't get a chance. Next year, right?
Did you enjoy the CobraX on Friday????? I sure as he!! did! Get out and join your local SCCA and get those times down!
So many people helped in this event. Since I helped with the Friday CobraX, I would like to bring up a few. 20 members of the OVR SCCA took time off of work to put on an event for us and to help out CF. Not one of them saw a dime from the event. SCCA did not even charge us. The only thing we really had to do was bring some caution tape and rim the course with it. The rest was all them!
Craig and Becky Wollenslegel headed up the SCCA group. If you would like to thank them your self:
As most of you know there where some issues. A misunderstanding with OSU cut our course in half and shut down the lot for us and the vendors to park. There was a BIG beautiful course set up that took up the entire lot. When we found out that OSU was not going to bend the SCCA folks set straight to work and made a new course for us. Given the time and space, I don't think they could have done better.
There was also a problem with the minor waivor. The whole event could have been shut down because of an individuals unwillingness to cooperate. While the problem was finally resolved, this is not an issue open for debate. It is an SCCA event.
Noise. Seems we where a bit to noisy for some folks. Craig and Becky are having to do a little damage control. It would be tragic if we caused SCCA to loose that site.
Assuming there is a next year (man do I hope so!), we are talking about moving out to OSU's Don Scott airport (just another 15 minutes up the road). It is a big facility and SCCA can set up a real nice course out there. It has four runways up to 5000+ feet all 33% wider than Madison County airport plus all the taxi ways ramps, etc. Plus it is an airport, we can make as much noise as we want! This is very, very preliminary.
Good times folks!