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05-06-2003, 07:13 PM
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ERA (GT40) wannabe
Similar assembly issues as "ERA wannabe" below but substitute GT40 for 289 FIA please.

05-06-2003, 07:47 PM
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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Dear Pav:
Much the same applies as with the 427SC and FIA: ie good manual, bolt together assembly, good support, etc. BUT it is a far more complex car with more systems (airconditioning, heater, etc.) There are more adjustments to be made in setting up the suspension. Paint is more expensive because there is both the inside and the outside to be done and there are more panels to be aligned, more edges to be finished. ...and if you have "square hands" like mine, it is tougher to get them into the small spaces inside the dash.
Morty MacTavish
PS: The new "run" of stainless GT tubs are in and Bob Putnam has engineered an adjustable steering column and pedal assembly. The floor has reinforced and other tweeks to make the cars even better. All n' all steady improvements since I did ERAGT2038 in 1992

05-12-2003, 03:41 PM
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Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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Just an update on plans for Carlisle the end of this week.
We (I'm informed by PEPI Portante) will be taking a GT40 rolling chassis to Carlisle.
How do I know this you ask?
I know this because PEPI called (in his usual high state of lather) to ask if he could use some Goodyear race rubber that I have sitting up at the shop. "It'll look really neat" (he sez). My reply was that I was overjoyed that he had even bothered to take the time to call me up to ask...
All 'n all, it should be an interesting piece; Gurney/Weber motor etc. Gulf colors, pin drives, the works...
Last edited by Jim Holden; 05-12-2003 at 03:45 PM..

05-13-2003, 08:22 AM
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Morty (Jim?),
Thanks so much for your replies. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend Carlisle and see the display.
I'm really trying to keep the GT40 faith as I really think they are the "cat's ass." However, we are almost finished building a house that has consumed a ton of money (but has a six car garage) and energy and the wife has turned up w/ kid. I've been on the ERA GT40 list for about 4 years now (a record?)  and was hoping to be in line to order this spring. The only thing working for me is mortgage rates are way low and I already have a ZF.
Eventually (hopefully) I'd like to order the car as a roller and so would really like to see some images of ERA's set-up in PA. Would you be so kind as to take some pics and post them? Perhaps Bob and or Peter will put them on their site.

05-13-2003, 09:07 AM
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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Will do what I can to get some pictures of the setup at Carlisle.
As to time on the list.... I was on for my first car from 1986 to 92 when I took delivery of 2038. I have been on the list ever since for a MKII version, which ERA has now completed except for the T44 gearbox.
PS: "Morty" is a very inside thing with a couple of long time ERA repeat offenders... really gains nothing in the re-telling.
PPS: ...and the only real problem I see looming for you is the spouse with the excess baggage thing....

05-13-2003, 11:00 AM
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I'm glad that you see some reason for optmism. I only have one kid currently (she's a two-year-old) and am frequently tempted to break out some meds and play "anesthesia...the home game."
I very much enjoy looking at your car on ERA's website I have marginal color vision but its dark green w/ yellow, correct?. What sort of arrangement are you using as driving lights? They appear to be aircraft landing jobs. Also, any probs w/ running tires that wide on the street?

05-13-2003, 12:30 PM
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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Yep, you've picked out the car! The light arrangement on the car is now an ERA (PEPI Portante "it'll cost ya a couple of Pintos) option. It is a visual duplication of the lights on "1075".
My (former) car has both the wide front and rear flare option. I had original BRM mag (still available in England... $ by the inch) wheels 15x10" fronts and 15x14" rears. I could not find any street tires for that size (rear) wheel so ran the Dunlops. They were fine on the street; decent tread and sticky. I MIGHT run 12" wide on the rear of the next MKI I build rather than the 14" just to have some choice of DOT street tire.
PS: The car is now in California. I'm given to understand that the engine builder for the new owner took it out and the back blew off at 120 mph because had forgotten to latch it down....
PPS: You ARE on PEPI's list aren't you? You know the DEAD SEA SCROLLS that he maintains as the "master list" of customers and their position in line?
Last edited by Jim Holden; 05-14-2003 at 02:23 PM..

05-23-2003, 05:04 AM
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Sorry for the delayed reply. Yes I am on the "scroll". I guess I'm in a (self-imposed) perpetual ground-effect and am worried about landing it before the end of the run-way.
So, did you you have your car inspected w/ the non-DOT Dunlops or did you substitute some others for the inspection?
Also, did you take any pics at Carlisle? If so, could you post them somewhere?

05-23-2003, 06:42 AM
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Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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I did not have the car inspected with the Dunlops.
At Carlisle I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of the "roller" GT, but will call ERA and ask Bryan to take some pictures and e-mail to you.
Quote of the show (after looking at all of the ERA cars): "Gee you guys don't spare any money on your motors do you."

05-23-2003, 11:10 AM
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To get the pics would be great.
From what I can gather, the person making the motor remark could have easily substituted nearly any part of an ERA. They (ERAs) clearly are not for those other than the full tilt crowd.

05-23-2003, 01:19 PM
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Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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The comment (essentially) on doing it right and not spare any expense (within reason) is something that sooner or later pays off. When I started in on my first car many years ago (#160) my thought was to do just a straight forward street machine. No stripes, bolt on wheels and a 428ci motor. the only "extras" were a Doug Nash 4+1, a roll bar and side pipes. It didn't take long to aspire to more.... all it took was a couple of car shows. And its been the goal ever since to build the very best car that I can without going out of a budget; the budget of what the market will reasonably support. It is for that reason that my Gurney headed motor in my FIA will go into my next GT, At $20K+ it's too expensive a motor to stay in the FIA.

