Yeah, you would think that would work a 100% of the time too!
Fact is, that doesn't always work as well as we would like. Ever changing traction limits for one. Cement vs asphalt, painted surface vs bare. A little dampness, some dust or sand, or just a slick spot. I've been surprised at times by all of the above!
A recent example, this car STILL catches me by surprise after years of driving it. I short shifted into 2nd purposely to keep the rpm's low and avoid any possible wheel spin while running an errand around town. Dang, if they didn't break loose anyway as soon as I shifted! I was like, "Well what the heck do I have to do to make it stop that!"
A few weeks ago, going out for coffee in the morning, one eye barely open and needing my fix bad, I shifted casually into 2nd as I turned through the intersection. I was a bit, just a BIT, deeper in the throttle than I realized. Never a good idea to shift in a corner, but... It not only broke loose, the back end started to come around. You know how embarrasing that is, in the morning, when folks are just trying to get to work? Here is this crazy guy "hooning it" in the intersection. Shessh, I was driving nice, minding my own business, man, I gotta get some tires. That side oiler is a torque freakin' monster.