05-23-2003, 03:15 PM
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besides....after 4 years in the FIA car...its not even broken in...
Has it ever been fired....?...
The ittsy bittsy motor in the other Team Farcus car will be coming out soon....it has about 30 hrs....
Marty...come south to the Mid America meet in June...bring Cheeks and his boat anchor with you....leave PEPI at home...not enough food...

05-24-2003, 07:01 AM
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Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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At Carlisle, 2045's odometer ticked over 128 miles... that's right I've added 2 tenths since last year!
PS: I am thinking about throwing the block away (saving the guts) and getting me one a them aluminium thangs to put in the GT.

05-27-2003, 05:08 AM
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It would be easier to push that way.....
50 psi in the tires will help also...

05-28-2003, 05:53 AM
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Location: White Plains,,
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA140, ERA 267, ERA GT2038, ERA FIA 2045, ERAGT2077 ERA2893000EXP
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And just where do you Texas boys designate as "Mid America" this year? Okla-freekan-homa?
And just when in June is this frolic?
At my age and stage, I don't travel anywhere without my faithful one-eyed Italian navigator and social scene* interpreter.
I also need someone to hand me a libation (and sandwich) or two as we cruise America's highways...
PS: The survey of truck stop waitresses goes something like this: "Any tattoos? ...body piercings? ...how many kids? ...are ya married? How many times?" We've found that the further south we go, the number in each category goes up dramatically.
Last edited by Jim Holden; 05-28-2003 at 10:11 AM..

05-28-2003, 02:50 PM
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Morty.....Mid Am meet is June 19-22 in Tulsa....Frannie and I will make it as far as Hallett. Will camp out under the '56 flatbed..assuming it makes it that far. We will be bringing the Team Farcus car for the Vintage race on Friday...assuming the ittsy bittsy 289 still has any poop left in if after practice on Thursday.
GT-40 will probably stay at home and rest....the tires are bald and rear wheel pin holes have been elongated about as far as possible...
Will have the following items to scare away boredom while not racing:
BBQ'd pork ribs
German Sauches
Grilled burgers
Hot sauce (no wimpy yankee stuff)
Ice cream
Late 60's style head banger music
Plenty of liberal discussions on various politically correct subjects.
Saturday will be a recovery day or more track if the car's not broke.
Showers are available at the track...or decient rooms about 20 minutes away...or you can go back to Tulsa.
Sunday will be car show....the Team Farcus car will be headed back south by then.
PS...once you pass Arkansas....the tatoos...#of marriages...#of kids...#of inlaw's that are blood related....seems to drop off a bit....
If you come down...make sure you keep the I-tie on a short leash....adding to the local gene pool would spell big problems.

05-28-2003, 05:20 PM
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Thanks for the info. One of these years, before they put me in a box with the lid screwed on tight, I hope to make it out to that part of the country.
I do trust yer old flatbed will make it. Take along the trusty Brownie Camera and take some pictures.
As to Super Mario, I'm given to understand that at his advanced age he rarely unholsters his revolver and when he does he only shoots blanks.
Ps: Speaking of PEPI, he was on the phone to me today nattering something about a tub, talk to Teddy, get him going, call Tony tell him not to screw around, etc. etc. and no I couldn't sell the team Farcus "T" car to pay for the new GT.

05-29-2003, 05:34 AM
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...hope you can make it sometime...need to bring Cheeks and that antique boat anchor he pushes around the track. I'm sure the flat bed will make it....I got a new used mudgrip for the right front....5 gal of oil, couple jugs of water, and a can of fix-a-flat just in case. As a last resort, Frannie can always go for help. This weekend we are headed for TWS for a tune up to bed new brake pads and scuff a new set of tires. The Vintage race will be tough this year....the car has gained weight and the drivers seat has gotten tighter.
I'll make sure the Brownie has a fresh roll of film...there should be plenty of "subjects".
The GT-40 will also be going to TWS this weekend...a few weeks ago at Hallett we were dumping oil from the breathers and got black flagged...Hopefully new catch cans will solve that problem...The addition of a second oil cooler and under the car ducting seems to keep the dinojuice tempature under control...
Now...if I can just get PEPI to send me the new rear wheels we can breath a bit easier. 35 year old Halibrand's with slots where the pin holes are supposed to be, does not make for a comfortable ride at triple digit speeds.....
See you soon
PS....My GT-350 should be ready in about a month, it's at Walt Hane's shop in Evergreen.....whats the status on yours....the Farcus stable is getting fuller.

05-29-2003, 08:23 AM
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The "big" project this year was the reconstruction of a used tobacco barn down behind the big house with the goal of providing a space so that I can bring all my peripatetic children home. What with a real winter here this year, construction got slowed a bit, but we've finally got the building closed in and a door on. In theory, if I stacked everything two high I could fit 12 of my children in, but my nephew has already managed to slip his Molatov Mercedes in for a blown head gasket job.
PEPI is after me to store body molds in the rafters...
As to various projects; the J10 challenge continues, various terrarium Porsche'i (I have had several clients that seem to be able to pay their fees only with old worn out Porsches that cost me more to restore than they're worth) diversions occupy space and Teddy T. swears that we're getting close on the Faux Racing Team Bogus GT350R... last we spoke he mumbled something about cutting the roof off so he can weld in the cage. Each time we speak there is always something else. The last was that his brother had endo'd their mothers Olds and that was dragged into the truck garage for rebuilding blocking all access to the Faux GT350.
And so it goes...
My best to the Missus.
PS: If you need a "wide body" R model seat, let me know; I've got them in XL and XXL sizes. But as I recall, you've got one of the skinnest little butts in captivity. What ja want to do, ride around in the same bucket with the Missus, you ol' dog you?
Last edited by Jim Holden; 05-29-2003 at 01:30 PM..
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